
One day, boy A and girl B are playing a dice game. First, they write a number between 1~6 in a piece of paper, and then roll the dice. The one whose number is closer to the number of the dice will win this game. For example, A wins if |a-x|<|b-x|. And |a-x|=|b-x| means a draw.


Each test case cantains two integers a and b, representing the numbers guessed by boy A and girl B respectively. The input is terminated in the end of file (EOF).


For each test case, you must print the numbers of the cases of "A wins", "draw" and "B wins".

输入样例 1

2 5

输出样例 1

3 0 3

输入样例 2

2 4

输出样例 2

2 1 3



using namespace std;int main()
{int a, b;while (cin >> a && cin >> b){int awin = 0, bwin = 0, draw = 0;for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++){if (abs(a - i) < abs(b - i))awin++;else if (abs(a - i) == abs(b - i))draw++;}bwin = 6 - awin - draw;cout << awin << " " << draw << " " << bwin << endl;}return 0;

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