



#pragma once
#include <QString>
#include <QVector>
//数字转换成汉字#define NUMBER_COUNT 10//数字数量
#define SECTION_COUNT 4//权值数量
#define BIT_COUNT 4//位数量typedef struct tagSection {QString sectionNameStr;//权位int num;//权位值
}NumSection;class DigitalToChinese {
public:DigitalToChinese();~DigitalToChinese();//数字转换成对应的汉字QString digitalToChinese(long long num);private:QString bitSection(int num,bool bHead);//把每一段转换成汉字QString IntelSec(QVector<NumSection>&sectionList, int readNum);QString IntelSecZero(QVector<NumSection>&sectionList);
private:const char* _chineseNumber[NUMBER_COUNT] = { "零","一","二" ,"三" ,"四" ,"五" ,"六" ,"七" ,"八" ,"九" };const char* _section[SECTION_COUNT] = { "","万","亿","万亿" };const char* _bit[BIT_COUNT] = { "","十","百","千" };long long _converNum = 0;QVector<NumSection> _sectionList;//
#include "DigitalToChinese.h"DigitalToChinese::DigitalToChinese() {
}DigitalToChinese::~DigitalToChinese() {
}QString DigitalToChinese::digitalToChinese(long long num) {QString numStr;if (num < 0){//处理负值numStr = QStringLiteral("负");}_converNum = abs(num);int sectionPos = -1;//记录数字段数 - 万为一段int sectionNumber = 0;while (_converNum > 0){sectionPos++;sectionNumber = _converNum % 10000;//保存每个权位和对应的数值NumSection numSec;numSec.num = sectionNumber;numSec.sectionNameStr = QString::fromLocal8Bit(_section[sectionPos]);_sectionList.push_back(numSec);_converNum = _converNum / 10000;}int numSec = _sectionList.size();for (int i = numSec - 1; i >= 0;i--) {NumSection numSec = _sectionList.at(i);numStr += bitSection(_sectionList.at(i).num,i+1 == _sectionList.size());numStr += _sectionList.at(i).sectionNameStr;}return numStr;
}QString DigitalToChinese::bitSection(int num, bool bHead) {QVector<NumSection>bitList;int bitPos = 0;int tempNum = num;while (num > 0) {int bitNum = num % 10;NumSection bM;bM.num = bitNum;bM.sectionNameStr = QString::fromLocal8Bit(_bit[bitPos]);bitList.push_back(bM);num = num / 10;bitPos++;}QString numStr;//1.后面一个或者多个零if (tempNum / 1000 > 0 && tempNum % 1000 == 0) {//整千return IntelSec(bitList, 1);} else if (tempNum / 100 > 0 && tempNum % 100 == 0) {//整百if (tempNum/1000 > 0){return IntelSec(bitList, 2);} else {if (!bHead) {//如果是第一段numStr += QString::fromLocal8Bit(_chineseNumber[0]);}return numStr += IntelSec(bitList, 1);}} else if (tempNum / 10 > 0 && tempNum % 10 == 0) {//整十if (tempNum / 1000 > 0) {return IntelSec(bitList, 3);} else if (tempNum / 100 > 0){if (!bHead) {//如果是第一段numStr += QString::fromLocal8Bit(_chineseNumber[0]);}return numStr += IntelSec(bitList, 2);}else {if (!bHead) {//如果是第一段numStr += QString::fromLocal8Bit(_chineseNumber[0]);}return numStr += IntelSec(bitList, 1);}return IntelSec(bitList, 3);}int n = bitList.size();//2.前面有一个或者多个零if ( n < 4){if (!bHead){//如果是第一段numStr += QString::fromLocal8Bit(_chineseNumber[0]);}return numStr += IntelSecZero(bitList);}//3.中间有一个或者多个零return IntelSecZero(bitList);
}QString DigitalToChinese::IntelSec(QVector<NumSection>&sectionList, int readNum) {QString numStr;int n = sectionList.size();for (int i = n - 1; i >= n - readNum; i--) {NumSection bM = sectionList.at(i);numStr += QString::fromLocal8Bit(_chineseNumber[bM.num]);numStr += bM.sectionNameStr;}return numStr;
}QString DigitalToChinese::IntelSecZero(QVector<NumSection>&sectionList) {QString numStr;int n = sectionList.size();for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {NumSection bM = sectionList.at(i);if (bM.num == 0 && sectionList.at(i + 1).num != 0){numStr += QString::fromLocal8Bit(_chineseNumber[0]);continue;} else if(bM.num == 0 && sectionList.at(i+1).num == 0){numStr += QString::fromLocal8Bit(_chineseNumber[0]);i--;continue;}numStr += QString::fromLocal8Bit(_chineseNumber[bM.num]);numStr += bM.sectionNameStr;}return numStr;


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {DigitalToChinese dtc;QString strNum = dtc.digitalToChinese(1230950043);return 0;


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