火狐 dns

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) helps protect your privacy and security online by encrypting DNS queries. Mozilla will automatically enable DoH for some Firefox users, but only if they live in the U.S.—and it may take a few weeks to roll out. Here’s how all Firefox users can enable it today.
HTTPS(DoH)上的 DNS通过加密DNS查询来帮助在线保护您的隐私和安全。 Mozilla会为某些Firefox用户自动启用DoH ,但前提是他们居住在美国,并且可能需要几周的时间才能推出。 以下是所有Firefox用户今天可以启用它的方式。

To enable DoH, click the three horizontal bars in the top-right corner of Firefox and then select the “Options” button. (Click “Preferences” if you’re on macOS.)

要启用DoH,请单击Firefox右上角的三个水平条,然后选择“选项”按钮。 (如果您使用的是macOS,请单击“首选项”。)

Locate the “Network Settings” heading and then click the “Settings” button.


Scroll down to “Enable DNS Over HTTPS” and check or uncheck the corresponding box to turn the setting on or off.


When you enable DNS over HTTPS this way, Firefox will use the Cloudflare DNS by default. You can change your DNS by clicking the “Use Provider” drop-down menu and clicking either “NextDNS” to use Mozilla’s chosen alternative, or “Custom” to input your DNS server address of choice manually. However, DNS over HTTPS will only work if your selected DNS server has enabled support for it. You can’t just use any old DNS server.

当您通过这种方式通过HTTPS启用DNS时,Firefox将默认使用Cloudflare DNS。 您可以通过以下方式更改DNS:单击“使用提供程序”下拉菜单,然后单击“ NextDNS”以使用Mozilla选择的替代方法 ,或单击“自定义”以手动输入选择的DNS服务器地址 。 但是,仅当您选择的DNS服务器已启用对HTTPs的DNS时,DNS才起作用。 您不能只使用任何旧的DNS服务器。

Even if you don’t enable DoH manually, Firefox will automatically enable it for you over the next few weeks—assuming you’re in the U.S. We expect Mozilla will automatically enable DoH for people in other countries in the future, too.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/659252/how-to-enable-dns-over-https-in-firefox/

火狐 dns

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