
#define ADJUST 7.31
int main(void)
{const double SCALE = 0.333;double shoe, foot;shoe = 9.0;foot = SCALE * shoe + ADJUST;printf("Shoe size (men's')   foot length\n");printf("%10.1f %15.2f inches\n",shoe,foot);return 0;}
#define ADJUST 7.31
int main(void)
{const double SCALE = 0.333;double shoe, foot;printf("Shoe size (men's)  foot length\n");shoe = 3.0;while (shoe < 18.5){foot = SCALE * shoe * ADJUST;printf("%10.1f %15.2f inches\n",shoe, foot);shoe = shoe + 1.0;}printf("If the shoe fits, wear it.\n");return 0;
int main(void)
{int jane, tarzan, cheeta;cheeta = tarzan = jane = 68;printf("               cheeta  tarzan   jane\n");printf("First round score %4d %8d %8d\n",cheeta, tarzan, jane);return 0;
int main(void)
{int num = 1;while (num < 21){printf("%4d %6d\n",num, num * num);num = num + 1;}return 0;
#define SQUARES 64
int main(void)
{const double CROP = 2E16;double current, total;int count = 1;printf("square   grains   total   ");printf("fraction of \n");printf("         added      grains   ");printf("world total\n");total = current = 1.0;printf("%4d %13.2e %12.2e %12.2e\n",count, current,total, total/CROP);while (count < SQUARES){count = count + 1;current = 2.0 * current;total = total + current;printf("%4d %13.2e %12.2e %12.2e\n",count, current,total,total/CROP);}printf("That's all.\n");return 0;
int main(void)
{printf("integer division: 5/4 is %d \n",5/4);printf("integer division: 6/3 is %d \n",6/3);printf("integer division: 7/4 is %d \n",7/4);printf("floating division: 7./4. is %1.2f \n",7./4);printf("mixed division: 7./4 is %1.2f \n",7./4);return 0;
int main(void)
{int top, score;top = score = -(2 + 5) * 6 + (4 + 3 * (2 + 3));printf("top = %d, score = %d\n",top, score);return 0;
int main(void)
{int n = 0;size_t intsize;  intsize = sizeof(int);printf("n = %d, n has %zd bytes; all ints have %zd bytes.\n",n,sizeof n,intsize);return 0;
#define SEC_PER_MIN 60
int main(void)
{int sec, min, left;printf("Convert seconds to minutes and seconds!\n");printf("Enter the number of seconds (<=0 to quit):\n");scanf("%d",&sec);while (sec>0){min = sec/SEC_PER_MIN;left = sec% SEC_PER_MIN;      // 可以通过 a - (a/b)*b 来计算 a%b .printf("%d seconds is %d minutes,%d seconds.\n",sec,min,left);printf("Enter next value(<=0 to quit):\n");scanf("%d",&sec);}printf("Done!\n");return 0;
int main(void)
{int ultra = 0,super = 0;while (super < 5){super++;++ultra;printf("super = %d, ultra = %d \n",super, ultra);}return 0;
int main(void)
{int a = 1, b = 1;int a_post, pre_b;a_post = a++;pre_b = ++b;printf("a    a_post b    pre_b \n");printf("%ld %5d %5d %5d\n",a,a_post,b,pre_b);return 0;
#define MAX 100
int main(void)
{int count = MAX + 1; while(--count > 0) {printf("%d bottles of spring water on the wall, ""%d bottles of spring water!\n",count,count);printf("Take one down and pass it aroud,\n");printf("%d bottles of spring water!\n\n",count - 1);}return 0;
int main(void)
{int count, sum;count = 0;sum = 0;while (count++ < 20)sum = sum + count;printf("sum = %d\n",sum);return 0;
int main(void)
{char ch;int i;float fl;fl = i = ch = 'C';printf("ch = %c, i = %d, fl = %2.2f\n",ch,i,fl);ch = ch + 1;i = fl + 2 * ch;fl = 2.0 * ch + i;printf("ch = %c, i = %d, fl = %2.2f\n",ch,i,fl);ch = 1107;printf("Now ch = %c\n",ch);ch = 80.89;printf("Now ch = %c\n",ch);return 0;
void pound(int n);
int main(void)
{int times = 5;char ch = '!';float f = 6.0f;pound(times);pound(ch);pound(f);return 0;
void pound(int n)
{while(n-- > 0)printf("#");printf("\n");
const int S_PER_M = 60;
const int S_PER_H = 3600;
const double M_PER_K = 0.62137;
int main(void)
{double distk, distm;double rate;int min, sec;int time;double mtime;int mmin, msec;printf("This is program converts your time for a metric race\n");printf("to a time for running a mile and to your average\n");printf("speed in miles per hour\n");printf("Please enter, in kilometers, the distance run.\n");scanf("%lf",&distk);printf("Next enter the time in minutes and seconds.\n");printf("Begin by entering the minutes.\n");scanf("%d",&min);printf("Now enter the seconds.\n");scanf("%d", &sec);time = S_PER_M * min + sec;    //把时间转化成秒 distm = M_PER_K * distk;       //把公里转换成英里 rate = distm / time * S_PER_H; //英里/秒 * 秒/小时 = 英里/小时 mtime = (double)time / distm;  //时间/距离 = 跑1英里所用的时间 mmin = (int)mtime / S_PER_M;   //求出分钟数msec = (int)mtime % S_PER_M;   //求出剩余的秒数 printf("You ran %1.2f km (%1.2f miles) in %d min, %d sec.\n",distk, distm, min, sec);printf("That pace corresponds to running a mile in %d min, ",mmin);printf("%d sec.\nYour avergae speed was %1.2f mph.\n",msec, rate);return 0;

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