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  • stratagem *n.* [STRAT-uh-jum]
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stratagem podcast

stratagem n. [STRAT-uh-jum]



1 a: an artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy

b: a cleverly contrived trick or scheme for gaining an end

2: skill in ruses or trickery


Did You Know?

A stratagem is any clever scheme — sometimes one that’s part of an overall strategy (i.e., a carefully worked out plan of action). The word stratagem entered English in the 15th century and was originally used in reference to some artifice, such as a military plan or maneuver, which was designed to deceive or outwit the enemy. This military sense can be traced back to the word’s Greek ancestor stratēgēma, which is itself based on stratēgein, meaning “to act as a general.” stratēgein, in turn, comes from stratēgos (meaning “general”), which comes from stratos (“camp” or “army”) and agein (“to lead”). Stratēgos is an ancestor of strategy as well.

词源词根演化:stratos (“army”) —> stratēgos (“general”) + agein (“to lead”) —> stratēgein (“to act as a general”) —> stratēgēma —> stratagem (n.)

一个stratagem是任何聪明的计划 — 有时是整体策略中的一部分 (即,一个精心策划的行动计划)。stratagem这个词从15世纪进入英语,最初用于一些战争战术,例如某个军事行动或者调动,目的是欺骗或者智胜敌人。这种军事意义可以追溯这个词的希腊祖先stratēgēma,这个词又是基于stratēgein,意思是“当将军”。继续回溯,可以发现stratēgein来自于stratēgos,意思是“将军”,而stratēgos则是由stratos(“营地”或“军队”)与agein(v. “领导”)组合而成。而且stratēgos还是英语单词strategy的祖先。


  • As a stratagem to get the kids to do their chores, Melissa persuaded them to have a race to see which child could finish first.

  • “Perpetrators always have at their disposal a set of self-exculpatory stratagems that they can use to reframe their actions as provoked, justified, involuntary, or inconsequential.”
    Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature, 2011


注:perpetrators [pɜːpɪt’reɪtərz]:施害者;self-exculpatory:自我辩解的,自我开脱罪责的;reframe:重构构筑,重新设计;provoke:激怒,惹起;inconsequential:不合理的,不重要的

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