
  • Q1: Depth First Search
  • Q2: Breadth First Search
  • Q3: Uniform Cost Search
  • Q4: A* Search
  • 测试结果


Q1: Depth First Search


# 修改search.py 中的depthFirstSearch函数
def depthFirstSearch(problem):"""Search the deepest nodes in the search tree first.Your search algorithm needs to return a list of actions that reaches thegoal. Make sure to implement a graph search algorithm.To get started, you might want to try some of these simple commands tounderstand the search problem that is being passed in:print "Start:", problem.getStartState()print "Is the start a goal?", problem.isGoalState(problem.getStartState())print "Start's successors:", problem.getSuccessors(problem.getStartState())""""*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"#获得当前pacman的初始状态startNode = problem.getStartState()#检测初始状态是否正好为目标状态if problem.isGoalState(startNode):return []#构造搜索树myStack = util.Stack()visitedNode = []#搜索树的节点结构为(当前状态,[actions]从初始状态到达当前状态经过的动作集合)myStack.push((startNode, []))#对搜索树进行遍历,如果遍历结束仍未找到解即返回无解while not myStack.isEmpty():currentNode, action = myStack.pop()if not (currentNode in visitedNode):visitedNode.append(currentNode)if problem.isGoalState(currentNode):return action#扩展搜索树        for nextNode, nextAction, cost in problem.getSuccessors(currentNode):newAction = action + [nextAction]myStack.push((nextNode, newAction))util.raiseNotDefined()

Q2: Breadth First Search


  #修改search.py中的breadthFirstSearch函数def breadthFirstSearch(problem):"""Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first.""""*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"startNode = problem.getStartState()if problem.isGoalState(startNode):return []myStack = util.Queue()visitedNode = []myStack.push((startNode, []))while not myStack.isEmpty():currentNode, action = myStack.pop()if not (currentNode in visitedNode):visitedNode.append(currentNode)if problem.isGoalState(currentNode):return actionfor nextNode, nextAction, cost in problem.getSuccessors(currentNode):newAction = action + [nextAction]myStack.push((nextNode, newAction))util.raiseNotDefined()

Q3: Uniform Cost Search


def uniformCostSearch(problem):"""Search the node of least total cost first.""""*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"startNode = problem.getStartState()if problem.isGoalState(startNode):return []myCostQueue = util.PriorityQueue()visitedNode = []myCostQueue.push((startNode, []), 0)while not myCostQueue.isEmpty():currentNode, action = myCostQueue.pop()if not (currentNode in visitedNode):visitedNode.append(currentNode)if problem.isGoalState(currentNode):return actionfor nextNode, nextAction, cost in problem.getSuccessors(currentNode):newAction = action + [nextAction]#计算由初始状态到达该节点所需的代价newCost = problem.getCostOfActions(newAction)myCostQueue.push((nextNode, newAction), newCost)  util.raiseNotDefined()

Q4: A* Search


def aStarSearch(problem, heuristic=nullHeuristic):"""Search the node that has the lowest combined cost and heuristic first.""""*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"startNode = problem.getStartState()startPriority = heuristic(startNode, problem) + 0if problem.isGoalState(startNode):return []myQueue = util.PriorityQueue()visitedNode = []myQueue.push((startNode, [], 0), startPriority)while not myQueue.isEmpty():currentNode, action, preCost = myQueue.pop()if not (currentNode in visitedNode):visitedNode.append(currentNode)if problem.isGoalState(currentNode):return actionfor nextNode, nextAction, nextCost in problem.getSuccessors(currentNode):newAction = action + [nextAction]newCost = problem.getCostOfActions(newAction)#其中的newCost即为到达此节点已经花费的代价#heuristic即是用来计算该节点到目标节点可能花费的代价的启发式函数newPriority = newCost + heuristic(nextNode, problem)myQueue.push((nextNode, newAction, newCost), newPriority)  util.raiseNotDefined()


