1.1 definition of automatic control system

Definition of Control System
An interconnection of components forming a system configuration that will provide a desired system response.

Definition of automatic control:
The automatic control is the technology which is under the circumstance of no person participating directly,making use of additional equipment or device (control device, controller or regulator), makes some operates states or parameters (control variables) of equipment,plant and process automatically follow the pre-arranged regulation

1.2 History of Automatic Control

1.3 Some Basic Concepts and Terms

被控对象(plant or process):要求实现自动控制的机器、设备,或生
控制器/装置(Controller/Control device):对被控对象起控制作用的
执行器(Actuator ):根据控制输入要求,执行某种动作的机构或设备。
负反馈(Negative feedback):输入量与反馈量求差的过程。
正反馈(Positive feedback) :输入量与反馈量求和的过程。

1.4 Classification of Automatic Control Systems

The types of control systems are classified three categories:

Open-loop (开环) control systems
Closed-loop (闭环) control systems(feedback control systems)
Compound control (复合控制) systems

An open-loop control system utilizes an actuating device to control the process directly without using feedback.

The output of the open-loop system has no effect upon the input signal;
There is the need to know an accurate model of individual components

A closed-loop control system uses a measurement of output and feedback of this signal to compare it with the desired output (reference or command)

The output of the closed-loop system has effect upon the input signal.
There is no need to know an accurate model of individual components

A combination control system (CCS) consists of open-loop system (OLS) and closed-loop system (CLS)。
The combination system can rapidly reject not only the disturbances that can be measured, but also the disturbances inside feedback loop that can not be measured.
Especially, it keeps the stability of an origin system and improves accuracy of the system simultaneously

Classification by mathematical model:

Linear control systems
Non-linear control systems

Classification by the nature of the signal:

Continuous control systems
Discrete control systems(Digital control system)

按输入量的变化规律(According to the requirements of the output),线性连续系统可分为:
Constant value control system(恒值控制系统)
Purpose: overcome the disturbance to maintain a constant output value;
Example: constant temperature box
Servo control system(随动系统)
Purpose: the output tracks the input quantity accurately and quickly;
Example: the antiaircraft radar-tracking control system
Program control system(程序控制系统/过程控制系统)
Purpose: the input signal changes according to a rearranged rule with time, and the program makes the output repeat the input signal quickly and accurately;
Example: automatic washer, program controlled machine tool ( numerical control machine)

1.5 How to Evaluate a Control System

The fundamental requirements of control systems are as follows:
Stability(稳定性): stability, smooth and steady 保证控制系统正常工作的先决条件。
Swiftness(快速性): peak time, settling time and percent overshoot
– peak time: Tp
– settling time: Ts
– percent overshoot (P.O.) : σ%
Accuracy(准确性): steady-sate error:esse_{ss}ess​衡量控制系统控制精度的重要标。

1.6 Typical External Action Signals

(1) Step function (阶跃函数)

幅值R =1的阶跃函数称为单位阶跃函数。

(2) Ramp function (斜坡/速度函数)


(3) Impulse function (脉冲函数)


(4) Sinusoidal function (正弦函数)

A : 振幅;
ωt=2πf: 角频率;
φ: 初始相角

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