


 SPropValue PropValue_RP = {0};
 GUID guid = {0};
 guid.Data1 = 0x00062002;
 guid.Data4[0] = 0xC0;
 guid.Data4[7] = 0x46;
 ULONG type, id = 0;

ZeroMemory(&PropValue_RP , sizeof(SPropValue));

LPSPropTagArray lpSpropTag_RecurrencePattern = NULL;
 MAPINAMEID NameID_RecurrencePattern = {&guid, MNID_ID, {NULL}};  //{GUID,ulKind,union{ID,strName}Kind}
 NameID_RecurrencePattern.Kind.lID=0x8216;  //RecurrencePattern
 LPMAPINAMEID lpNameID_NameID_RecurrencePattern = &NameID_RecurrencePattern;

hr = lpMessage->GetIDsFromNames(1, &lpNameID_NameID_RecurrencePattern, NULL, &lpSpropTag_RecurrencePattern);
 type = PT_BINARY ;
 id = PROP_ID(lpSpropTag_RecurrencePattern->aulPropTag[0]); //0x8182---〉0x8021
 PropValue_RP.ulPropTag = PROP_TAG(type, id);

WORD wTmp = pOutlookScheduler->Repeat;
 BYTE tmp =   ((BYTE)(wTmp >> 8));
 int iiiii = sizeof(SPropValue);

hr = MAPIAllocateBuffer( 80/*sizeof(SPropValue)*/,
  (LPVOID *)&PropValue_RP.Value.bin.lpb);
 ZeroMemory(PropValue_RP.Value.bin.lpb , 80/*sizeof(SPropValue)*/);

现在就是要修改PropValue_RP.Value.bin.lpb 使得重复生效



All position offsets are from the beginning of the 0x8216 MAPI ID. The
existence of this MAPI ID with nonzero length should signify a recurrence.

week_table {
        0x02 = Monday
        0x04 = Tuesday
        0x08 = Wednesday
        0x10 = Thursday
        0x20 = Friday
        0x40 = Saturday
        0x01 = Sunday

Bitwise OR of above makes multiple selection of days

month_table {
        0x0000 = January
        0x60AE = February
        0xE04B = March
        0x40FA = April
        0x00A3 = May
        0x6051 = June
        0x20FA = July
        0x80A8 = August
        0xE056 = September
        0xA0FF = October
        0x00AE = November
        0xC056 = December

switch on value of position 0x04
        case 0x0A
        case 0x0B
        case 0x0C
        case 0x0D

sub daily_occurrence {
        # There are 2 types of daily recurrences
        # 1 - Every X days
        # 2 - Every weekday (Mon-Fri)
        # Each can have either an indefinite period, or end after Y
        # recurrences

if position 0x16 == (0x23 or 0x22 or 0x21)
                # This is type 1 above
                X = value for MAPI Code: [UD:x0011]
                if position 0x16 == 0x23
                        no ending period (indefinite)
                elsif position 0x16 == (0x22 or 0x21)
                        Y = positions 0x1B 0x1A
                        # (i.e. if 0x1B = 0x03, and 0x1A = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

elsif position 0x16 == 0x3E
                # This is type 2 above
                if position 0x1A == 0x23
                        no ending period (indefinite)
                elsif position 0x1A == (0x22 or 0x21)
                        Y = positions 0x1F 0x1E
                        # (i.e. if 0x1F = 0x03, and 0x1E = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

sub weekly_recurrence {
        # Every X week(s) on Y day
        # (Y is day of week, e.g. Monday)
        # There can be an indefinite period, or end after Z recurrences

