数据库已打开 OCP 笔记,非常感谢那位告诉的博客。谢谢。

i_like_cpp http://blog.csdn.net/i_like_cpp

其中OCP 有一道考察这样的题目:

Q606. You realize that the control file is damaged in your production database. After restoring the control file from autobackup, what is the next step that you must do to proceed with the database recovery?

A. Mount the database

B. Open the database in NORMAL mode

C. Open the database in RESTRICTED mode

D. Open the database with the RESETLOGS option

Answer: A

Recovering Using RMAN Backups Restoring the Control File from the Autobackup

Restoring the control file from an autobackup is similar to the steps you use to restore an SPFILE from an autobackup.

RMAN> startup nomount;

RMAN> restore controlfile from autobackup;

RMAN> alter database mount;

RMAN> recover database;

RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;

Note that since there is no control file, you have to open the database with NOMOUNT and then restore the control file. After you mount the database, you must recover the database, because the backup control file contains information about an older version of the database. For the same  reason, you must open the database  with RESETLOGS. RMAN restores the control file to all locations specified by theinitialization parameter CONTROL_FILES. If one or more of those locations are still not available, you will have to edit the CONTROL_FILES parameter to specify alternative locations or temporarily restore the control file to adifferent location;

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