
#include <stdio.h>
#define STOP '#'
#define SPACE ' ' int main(void)
{int ch, space, enter, others;space = enter = others = 0;printf("请输入信息(输入#结束):\n");while ((ch = getchar()) != STOP)    //字符输入的方式,读到'#'停止{if (ch == SPACE){space++;}else if (ch == '\n'){enter++;}else{others++;}}printf("打印结果是:\n");printf("空格:%10d个\n", space);printf("换行符:%8d个\n", enter);printf("其它字符:%6d个\n", others);return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#define STOP '#'int main(void)
{int ch;int i = 0;printf("请输入信息(输入#结束):\n");while ((ch = getchar()) != STOP){if (i++ % 8 == 0){printf("\n");}if (ch == '\n'){printf("'\\n'-%3d ", ch);}else if (ch == '\t'){printf("'\\t'-%3d ", ch);}else{printf("'%c'-%3d ", ch, ch);}}printf("\nDone!\n");return 0;


#include <stdio.h>int main(void)
{int n, odd, even;int e_sum, o_sum;odd = even = 0;e_sum = o_sum = 0;printf("请输入一个整数(0退出程序):");while ((scanf("%d", &n) == 1) && (n != 0)){if (n % 2 == 0){even++;e_sum += n;}else{odd++;o_sum += n;}printf("您可以再次输入(0则退出):");}printf("偶数:%d个\n", even);if (even > 0){printf("偶数的平均值是%g\n", (float)e_sum / even);}printf("奇数:%d个\n", odd);if (odd > 0){printf("奇数的平均值是%g\n", (float)o_sum / odd);}printf("本程序完成!\n");return 0;

4.使用if else 语句编写一个程序读取输入,读到#停止。用感叹号替换句号,用两个感叹号替换原来的感叹号,最后报告进行了多少次替换。

#include <stdio.h>
#define STOP '#'int main(void)
{int ch;int n = 0;printf("请输入信息(输入#结束):\n");while ((ch = getchar()) != STOP){if (ch == '.'){putchar('!');n++;}else if (ch == '!'){printf("!!");n++;}else{putchar(ch);}}printf("\n共替代了%d次.\n", n);printf("('.'->'!') or ('!'->'!!').\n");return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#define STOP '#'int main(void)
{int ch;int n = 0;printf("请输入信息(输入#结束):\n");while ((ch = getchar()) != STOP){switch (ch){case '.':{putchar('!');n++;break;}case '!':{printf("!!");n++;break;}default:{putchar(ch);}}}printf("\n共出现了%d次.\n", n);printf("('.'->'!') or ('!'->'!!').\n");return 0;

(注意:该程序要记录前一个字符和当前字符。用“Receive your eieio award”这样的输入来测试.)

#include <stdio.h>
#define STOP '#'int main(void)
{int ch;int n = 0;int flag = 0;printf("请输入一个整数(0退出程序):\n");while ((ch = getchar()) != STOP){switch (ch){case 'e':{flag = 1; break;}case 'i':{if (1 == flag){n++;}flag = 0;break;}default:{flag = 0;}}}printf("\n共出现了%d次 \'ei\'.\n", n);return 0;

a.基本工资= 1000美元/小时
b. 加班(超过40小时)= 1.5倍的时间
c. 税率:前300美元为15%

#include <stdio.h>
#define BASE_SALARY 10.0f
#define EXTRA_HOUR 1.5f
#define BASE_TAX 0.15f
#define EXTRA_TAX 0.2f
#define EXCEED_TAX 0.25fint main(void)
{float hours = 0.0f;float salary, tax, taxed_salary;printf("Enter the working hours a week:");while ((!scanf("%f", &hours)) || (hours < 0)){while (getchar() != '\n')continue;printf("Please enter a positive number:");}if (hours <= 30){salary = hours * BASE_SALARY;tax = salary * BASE_TAX;taxed_salary = salary - tax;}else if (hours <= 40){salary = hours * BASE_SALARY;tax = 300 * BASE_TAX + (salary - 300) * EXTRA_TAX;taxed_salary = salary - tax;}else{salary = (40 + (hours - 40) * EXTRA_HOUR) * BASE_SALARY;if (salary <= 450){tax = 300 * BASE_TAX + (salary - 300) * EXTRA_TAX;}else{tax = 300 * BASE_TAX + (salary - 300) * EXTRA_TAX + (salary - 450) * EXCEED_TAX;}taxed_salary = salary - tax;}printf("salary(before tax):$%g\n", salary);printf("tax:$%g\n", tax);printf("salary(after tax):$%g\n", taxed_salary);return 0;


Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:1) $8.75/hr
3)$10.00 /hr
4)$11.20 /hr
5) quit

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define EXTRA_HOUR 1.5f
#define BASE_TAX 0.15f
#define EXTRA_TAX 0.2f
#define EXCEED_TAX 0.25fint show_menu(void);
void show_salary(float base_salary, float hours);
int get_choice(void);
void eatline(void);int main(void)
{int ch;float n;while ((ch = show_menu()) != 5){printf("Enter the working hours a week:");while ((!scanf("%f", &n)) || (n < 0)){eatline();printf("Enter a positive number:");}eatline();switch (ch){case 1:{show_salary(8.75f, n);break;}case 2:{show_salary(9.33f, n);break;}case 3:{show_salary(10.00f, n);break;}case 4:{show_salary(11.20f, n);break;}}putchar('\n');}printf("Done!\n");return 0;
}int get_choice(void)
{int ch = 0;scanf("%d", &ch);eatline();return ch;
}void eatline(void)
{while (getchar() != '\n')continue;return;
}int show_menu(void)
{int ch;printf("**********************************************************************\n");printf("Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:\n");printf("1) $8.75/hr                  2) $9.33/hr\n");printf("3) $10.00/hr                 4) $11.20/hr\n");printf("5) Quit\n");printf("**********************************************************************\n");printf("Please you choose:");ch = get_choice();while (ch != 1 && ch != 2 && ch != 3 && ch != 4 && ch != 5){printf("Please enter 1,2,3,4 or 5:");ch = get_choice();}return ch;
}void show_salary(float base_salary, float hours)
{float salary, tax, taxed_salary;if (hours <= 30){salary = hours * base_salary;tax = salary * BASE_TAX;taxed_salary = salary - tax;}else if (hours <= 40){salary = hours * base_salary;tax = 300 * BASE_TAX + (salary - 300) * EXTRA_TAX;taxed_salary = salary - tax;}else{salary = (40 + (hours - 40) * EXTRA_HOUR) * base_salary;if (salary <= 450){tax = 300 * BASE_TAX + (salary - 300) * EXTRA_TAX;}else{tax = 300 * BASE_TAX + (salary - 300) * EXTRA_TAX + (salary - 450) * EXCEED_TAX;}taxed_salary = salary - tax;}printf("salary(before tax):$%g\n", salary);printf("tax:$%g\n", tax);printf("salary(after tax):$%g\n", taxed_salary);return;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>int main(void)
{int i, n, number, prime;printf("请您输入一个正整数(<=0退出):");while ((scanf("%d", &number) == 1) && (number > 0)){if (number == 1){printf("1不是素数!\n");printf("您可以再次输入一个正整数(<=0退出):");continue;}printf("小于或等于%d的素数有:\n", number);for (i = 2; i <= number; i++){prime = 1;for (n = 2; n <= sqrt(i); n++){if (i % n == 0){prime = 0;break;}}if (prime){printf("%-3d", i);}}printf("\n您可以再次输入一个正整数(<=0退出):");}printf("本程序完成!\n");return 0;


类别            税金
单身      17850美元按15%计,超出部分按28%计
户主      23900美元按15%计,超出部分按28%计
已婚,共有   29750美元按15%计,超出部分按28%计
已婚,离异   14875美元按15%计,超出部分按28%计


