
  • Podcast
  • ephemeral *adj.* [ih-FEM-uh-rul]
  • Definition
  • Did You Know?
  • Examples


ephemeral podcast

ephemeral adj. [ih-FEM-uh-rul]



1: lasting a very short time

2: lasting one day only

Did You Know?

The mayfly (order Ephemeroptera) typically hatches, matures, mates and dies within the span of a few short hours (though the longest-lived may survive a record two days); poets sometimes use this insect to symbolize life’s ephemeral nature. When ephemeral (from the Greek word ephēmeros, meaning “lasting a day”) first appeared in print in English in the late 16th century, it was a scientific term applied to short-term fever, and later, to organisms (such as insects and flowers) with very short life spans. Soon after that, it acquired an extended sense referring to anything fleeting and short-lived, as in “ephemeral pleasures.”

词源词根演化:ephēmeros (“lasting a day”) —> ephemeral (adj.)

蜉蝣(mayfly, Ephemeroptera目,意思是“短暂的有翅”)通常在短暂的几个小时内完成孵化,成熟,交配到死亡的整个过程 (尽管有最长的活过两天的记录);诗人们有时使用这种昆虫来比喻生命的短暂特点。当ephemeral (来自于希腊单词 ephēmeros,意思是“持续一天”)最初出现在16世纪的英文印刷品中时,是一个科学术语,表示“短暂的发烧”,后来用于生命非常短暂的有机物(例如昆虫与花朵)。此后不久,这个词就用于更加广泛的场景,指代任何短暂的或者短命的事物,例如在 ephemeral pleasure (转瞬即逝的快乐)中。

图片来自 The National Wildlife Federation


  • The young YouTube star’s fame was ephemeral but surprisingly lucrative while it lasted.


    注:lucrative ['luːkrətɪv]:合算的,获利的

  • “After winter, the garden comes to life with the planting of spring-blooming ephemeral bulbs such as naturalizing daffodils, crocus, tulips, snowdrops and hyacinths that appear before the tree canopy ‘leafs out’ and perennials burst forth… .”
    The Parry Sound (Ontario) North Star, 6 Mar. 2019

    注:daffodil [['dæfədɪl] ]:黄水仙花




    hyacinth ['haɪəsɪnθ]:风信子

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