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Section I Opinions
Direction: You’re going to hear a list of 10 practical ideas. All of them can help the environment. Supply the missing words. (30 points)

  1. Buy fresh food that ________________ need a lot of packaging.
  2. Try to buy “organic” fruit and ______________ from farmers who don’t use chemicals.
  3. Save as much _______________ as possible.
  4. Use products that won’t stay forever in the _______________ when you throw them away.
  5. Use _______________ more than once or take them to a bottle bank.
  6. Try to save paper. Also, buy and use ______________ paper as often as possible.
  7. ______________ “throw-away” products.
  8. Make sure that your family and friends use _______________ in their cars.
  9. Don’t buy products (fur or ivory, for example) ________________ rare or protected species.
  10. Use _______________ as often as possible.

Section II Dialogues
Directions: Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer for each of the following statements. Each dialogue will be read once. (30 points)

Dialogue 1
11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? _____.
A. Dentist and patient B. Surgeon and patient
C. Physician and patient D. Pharmacist and patient
12. When did the woman get to sleep last night? _____.
A. Exactly at three o’clock B. Around three o’clock
C. Before three o’clock D. After three o’clock
13. Why couldn’t she get to sleep? _____.
A. Because she was suffering from insomnia
B. Because she was suffering from a headache
C. Because she was suffering from a toothache
D. Because she was suffering from a stomachache

Dialogue 2
14. The man was interested in _____.
A. buying a one-bedroom apartment B. renting a one-bedroom apartment
C. buying a two-bedroom apartment D. renting a two-bedroom apartment
15. The man can have it _____.
A. now B. next week C. in two weeks D. in three weeks
16. The minimum lease is _____.
A. one month B. three months C. six months D. a year

Dialogue 3
17. Why does the man call the woman? _____.
A. To make an appointment to look at a house
B. To make an appointment to buy a house
C. To get information about special housing
D. To ask about getting a loan to buy a house
18. With whom does the man live? _____.
A. With his grandparents B. With his parents
C. With his parents in-law D. With his colleagues
19. Why does the man believe he’s eligible for the housing? _____.
A. He has more than one child
B. His wife is a graduate student
C. He is a graduate student
D. He gets no subsidies from the government

Dialogue 4
20. From the passage we know that Dave is probably _____.
A. a member of a running club B. a member of a cycling club
C. a member of a motor-cycling club D. a member of a rock-climbing club
21. His bicycle is _____.
A. slightly damaged B. seriously damaged
C. completely damaged D. not damaged
22. Probably Dave bought the bicycle from _____.
A. a big department store B. a second-hand shop
C. his friend D. someone he didn’t know

Dialogue 5
23. What do the speakers think of the managing director? _____.
A. Talkative B. Kind C. Thoughtful D. Easy-going
24. Where did the man go to buy the paint? _____.
A. A paint works B. A discount firm
C. A secondhand firm D. A supermarket
25. Why does the woman think she can cancel her order? _____.
A. Because she hasn’t signed anything
B. Because she hasn’t sent the order
C. Because she is their business contact
D. Because she is their regular client

Section III Passages
Directions: Listen to the passages and choose the best answer for each of the following statements. Each dialogue will be read once. (40 points)

Passage 1
26. The largest online center, the offers various courses, except _____.
A. nursing B. business C. technology D. sports training
27. The latest online courses are about _____ long, limited to around _____ students.
A. 5 weeks… 5 students B. 5 weeks… 10 students
C. 5 months… 10 students D. 6 months… 30 students
28. The University of course work is specifically designed for _____ who want to upgrade skills.
A. workers B. oversea students
C. farmers D. businessmen

Passage 2
29. The family members felt _____ while selling some of the items.
A. happy B. delighted C. excited D. displeased
30. The woman finally offered _____ for Green Eggs and Ham.
A. a nickel B. a cent C. ten cents D. a dollar
31. The woman thought it was a(n) _____ question.
A. silly B. interesting C. strange D. complicated

Passage 3
32. The presidents and representatives of the _____ nations attended the summit meeting.
A. 18 B. C. 21 D. 22
33. ’s President added is facing various troubles and difficulties, besides _____.
A. a fall in exports B. flood pervading in some countries
C. a fall in raw material prices D. difficulties in refinancing debt
34. Which of the following is not mentioned at the summit? ______.
A. Fight against drug trafficking
B. Support women’s role in development
C. Deploy a missile defense system over the region
D. Urge and to settle their sovereignty dispute

Passage 4
35. Why is everyone pointing blame? _____.
A. Because of excessive federal spending
B. Because of a raid on social security
C. Because of the tax cut policies
D. Because of a significant drop in the federal budget surplus




Section I Opinions (30 points)

Section II Dialogues (30 points)
11. _____ 12. _____ 13. _____ 14. _____ 15. _____
16. _____ 17. _____ 18. _____ 19. _____ 20. _____
21. _____ 22. _____ 23. _____ 24. _____ 25. _____

Section III Passages (40 points)
26. ____ 27. ____ 28. ____ 29. ____ 30. ____
31. ____ 32. ____ 33. ____ 34. ____ 35. ____

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