
In this tutorial I will show you how to provide a dynamic RTF document on your website generated with data from your database. For this tutorial you will need Microsoft Word or WordPad, WhizBase and Microsoft Access.

在本教程中,我将向您展示如何在网站上提供动态的RTF文档,该文档是根据数据库中的数据生成的。 对于本教程,您将需要Microsoft Word或写字板,WhizBase和Microsoft Access。

In this tutorial I will show you how to make RTFs with the usage of WhizBase, If you want more information about WhizBase please read my previous articles at http://www.experts-exchange.com/ARTH_5123186.html

在本教程中,我将向您展示如何使用WhizBase来制作RTF,如果您想了解有关WhizBase的更多信息,请阅读我以前的文章, 网址为http://www.experts-exchang e.com/ARTH _5123186.h tml

Create your document


First you need to make an RTF template, it is how the document will look like. I have created a file which lists the first name, last name, telephone, email and address in a table.

首先,您需要制作一个RTF模板,这就是文档的外观。 我创建了一个文件,该文件在表中列出了名字,姓氏,电话,电子邮件和地址。

As you can see the dynamic part will contain WhizBase code.  I have putted $wbf[fname], $wbf[lname], $wbf[email], $wbf[tel] and $wbf[address] in the cells I want to show dynamic data.

如您所见,动态部分将包含WhizBase代码。 我已将$ wbf [fname],$ wbf [lname],$ wbf [email],$ wbf [tel]和$ wbf [address]放在要显示动态数据的单元格中。

These placeholders will be replaced dynamically with data.


Now just save the document as RTF file. You go to "Save As" and save the file as "form.rtf".

现在,只需将文档另存为RTF文件即可。 您转到“另存为”并将文件另存为“ form.rtf”。

Create you database file


The database can be in any format, I will use Microsoft Access because it is the easiest for me. You can use MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL or even Microsoft Excel.

数据库可以是任何格式,我将使用Microsoft Access,因为它对我来说最简单。 您可以使用MySQL,Oracle,MS SQL甚至Microsoft Excel。

I will create a database file with one table "contacts", it will contain these 6 fields:

我将使用一个表“ contacts”创建一个数据库文件,其中将包含以下6个字段:

ID – autonumaber and primary key
Fname – text
Lname – text
Email – text
Tel – text
Address – memo

Now save this file as "form.mdb"

现在将此文件另存为“ form.mdb”

I have inserted some records in this table.


Create WhizBase file


Finally we need a file which will be our webpage which takes the ID and gives us the RTF document. So we need to implement an input form for ID, and when submit is clicked then start downloading the new generated file.

最后,我们需要一个文件,该文件将成为我们的网页,其中包含ID并提供给我们RTF文档。 因此,我们需要实现ID的输入表单,然后单击“提交”,然后开始下载新生成的文件。

First let's rename the file "form.rtf" to "form.ic", "ic" is the extension for included files in WhizBase by the function $wbrinc.

首先让我们将文件“ form.rtf”重命名为“ form.ic”,“ ic”是功能$ wbrinc在WhizBase中包含文件的扩展名。

Now create an HTML file with this code:


<html><body><form action='form.wbsp' method='post'>Insert ID: <input type='text' name='wbf_id' /><input type='submit' value='Export file' /></form></body></html>

This is a very basic HTML form file, the only thing you must not forget is the name of the text field, it will be wbf_id, which I have already explained in previous tutorials. Save this file as "default.wbsp".

这是一个非常基本HTML表单文件,您唯一不能忘记的是文本字段的名称,它将是wbf_id,我在之前的教程中已经对此进行了解释。 将此文件另存为“ default.wbsp”。

Now we create another WhizBase file where we query the DB and include the RTF template file.



As you can see nothing new, we are simply querying the DB and including the template which have the placeholders which will be replaced with data. The only important and new thing is the line:

如您所见,没有什么新鲜的东西,我们只是在查询数据库,并包括具有占位符的模板,这些占位符将被数据替换。 唯一重要的新事物是该行:


Here we say to the browser that this documents type is not HTML so do not render it, we say it is MS WORD  application type, so any popular browser will just download it to your computer.

在这里,我们向浏览器说此文档类型不是HTML,所以不要渲染它,而是说它是MS WORD应用程序类型,因此任何流行的浏览器都将其下载到您的计算机上。

And you have now a ready script to make RTF reports easily.


For more information please visit my member profile at http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_5123186.html

有关更多信息,请访问我的会员资料, 网址为http://www.experts-exchang e.com/M_51 23186.html

Or visit the WhizBase official site at www.whizbase.com


NurAzije is a PHP and WhizBase programmer, who at the time of article publication has been working in partnership with WhizBase company on several projects and very recently as an employee.


翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/4421/Generate-dynamic-RTF-Rich-Text-Format-documents-easily.html



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