
I'm extremely proud of my laptop. It's about 7 years old, but was pretty well equipped in its heyday, with a core i7 processor and 6GB RAM it was excellent for everything I was using it for. It's also survived many knocks and drops - I'm pretty sure it's bulletproof.

我为我的笔记本电脑感到非常自豪。 它大约有7年的历史,但是在鼎盛时期却配备了完善的配置,配备了核心i7处理器和6GB RAM,非常适合我使用的所有内容。 它也经受住了许多撞击和摔落-我很确定它是防弹的。

Recently it's been grinding to a halt whenever I try to have a few Chrome tabs, VSCode and the Slack app open - you know, everything a developer has open all the time!

最近,每当我尝试打开一些Chrome浏览器标签,VSCode和Slack应用程序时,它都已停顿了下来-您知道, 开发人员一直在打开的所有内容

I checked the RAM and CPU usage on my machine and everything was fine. Even though those apps are notoriously resource intensive, a decent CPU and a moderate amount of RAM should have been sufficient.

我检查了机器上的RAM和CPU使用情况,一切都很好。 即使这些应用程序非常耗费资源,但足够的CPU和适量的RAM应该足够。

However, there was one other issue that had been bugging me. The VGA port on the side would get so hot that when I'd absentmindedly rest my fingers on it they'd get slightly scalded.

但是,还有一个困扰我的问题。 侧面的VGA端口会变得非常热,以至于当我不慎将手指放在上面时,它们会稍微烫伤。

My CPU was overheating - and as a safety precaution, my computer was throttling itself so as not to meltdown. Sure enough, when I installed some sensor command line utilities on my machine to check the temperature it was reporting that the temperature was high, and dangerously close to critical:

我的CPU过热-为了安全起见,我的计算机在节流,以免崩溃。 果然,当我在机器上安装一些传感器命令行实用程序以检查温度时,它报告温度很高,并且危险地接近临界值:

Adapter: ISA adapter
Package id 0:  +95.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 0:        +95.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 1:        +98.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 2:        +92.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 3:        +91.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)

I have a confession to make: In 7 years of owning this beloved laptop, I have never cleaned it!


Sure enough, when I opened up the laptop shell, the problem was clear - 7 years of accumulated dust clogging the fan.


So how do you speed up your old laptop? Clean it!

那么如何加快旧笔记本电脑的速度呢? 打扫!

你会需要 (You will need)

  • Tools for opening your laptop (in my case just a Phillips Head Jewelers Screwdriver);用于打开笔记本电脑的工具(在我的情况下,仅是Phillips Head Jewelers螺丝刀);
  • Cleaning Alcohol (I used methylated spirits);清洁酒精(我用甲基化酒精);
  • A small, clean brush; and/or干净的小刷子; 和/或
  • A can of compressed air;一罐压缩空气;
  • Optional: Thermal paste (OK - you may not have this lying around your house, but it's  it's cheap)

    可选:导热膏(好的-您可能没有在房子周围放这种东西,但这很便宜 )

方法 (Method)

The basic principle is simple - your CPU is overheating because your heat sink and fan cannot dissipate the heat quickly enough.


We'll do two things - clean the fan, and apply new thermal paste to your CPU to improve heat transfer.


Since every laptop make and model is constructed differently, you'll need to consult your manufacturer's instructions for safely disassembling your machine. Alternatively, seek out videos for your exact make and model. The images and precise method in this post relate to my own ThinkPad E530.

由于每种笔记本电脑的品牌和型号构造都不同,因此您需要参考制造商的说明来安全拆卸计算机。 或者,查找适合您的确切品牌和型号的视频。 这篇文章中的图像和精确方法与我自己的ThinkPad E530有关。

WARNING: If you are unsure of what you are doing, consider having your laptop professionally serviced. Proceed at your own risk - we're not liable for you frying your laptop or electrocuting yourself!

警告:如果不确定自己在做什么,请考虑对笔记本电脑进行专业维修。 后果自负-煎炸笔记本电脑或触电死伤我们不承担任何责任!

第1步 (Step 1)

Remove your laptop from the power supply, remove the battery, and hold down the power button for about 5 seconds to discharge any residual power.


第2步 (Step 2)

Remove the casing that houses the CPU, heat sinks and fan. See your manufacturer instructions for this.

卸下容纳CPU,散热器和风扇的外壳。 请参阅制造商的说明。

第三步 (Step 3)

Unscrew the components you need to service. In my case this meant unscrewing the heat sink and fan. Remember to gently unplug your fan by pulling or prying the plastic connector - don't pull on the wires.

拧下需要维修的组件。 就我而言,这意味着要拧松散热器和风扇。 切记通过拉动或撬动塑料连接器来轻轻地拔出风扇的插头-不要拉扯电线。

第4步 (Step 4)

Clean the old thermal paste off of the CPU and heat sink (and any other areas it's previously been applied - such as the GPU in my case). I did this in 2 stages - gently scraping the dried paste from the areas it had bonded to, and then using the cleaning alcohol on a lint free cloth to remove the rest. In the image below, those grey gunky parts on the heat sink are the old thermal paste.

清除CPU和散热器(以及以前应用的任何其他区域-例如我的GPU)上的旧导热膏。 我分两个阶段进行此操作-轻轻地将干燥的糊剂从其粘合的区域刮下,然后在不起毛的布上使用清洁酒精去除其余的部分。 在下图中,散热器上那些灰色的粗糙部分是旧的导热膏。

第5步 (Step 5)

Clean any visible dust from the inside of the laptop shell with your brush. Clean the fan thoroughly with your brush, and use your compressed air to blow dust out of the vents. Make sure you are not blowing dust back into the open laptop case!

用刷子清洁笔记本电脑外壳内部的可见灰尘。 用刷子彻底清洁风扇,然后使用压缩空气将灰尘吹出通风Kong。 确保没有将灰尘吹回到打开的笔记本电脑外壳中!

第6步(可选) (Step 6 (Optional))

Apply thermal paste to your processor (and other parts where necessary). A tiny amount is sufficient. I strongly recommend reading the detailed instructions that are provided online by your thermal paste manufacturer. I used Arctic Silver 5 brand.

在您的处理器(和其他必要的零件)上涂上导热膏。 少量就足够了。 我强烈建议您阅读导热膏制造商在线提供的详细说明。 我使用了北极银5品牌 。

步骤7 (Step 7)

Put it all back together, remembering to plug the fan back in (confession: I forgot!)


结果 (Results)

As soon as I turned my laptop back on it felt snappier. And a quick sensor check confirmed that the small amount of effort was worth it for my poor laptop's sake:

当我重新打开笔记本电脑时,它会变得更加敏捷。 快速的传感器检查确认,为我那台可怜的笔记本电脑付出一点点努力是值得的:

Adapter: ISA adapter
Package id 0:  +45.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 0:        +45.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 1:        +38.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 2:        +43.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Core 3:        +40.0°C  (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)

The VGA port doesn't burn any more!


If you enjoyed this post and avoided toasting your CPU, follow @JacksonBates on Twitter for more informal tech related ramblings.

如果您喜欢这篇文章并且避免敬酒您的CPU, 请在Twitter上关注@JacksonBates ,以获取更多与非正式技术相关的问题。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/speed-up-old-laptop/



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