


def switch_num(num):"""把数字转换成中文"""if type(num) != int:return Noneelif num == 1:return "壹"elif num == 2:return "贰"elif num == 3:return "叁"elif num == 4:return "肆"elif num == 5:return "伍"elif num == 6:return "陆"elif num == 7:return "柒"elif num == 8:return "捌"elif num == 9:return "玖"# 判断位数并转换,//运算符表示除法运算后向下取整, %运算符表示模运算,即除法运算后取余数
while True:try:n = int(input("输入大于或等于0且位数不大于9位的数字:"))if n > 0:if len(str(n)) == 9:a = n // 100000000a = switch_num(a) + "亿"b = n // 10000000 % 10b = switch_num(b) + "千"c = n // 1000000 % 10c = switch_num(c) + "佰"d = n // 100000 % 10d = switch_num(d) + "拾"e = n // 10000 % 10e = switch_num(e) + "万"f = n // 1000 % 10f = switch_num(f) + "仟"g = n // 100 % 10g = switch_num(g) + "佰"h = n // 10 % 10h = switch_num(h) + "十"i = n // 1 % 10i = switch_num(i)print(a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i)elif len(str(n)) == 8:b = n // 10000000 % 10b = switch_num(b) + "千"c = n // 1000000 % 10c = switch_num(c) + "佰"d = n // 100000 % 10d = switch_num(d) + "拾"e = n // 10000 % 10e = switch_num(e) + "万"f = n // 1000 % 10f = switch_num(f) + "仟"g = n // 100 % 10g = switch_num(g) + "佰"h = n // 10 % 10h = switch_num(h) + "十"i = n // 1 % 10i = switch_num(i)print(b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i)elif len(str(n)) == 7:c = n // 1000000 % 10c = switch_num(c) + "佰"d = n // 100000 % 10d = switch_num(d) + "拾"e = n // 10000 % 10e = switch_num(e) + "万"f = n // 1000 % 10f = switch_num(f) + "仟"g = n // 100 % 10g = switch_num(g) + "佰"h = n // 10 % 10h = switch_num(h) + "十"i = n // 1 % 10i = switch_num(i)print(c + d + e + f + g + h + i)elif len(str(n)) == 6:d = n // 100000 % 10d = switch_num(d) + "拾"e = n // 10000 % 10e = switch_num(e) + "万"f = n // 1000 % 10f = switch_num(f) + "仟"g = n // 100 % 10g = switch_num(g) + "佰"h = n // 10 % 10h = switch_num(h) + "十"i = n // 1 % 10i = switch_num(i)print(d + e + f + g + h + i)elif len(str(n)) == 5:e = n // 10000 % 10e = switch_num(e) + "万"f = n // 1000 % 10f = switch_num(f) + "仟"g = n // 100 % 10g = switch_num(g) + "佰"h = n // 10 % 10h = switch_num(h) + "十"i = n // 1 % 10i = switch_num(i)print(e + f + g + h + i)elif len(str(n)) == 4:f = n // 1000 % 10f = switch_num(f) + "仟"g = n // 100 % 10g = switch_num(g) + "佰"h = n // 10 % 10h = switch_num(h) + "十"i = n // 1 % 10i = switch_num(i)print(f + g + h + i)elif len(str(n)) == 3:g = n // 100 % 10g = switch_num(g) + "佰"h = n // 10 % 10h = switch_num(h) + "十"i = n // 1 % 10i = switch_num(i)print(g + h + i)elif len(str(n)) == 2:h = n // 10 % 10h = switch_num(h) + "十"i = n // 1 % 10i = switch_num(i)print(h + i)elif len(str(n)) == 1:i = n // 1 % 10i = switch_num(i)print(i)else:print("请输入不超过9位的数字!")else:print("输入错误,请输入大于0的数字!")except:print("输入错误,请输入数字!")


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