方法 描述
selection.transition 为选择的元素添加动画
selection.interrupt interrupt and cancel transitions on the selected elements.
d3.transition schedule a transition on the root document element. schedule a transition on the selected elements.
transition.selectAll schedule a transition on the selected elements.
transition.filter filter elements based on data.
transition.merge merge this transition with another.
transition.selection returns a selection for this transition.
transition.transition schedule a new transition following this one. call a function with this transition.
transition.nodes returns an array of all selected elements.
transition.node returns the first (non null) element.
transition.size returns the count of elements.
transition.empty returns true if this transition is empty.
transition.each call a function for each element.
transition.on add or remove transition event listeners.
transition.attr tween the given attribute using the default interpolator.
transition.attrTween tween the given attribute using a custom interpolator. tween the given style property using the default interpolator.
transition.styleTween tween the given style property using a custom interpolator.
transition.text set the text content when the transition starts.
transition.remove remove the selected elements when the transition ends.
transition.tween run custom code during the transition.
transition.delay specify per element delay in milliseconds.
transition.duration specify per element duration in milliseconds.
transition.ease specify the easing function. select the active transition for a given node.
d3.interrupt interrupt the active transition for a given node.

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