X = position 0x0E
        Y = position 0x16 (according to week_table above)

if position 0x1A == 0x23
                no ending period (indefinite)
        elsif position 0x1A == (0x22 or 0x21)
                Z = positions 0x1F 0x1E
                # (i.e. if 0x1F = 0x03, and 0x1E = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

sub monthly_recurrence {
        # There are 2 types of monthly recurrences
        # 1 - Day X of every Y month(s)
        # 2 - The Xth Y of every Z month(s)
        # (where X is First,Second,Third,Fourth,Last and
        # Y is Dayname,Weekday,Weekend Day,Day (any))
        # Each can have either an indefinite period, or end after N
        # recurrences

if position 0x06 == 0x02
                # This is type 1 above
                X = position 0x16
                Y = position 0x0E
                if position 0x1A == 0x23
                        no ending period (indefinite)
                elsif position 0x1A == (0x22 or 0x21)
                        N = positions 0x1F 0x1E
                        # (i.e. if 0x1F = 0x03, and 0x1E = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

elsif position 0x06 == 0x03
                # This is type 2 above
                X = position 0x1A (0x01 = First ... 0x05 = Last)
                Y = position 0x16 (according to week_table above)

# Y can also take the following special values not in week_table:
                # 0x7F = any day (i.e. 2nd day of month)
                # 0x3E = weekday (Mon-Fri)
                # 0x41 = weekend day (Sat, Sun)

Z = position 0x0E

if position 0x1E == 0x23
                        no ending period (indefinite)
                elsif position 0x1E == (0x22 or 0x21)
                        N = positions 0x23 0x22
                        # (i.e. if 0x23 = 0x03, and 0x22 = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

sub yearly_recurrence {
        # There are 2 types of yearly recurrences
        # 1 - Every X Y
        # (where X is month name, Y is day number)
        # 2 - The Xth Y of Z
        # (where X is First,Second,Third,Fourth,Last and Y
        # Y is Dayname,Weekday,Weekend Day,Day (any) and Z is month name)
        # Each can have either an indefinite period, or end after N
        # recurrences

if position 0x06 == 0x02
                # This is type 1 above
                X = positions 0x0A 0x0B (according to month_table above)
                Y = position 0x16

if position 0x1A == 0x23
                        no ending period (indefinite)
                elsif position 0x1A == (0x22 or 0x21)
                        N = positions 0x1F 0x1E
                        # (i.e. if 0x1F = 0x03, and 0x1E = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

elsif position 0x06 == 0x03
                # This is type 2 above
                X = position 0x1A (0x01 = First ... 0x05 = Last)
                Y = position 0x16 (according to week_table above)

# Y can also take the following special values not in week_table:
                # 0x7F = any day (i.e. 2nd day of month)
                # 0x3E = weekday (Mon-Fri)
                # 0x41 = weekend day (Sat, Sun)

Z = positions 0x0A 0x0B (according to month_table above)

if position 0x1E == 0x23
                        no ending period (indefinite)
                elsif position 0x1E = (0x22 or 0x21)
                        N = positions 0x23 0x22
                        # (i.e. if 0x23 = 0x03, and 0x22 = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)


Daily Occurrences

Position 0x04 = 0x0A always

Position        0x0A    0x0B    0x0C    0x0D    0x0E    0x0F    0x10
Every 1 day     0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0xA0    0x05    0x00
Every 2 days    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x40    0x0B    0x00
Every 3 days    0xA0    0x05    0x00    0x00    0xE0    0x10    0x00
Every 4 days    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x80    0x16    0x00
Every 16 days   0x80    0x16    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x5A    0x00
Every 999 days  0x60    0x1E    0x09    0x00    0x60    0xF3    0x15

0x16 =
        (0x23 or 0x22) every X days
        0x3E every weekday

X = value for MAPI Code: [UD:x0011]

Ending time logic:
If position 0x16 == 0x23
        No end (indefinite)
elsif position 0x16 == 0x22
        num of occurrences = 0x1B 0x1A
        (i.e. if 0x1B = 0x03, and 0x1A = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)
elsif position 0x16 == 0x3E
        if position 0x1A == 0x23
                No end (indefinite)
        elsif position 0x1A == 0x22
                num of occurrences = 0x1F 0x1E
                (i.e. if 0x1F = 0x03, and 0x1E = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