#include <stdio.h>
#define PLAN1 17850
#define PLAN2 23900
#define PLAN3 29750
#define PLAN4 14875
#define RATE1 0.15
#define RATE2 0.28int main(void)
{int n;double wage, tax;while (1){printf("********************************\n");printf("1)单身              2)户主\n");printf("3)已婚,共有        4)已婚,离异\n");printf("5)退出本程序\n");printf("********************************\n");printf("请您选择您的身份(输入5退出本程序):");while ((!scanf("%d", &n)) || (n > 5 || n < 1)){while (getchar() != '\n')continue;printf("请重新输入1,2,3,4或5:");}if (1 == n){printf("请输入您的工资:");scanf("%lf", &wage);if (wage <= PLAN1){tax = wage * RATE1;printf("您需要交$%g税金\n\n", tax);}else{tax = PLAN1 * RATE1 + (wage - PLAN1) * RATE2;printf("您需要交$%g税金\n\n", tax);}}else if (2 == n){printf("请输入您的工资:");scanf("%lf", &wage);if (wage <= PLAN2){tax = wage * RATE1;printf("您需要交$%g税金\n\n", tax);}else{tax = PLAN2 * RATE1 + (wage - PLAN2) * RATE2;printf("您需要交$%g税金\n\n", tax);}}else if (3 == n){printf("请输入您的工资:");scanf("%lf", &wage);if (wage <= PLAN3){tax = wage * RATE1;printf("您需要交$%g税金\n\n", tax);}else{tax = PLAN3 * RATE1 + (wage - PLAN3) * RATE2;printf("您需要交$%g税金\n\n", tax);}}else if (4 == n){printf("请输入您的工资:");scanf("%lf", &wage);if (wage <= PLAN4){tax = wage * RATE1;printf("您需要交$%g税金\n\n", tax);}else{tax = PLAN4 * RATE1 + (wage - PLAN4) * RATE2;printf("您需要交$%g税金\n\n", tax);}}else if (5 == n){break;}}printf("本程序完成!\n");return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>int main(void)
{const double price_artichokes = 2.05;const double price_beets = 1.15;const double price_carrots = 1.09;const double DISCOUNT_RATE = 0.05;const double under5 = 6.50;const double under20 = 14.00;const double base20 = 14.00;const double extralb = 0.50;int ch;double lb_artichokes = 0;double lb_beets = 0;double lb_carrots = 0;double lb_temp;double lb_total;double cost_artichokes;double cost_beets;double cost_carrots;double cost_total;double final_total;double discount;double shipping;printf("Enter a to buy artichokes, b for beets, ");printf("c for carrots, q to quit: ");while ((ch = tolower(getchar())) != 'q'){if (isspace(ch)){continue;}while (getchar() != '\n')continue;switch (ch){case 'a':{printf("Enter pounds of artichokes: ");scanf("%lf", &lb_temp);lb_artichokes += lb_temp;break;}case 'b':{printf("Enter pounds of beets: ");scanf("%lf", &lb_temp);lb_beets += lb_temp;break;}case 'c':{printf("Enter pounds of carrots: ");scanf("%lf", &lb_temp);lb_carrots += lb_temp;break;}default:{printf("%c is not a valid choice.\n", ch);}}printf("Enter a to buy artichokes, b for beets, ");printf("c for carrots, q to quit: ");}cost_artichokes = price_artichokes * lb_artichokes;cost_beets = price_beets * lb_beets;cost_carrots = price_carrots * lb_carrots;cost_total = cost_artichokes + cost_beets + cost_carrots;lb_total = lb_artichokes + lb_beets + lb_carrots;if (lb_total <= 0){shipping = 0.0;}else if (lb_total < 5.0){shipping = under5;}else if (lb_total < 20.0){shipping = under20;}else{shipping = base20 + extralb * lb_total;}if (cost_total > 100.0){discount = DISCOUNT_RATE * cost_total;}else{discount = 0.0;}final_total = cost_total + shipping - discount;printf("Your order:\n");printf("%.2f lbs of artichokes at $%.2f per pound:$ %.2f\n",lb_artichokes, price_artichokes, cost_artichokes);printf("%.2f lbs of beets at $%.2f per pound: $%.2f\n",lb_beets, price_beets, cost_beets);printf("%.2f lbs of carrots at $%.2f per pound: $%.2f\n",lb_carrots, price_carrots, cost_carrots);printf("Total cost of vegetables: $%.2f\n", cost_total);if (cost_total > 100){printf("Volume discount: $%.2f\n", discount);}printf("Shipping: $%.2f\n", shipping);printf("Total charges: $%.2f\n", final_total);return 0;

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