Question q1
===========*** PASS: test_cases\q1\graph_backtrack.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->C', '0:C->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'D', 'C']
*** PASS: test_cases\q1\graph_bfs_vs_dfs.test
***     solution:               ['2:A->D', '0:D->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'D']
*** PASS: test_cases\q1\graph_infinite.test
***     solution:               ['0:A->B', '1:B->C', '1:C->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'C']
*** PASS: test_cases\q1\graph_manypaths.test
***     solution:               ['2:A->B2', '0:B2->C', '0:C->D', '2:D->E2', '0:E2->F', '0:F->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B2', 'C', 'D', 'E2', 'F']
*** PASS: test_cases\q1\pacman_1.test
***     pacman layout:          mediumMaze
***     solution length: 130
***     nodes expanded:         146### Question q1: 3/3 ###Question q2
===========*** PASS: test_cases\q2\graph_backtrack.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->C', '0:C->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
*** PASS: test_cases\q2\graph_bfs_vs_dfs.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B']
*** PASS: test_cases\q2\graph_infinite.test
***     solution:               ['0:A->B', '1:B->C', '1:C->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'C']
*** PASS: test_cases\q2\graph_manypaths.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->C', '0:C->D', '1:D->F', '0:F->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B1', 'C', 'B2', 'D', 'E1', 'F', 'E2']
*** PASS: test_cases\q2\pacman_1.test
***     pacman layout:          mediumMaze
***     solution length: 68
***     nodes expanded:         269### Question q2: 3/3 ###Question q3
===========*** PASS: test_cases\q3\graph_backtrack.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->C', '0:C->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
*** PASS: test_cases\q3\graph_bfs_vs_dfs.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B']
*** PASS: test_cases\q3\graph_infinite.test
***     solution:               ['0:A->B', '1:B->C', '1:C->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'C']
*** PASS: test_cases\q3\graph_manypaths.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->C', '0:C->D', '1:D->F', '0:F->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B1', 'C', 'B2', 'D', 'E1', 'F', 'E2']
*** PASS: test_cases\q3\ucs_0_graph.test
***     solution:               ['Right', 'Down', 'Down']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'D', 'C', 'G']
*** PASS: test_cases\q3\ucs_1_problemC.test
***     pacman layout:          mediumMaze
***     solution length: 68
***     nodes expanded:         269
*** PASS: test_cases\q3\ucs_2_problemE.test
***     pacman layout:          mediumMaze
***     solution length: 74
***     nodes expanded:         260
*** PASS: test_cases\q3\ucs_3_problemW.test
***     pacman layout:          mediumMaze
***     solution length: 152
***     nodes expanded:         173
*** PASS: test_cases\q3\ucs_4_testSearch.test
***     pacman layout:          testSearch
***     solution length: 7
***     nodes expanded:         14
*** PASS: test_cases\q3\ucs_5_goalAtDequeue.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->B', '0:B->C', '0:C->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'C']### Question q3: 3/3 ###Question q4
===========*** PASS: test_cases\q4\astar_0.test
***     solution:               ['Right', 'Down', 'Down']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'D', 'C', 'G']
*** PASS: test_cases\q4\astar_1_graph_heuristic.test
***     solution:               ['0', '0', '2']
***     expanded_states:        ['S', 'A', 'D', 'C']
*** PASS: test_cases\q4\astar_2_manhattan.test
***     pacman layout:          mediumMaze
***     solution length: 68
***     nodes expanded:         221
*** PASS: test_cases\q4\astar_3_goalAtDequeue.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->B', '0:B->C', '0:C->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'C']
*** PASS: test_cases\q4\graph_backtrack.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->C', '0:C->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
*** PASS: test_cases\q4\graph_manypaths.test
***     solution:               ['1:A->C', '0:C->D', '1:D->F', '0:F->G']
***     expanded_states:        ['A', 'B1', 'C', 'B2', 'D', 'E1', 'F', 'E2']### Question q4: 3/3 ###

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