Weekly Occurrences

Position 0x04 = 0x0B always

These byte positions seem to designate how often recurrence occurs
99 = max week interval
Position        0x0A    0x0B    0x0C    0x0E
Every 1 week    0xC0    0x21    0x00    0x01
Every 2 weeks   0x20    0x49    0x00    0x02
Every 3 weeks   0x20    0x49    0x00    0x03
Every 9 weeks   0x40    0xBF    0x00    0x09
Every 10 weeks  0x60    0x35    0x01    0x0A
Every 99 weeks  0x20    0xAB    0x07    0x63

Every 1 week, these byte positions seem to indicate weekday

Position        0x16    0x2E    0x2F
Monday          0x02    0x40    0xD3
Tuesday         0x04    0xE0    0xD8
Wednesday       0x08    0x80    0xDE
Thursday        0x10    0x20    0xE4
Friday          0x20    0xC0    0xE9
Saturday        0x40    0x60    0xEF
Sunday          0x01    0x00    0xF5

Weekly Occurrence = Position 0x04 = 0x0B

Every X weeks on weekday Y
X = Position 0x0E
Y = Position 0x16
        0x02 = Monday
        0x04 = Tuesday
        0x08 = Wednesday
        0x10 = Thursday
        0x20 = Friday
        0x40 = Saturday
        0x01 = Sunday

Ending time
Position        0x1A    0x1E    0x1F    0x32    0x33    0x34    0x35
no end          0x23    0x0A    0x00    0xDF    0x80    0xE9    0x5A
1 occurrence    0x22    0x01    0x00    0xE0    0xD8    0xA3    0x0C
2 occurrences   0x22    0x02    0x00    0x40    0x00    0xA4    0x0C
9 occurrences   0x22    0x09    0x00    0xE0    0x13    0xA5    0x0C
10 occurrences  0x22    0x0A    0x00    0x40    0x3B    0xA5    0x0C
11 occurrences  0x22    0x0B    0x00    0xA0    0x62    0xA5    0x0C
231 occurrences 0x22    0xE7    0x00    0x20    0x39    0xC7    0x0C
232 occurrences 0x22    0xE8    0x00    0x80    0x60    0xC7    0x0C
998 occurrences 0x22    0xE6    0x03    0xC0    0x31    0x3D    0x0D
999 occurrences 0x22    0xE7    0x03    0x20    0x59    0x3D    0x0D

Ending time logic:
If position 0x1A == 0x23
        No end (indefinite)
elsif position 0x1A == 0x22
        num of occurrences = 0x1F 0x1E
        (i.e. if 0x1F = 0x03, and 0x1E = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

Ending date goes by same logic as above. Number of occurrences is calculated
by Outlook, and there is no end date value stored.

Monthly Recurrences

Position 0x04 = 0x0C always

Position                0x04    0x0E    0x16    0x2E    0x2F
6th, every 1 month      0x0C    0x01    0x06    0x00    0x4F
16th, every 1 month     0x0C    0x01    0x10    0xE0    0xD8
16th, every 2 month     0x0C    0x02    0x10    0xE0    0xD8
17th, every 1 month     0x0C    0x01    0x11    0x80    0xDE
28th, every 1 month     0x0C    0x01    0x1C    0x60    0x1C
31st, every 1 month     0x0C    0x01    0x1F    0x40    0x2D

0x06 = 0x02
0x16 = day of month
0x0E = every X month

Ending time logic:
If position 0x1A == 0x23
        No end (indefinite)
elsif position 0x1A == 0x22
        num of occurrences = 0x1F 0x1E
        (i.e. if 0x1F = 0x03, and 0x1E = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

Position                        0x04    0x06    0x0E    0x16    0x1A
Every 1 month, 3rd Tuesday      0x0C    0x03    0x01    0x04    0x03
Every 1 month, 4th Tuesday      0x0C    0x03    0x01    0x04    0x04
Every 1 month, last Tuesday     0x0C    0x03    0x01    0x04    0x05
Every 99 months, last Tuesday   0x0C    0x03    0x63    0x04    0x05
Every 2 months, 2nd Wednesday   0x0C    0x03    0x02    0x08    0x02
Every 2 months, 2nd day         0x0C    0x03    0x02    0x7F    0x02
Every 2 months, 2nd weekday     0x0C    0x03    0x02    0x3E    0x02
Every 2 months, 2nd weekendday  0x0C    0x03    0x02    0x41    0x02

