
If you use Google Calendar but also use Outlook for calendar items as well as email and contacts, you might be looking for a way to keep the two calendars in sync. Look no further. We will show you how to do this using a free tool.

如果您使用Google日历,还使用Outlook来处理日历项目以及电子邮件和联系人,则您可能正在寻找一种使两个日历保持同步的方法。 别再看了。 我们将向您展示如何使用免费工具执行此操作。

In this article, we will sync entries in a Google Calendar with our Outlook calendar, so the Google Calendar will be the source and the Outlook calendar will be the target. You can also sync Outlook calendar entries with your Google Calendar.

在本文中,我们将Google日历中的条目与Outlook日历同步,因此Google日历将成为源,而Outlook日历将成为目标。 您还可以将Outlook日历条目与Google日历同步。

To begin, visit the “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” downloads page and download the “ClickOnce Installer” file. It’s a “.application” installation file, rather than a “.exe” or “.msi” installation file. However, it is run the same way, so double-click on the file.

首先,请访问“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”下载页面并下载“ ClickOnce Installer”文件。 它是“ .application”安装文件,而不是“ .exe”或“ .msi”安装文件。 但是,它以相同的方式运行,因此双击该文件。

On the “Application Install – Security Warning” dialog box, click “Install”.


NOTE: We installed it and determined it’s a safe program. We wouldn’t recommend an unsafe program.

注意:我们已安装它,并确定它是一个安全程序。 我们不建议您使用不安全的程序。

A progress dialog box displays as the installation progresses.


The “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” splash screen displays briefly.

短暂显示“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”初始屏幕。

A “Microsoft Outlook” dialog box displays warning you that a program is trying to access email addres information in Outlook. Select the “Allow access for” check box and select a number of minutes for which you want to allow the “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” tool to access your information in Outlook. Click “Allow”.

显示“ Microsoft Outlook”对话框,警告您程序正在尝试访问Outlook中的电子邮件地址信息。 选中“允许访问”复选框,然后选择要允许“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”工具访问Outlook中信息的分钟数。 点击“允许”。

The “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” dialog box displays with the “Help” tab active. We need to choose calendars, set the sync direction, etc., so click the “Settings” tab.

在“帮助”选项卡处于活动状态的情况下,将显示“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”对话框。 我们需要选择日历,设置同步方向等,因此请单击“设置”标签。

First, we will select the Outlook calendar we want to sync, or the source. On the “Outlook” subtab on the left, select a calendar from the “Select calendar” drop-down list. If you have multiple calendars in your default mailbox, they will display in this drop-down list.

首先,我们将选择要同步的Outlook日历或源。 在左侧的“ Outlook”子选项卡上,从“选择日历”下拉列表中选择一个日历。 如果您的默认邮箱中有多个日历,它们将显示在此下拉列表中。

NOTE: If you have more than one mailbox in Outlook, you can select the “Alternative Mailbox” radio button and select the mailbox containing the calendar you want to sync from the drop-down list.


Now, we’ll select the Google Calendar we want to sync, or the target. Click the “Google” subtab on the left and click “Retrieve Calendars”.

现在,我们将选择要同步的Google日历或目标。 点击左侧的“ Google”子标签,然后点击“检索日历”。

If this is the first time you’re accessing your Google Calendar from within the “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” tool, the following webpage opens in your default browser. Click “Accept”.

如果这是您首次使用“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”工具访问Google日历,则会在默认浏览器中打开以下网页。 点击“接受”。

A webpage with a code displays. Select the code and copy it.

显示带有代码的网页。 选择代码并复制。

While you were granting the “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” tool access to your Google account, the “Authorise Google Access” dialog box displayed. Make this dialog box active, paste the copied code into the “Authorisation Code” edit box, and click “OK”.

在授予“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”工具访问您的Google帐户的权限时,将显示“授权Google Access”对话框。 激活该对话框,将复制的代码粘贴到“授权代码”编辑框中,然后单击“确定”。

You are returned to the “Google” subtab on the “Settings” tab of the “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” dialog box. Any calendars associated with your Google account displays in the “Select calendar” drop-down list. Select the calendar you want to sync from the list.

