
One day, there is a kind of new delicious food from one of the windows in the canteen. All students want to have a taste. Therefore, they all go to this window to line up and form a sequence. We need to simplify this sequence. For example, if a sequence is 12221133345678899, we can simplify it as 1213456789.


Each test case contains a sequence. There are only numbers and letters in the sequence. The max length of the sequence is 100. The input is terminated by the end of file (EOF).


For each test case, you must print the simplyfied sequence in one line.

输入样例 1


输出样例 1



第一种就是建立一个新的空字符串ans,先把原字符串s的首位加进去,然后从s的第一位开始遍历s。如果s[i]表示的字符与ans的最后一位字符(表示方法:ans[ans.length()-1] )不相等,可以认为s中一段相同字符的序列已经结束了,那么把这个字符加进ans里,最后输出ans,注意格式!!


using namespace std;int main()
{string s;while (cin >> s){string ans = "";ans += s[0];for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++){if (s[i] != ans[ans.length() - 1])ans += s[i];}cout << ans <<endl;}return 0;




using namespace std;int main()
{string s;while (cin >> s){int fast = 1, slow = 0; //fast是跑的快的那个指针,slow是慢的while(fast < s.length()){if (s[slow] != s[fast]) //指的字符不一样{slow++; //slow向后挪一位s[slow] = s[fast]; //让fast指向的值覆盖slow指向的值}fast++;}cout << s.substr(0, slow + 1) << endl;}return 0;

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