0x06 = 0x03 when using Every X month, Yth Z day of week
0x16 = Z day of week (as above)
        0x7F = any day (i.e. 2nd day of month)
        0x3E = weekday (Mon-Fri)
        0x41 = weekend day (Sat, Sun)

0x1A = Yth day (0x01 = First ... 0x05 = Last)
0x0E = every X month

Ending time logic:
If position 0x1E == 0x23
        No end (indefinite)
elsif position 0x1E == 0x22
        num of occurrences = 0x23 0x22
        (i.e. if 0x23 = 0x03, and 0x22 = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

Yearly Occurrences

Position 0x04 = 0x0D always

Position                0x04    0x0C    0x16    0x30
Every 1 year, 03-16     0x0D    0x01    0x10    0xA3
Every 1 year, 04-16     0x0D    0x01    0x10    0xA4
Every 1 year, 05-16     0x0D    0x01    0x10    0xA5

0x06 = 0x02
0x0A 0x0B = month
0x16 = day number

Ending time logic:
If position 0x1A == 0x23
        No end (indefinite)
elsif position 0x1A == 0x22
        num of occurrences = 0x1F 0x1E
        (i.e. if 0x1F = 0x03, and 0x1E = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

Position                0x04    0x1A    0x16    0x0A    0x0B    0x32    0x33    0x34
1st Tuesday of January  0x0D    0x01    0x04    0x00    0x00    0x20    0x4F    0xA2
1st Tuesday of February 0x0D    0x01    0x04    0x60    0xAE    0x20    0xEC    0xAA
2nd Tuesday of March    0x0D    0x02    0x04    0xE0    0x4B    0x80    0xB1    0xA3
3rd Tuesday of March    0x0D    0x03    0x04    0xE0    0x4B    0x60    0xD8    0xAB
3rd Tuesday of April    0x0D    0x03    0x04    0x40    0xFA    0xC0    0x9D    0xA4
3rd Tuesday of May      0x0D    0x03    0x04    0x00    0xA3    0x40    0x3B    0xA5
2nd Tuesday of May      0x0D    0x02    0x04    0x00    0xA3    0x60    0x13    0xAD
1st Tuesday of June     0x0D    0x01    0x04    0x60    0x51    0x00    0x8A    0xA5
1st Tuesday of July     0x0D    0x01    0x04    0x20    0xFA    0xE0    0x4E    0xA6
1st Tuesday of August   0x0D    0x01    0x04    0x80    0xA8    0x60    0xEC    0xA6
1st Tuesday of Septemb  0x0D    0x01    0x04    0xE0    0x56    0x40    0xB1    0xA7
1st Tuesday of October  0x0D    0x01    0x04    0xA0    0xFF    0xC0    0x4E    0xA8
1st Tuesday of Novemb   0x0D    0x01    0x04    0x00    0xAE    0x40    0xEC    0xA8
1st Tuesday of Decemb   0x0D    0x01    0x04    0xC0    0x56    0x20    0xB1    0xA9

0x06 = 0x03 when using Every Xth Y day of Z month
0x1A = X
0x16 = Y day of week (as above)
        0x7F = any day (i.e. 2nd day of month)
        0x3E = weekday (Mon-Fri)
        0x41 = weekend day (Sat, Sun)

0x0A 0x0B = Z month
        0x0000 = January
        0x60AE = February
        0xE04B = March
        0x40FA = April
        0x00A3 = May
        0x6051 = June
        0x20FA = July
        0x80A8 = August
        0xE056 = September
        0xA0FF = October
        0x00AE = November
        0xC056 = December

Ending time logic:
If position 0x1E == 0x23
        No end (indefinite)
elsif position 0x1E == 0x22
        num of occurrences = 0x23 0x22
        (i.e. if 0x23 = 0x03, and 0x22 = 0xE7, num = 0x03E7 = 999 occurrences)

Outlook only sends cancellation when deleting recurrence, not specific entry

最后Force save 一下就可以了







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