您将返回到“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”对话框的“设置”选项卡上的“ Google”子选项卡。 与您的Google帐户关联的所有日历都会显示在“选择日历”下拉列表中。 从列表中选择要同步的日历。

Click the “Sync Options” subtab on the left. In the “How” section, select the direction you want to sync from the “Direction” drop-down list. You can sync your Outlook calendar items to your Google Calendar (“Outlook → Google”) or your Google Calendar items to your Outlook calendar (“Outlook ← Google”). For this example, we selected “Outlook ← Google”.

点击左侧的“同步选项”子标签。 在“操作方法”部分,从“方向”下拉列表中选择要同步的方向。 您可以将Outlook日历项目同步到Google日历(“ Outlook→Google”),也可以将Google日历项目同步到Outlook日历(“ Outlook←Google”)。 在此示例中,我们选择“ Outlook←Google”。

By default, the “Merge with existing entries” check box and “Disable deletions” check box are selected. The “Merge with existing entries” check box allows you to merge existing entries when there are entries on the same date and at the same time in both calendars. If the “Disable deletions” check box is selected, any entries that were deleted in the source calendar are not deleted from the target calendar.

默认情况下,选中“与现有条目合并”复选框和“禁用删除”复选框。 如果两个日历中的日期和时间都相同,则使用“与现有条目合并”复选框可以合并现有条目。 如果选中“禁用删除”复选框,则不会从目标日历中删除在源日历中删除的所有条目。

In the “When” section, specify the date range by selecting the number of “days in the past” and the number of “days in the future”. You can perform a sync automatically at specific intervals, by entering a value in the “Interval” edit box (or using the spinner arrow buttons to select a value) and selecting a unit of time from the drop-down list. If you’re syncing from Outlook to Google Calendar, you can choose to sync any changes made in your Outlook calendar immediately by selecting the “Push Outlook changes immediately” check box.

在“何时”部分,通过选择“过去的天数”和“未来的天数”来指定日期范围。 通过在“时间间隔”编辑框中输入一个值(或使用微调箭头按钮选择一个值)并从下拉列表中选择一个时间单位,您可以按特定的时间间隔自动执行同步。 如果您是从Outlook同步到Google日历,则可以选择“立即推送Outlook更改”复选框,以立即同步Outlook日历中所做的所有更改。

In the “What” section, indicate which elements of the calendar entries you want to sync by selecting the appropriate check boxes.


To change how the “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” tool behaves, click the “Application Behaviour” tab.

要更改“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”工具的行为,请单击“应用程序行为”选项卡。

The changes you’ve made take effect immediately. However, to save the settings for the next time a sync occurs, click “Save”.

您所做的更改将立即生效。 但是,要保存设置以便下次发生同步时,请单击“保存”。

Now that we’ve specified the settings, we will sync the calendars. To do this, click the “Sync” tab.

现在,我们已经指定了设置,我们将同步日历。 为此,请单击“同步”选项卡。

Click “Start Sync” at the bottom of the dialog box.


The sync progress displays in the text box and the “Sync finished with success!” message displays when the sync is done.

同步进度显示在文本框中,并且“同步成功完成!” 同步完成时显示消息。

When the sync is finished, a bubble also displays on the notification bar.


To close the “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” dialog box, click the “X” button in the upper-rght corner.

要关闭“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”对话框,请单击右上角的“ X”按钮。

Calendar items from your Google Calendar now display in your Outlook calendar.


Currently, two-way sync is not available, but development on this feature has begun.


You can also use a portable version of the “Outlook Google Calendar Sync” tool. To do this, download the “Portable ZIP” file rather than the “ClickOnce Installer”.

您还可以使用便携式版本的“ Outlook Google Calendar Sync”工具。 为此,请下载“ Portable ZIP”文件而不是“ ClickOnce Installer”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/225489/how-to-sync-your-google-calendar-with-outlook/



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