Of all the myriad functions the Apple Watch can perform, an oft-overlooked but very useful option is the stopwatch function. The Apple Watch’s stopwatch does more than just start, stop, and lap.

在Apple Watch可以执行的所有众多功能中,秒表功能是一个经常被忽视但非常有用的选项。 Apple Watch的秒表不仅仅是启动,停止和圈速。

Go the app screen and tap the stopwatch icon. When the Stopwatch loads, you’ll have four choices: Analog, Digital, Graph, and Hybrid. When you choose one, you can always get back to the selection screen by pressing down on the Watch’s face until they appear.

转到应用程序屏幕,然后点击秒表图标。 当秒表加载时,您将有四个选择:模拟,数字,图形和混合。 选择一个时,始终可以通过向下按手表的脸直到出现它们来返回选择屏幕。

If you ever want to get back to the mode selection screen (picture right), simply press down on the Watch face until it pops up.

The Analog stopwatch looks like your traditional stopwatch, as was popular in the 20th century before digital stopwatches became the norm.


At the bottom of the Analog watch are two buttons. The green button starts the watch. Once you start timing, you can press the white button for lap times. Press the red button to stop. Once stopped, press the white button again to reset the watch.

模拟手表的底部有两个按钮。 绿色按钮启动手表。 开始计时后,您可以按白色按钮进行单圈计时。 按下红色按钮停止。 停止后,再次按白色按钮即可重置手表。

The Analog mode does everything the other modes do. The only thing it doesn’t do is tick.
模拟模式可以完成其他模式的所有操作。 它唯一不做的是打勾。

The Digital stopwatch will be much more familiar to most people. Again, like with the Analog mode, press the “Start” button to begin timing, press “Lap” to record you lap times, and “Stop” will obviously halt the entire process. Once stopped, the Lap button will turn into a Reset button unless you choose to start the watch again.

大多数人会更熟悉数字秒表。 再次,与模拟模式一样,按“开始”按钮开始计时,按“圈”记录您的圈时间,“停止”显然会暂停整个过程。 停止后,除非您选择再次启动手表,否则“ Lap”按钮将变为“ Reset”按钮。

The Digital mode is probably more of what you’re used to and resembles what you find on your iPhone.

The Graph mode is a bit different, but very useful. This stopwatch is intended to give you a visual idea of lap times by plotting them on a horizontal line graph. Each time you press the “Lap” button, it will place a dot at that lap’s time. The orange line that runs across it represents the average lap time, which is good information to know.

Graph模式有点不同,但是非常有用。 这款秒表旨在通过将其绘制在水平线图上来使您直观地了解单圈时间。 每次您按“ Lap”按钮,都会在该时间圈上一个点。 横贯其上的橙色线表示平均圈速,这是一个很好的信息。

The Graph mode is a great way to visually see lap times and lap time average.

Finally, there’s the best of three worlds: The Hybrid stopwatch mode combines the Analog, Digital, and Graph modes into one single mode.


At the top of the Hybrid display, you see the analog functions, in the middle is the digital readout, and at the bottom you’ll see the graphed lap times, so you don’t have to make a choice, you can simply use Hybrid and have everything in one mode.


Something for everyone, the Hybrid mode incorporates Analog, Digital, and Graph stopwatches.

Using your Apple Watch as a stopwatch may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s not immediately obvious that it even has a stopwatch function unless you sort through the many included apps.

将Apple Watch用作秒表似乎不费吹灰之力,但是,除非您对许多随附的应用程序进行排序,否则它甚至还具有秒表功能并不是很明显。

Once you do use it for this purpose, though, you’ll see that it is a handy and convenient way to time people and events. The inclusion of four stopwatch modes means that there’s something for everyone’s particular tastes and needs.

但是,一旦将其用于此目的,您就会发现它是一种方便快捷的人员和事件计时方法。 包括四种秒表模式,意味着每个人都有自己的口味和需求。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/237891/how-to-use-your-apple-watch-as-a-stopwatch/

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