Android P Preview was launched a few months back and we’re still in awe of the new features that have released with it. Though Android P hasn’t yet locked down on its name, still it more than just compensates for that by bringing so many new features for the users as well as developers to play with.
Let’s talk about some of the features.

Android P预览版是在几个月前发布的,我们仍然对其发布的新功能感到敬畏。 尽管Android P尚未锁定其名称,但它不仅仅通过为用户和开发人员带来如此多的新功能来弥补这一点,还可以弥补这一不足。

电池的改进 (Improvements in Battery)

Adaptive Battery
Android P has come up with Adaptive Battery that uses Machine Learning to analyze your actions with the smartphone. Based on that it optimizes the CPU and the background processes while predicting the next app you’re gonna open.

Android P附带了自适应电池,该电池使用机器学习来分析您使用智能手机进行的操作。 基于此,它可以优化CPU和后台进程,同时预测您将要打开的下一个应用程序。

Customising the Battery Saver
Earlier you could enable the Battery Saver only when you’re phone’s battery went below 15%.
Now you can set a customized percentage at which the battery saver would get triggered.


增强通知 (Enhanced Notifications)

Android P has come up with a better UI and UX for notifications as shown below:

Android P为通知提供了更好的UI和UX,如下所示:

The new enhanced Notifications shows a message chat like UI. Also, they give you an option to use automated response.

新的增强型通知显示了类似于UI的消息聊天。 此外,他们还为您提供了使用自动回复的选项。

Thanks to Android P, you no need to fear over opening the application when a user sends you an image attachment. You can directly view it in the notifications as shown above.

借助Android P,当用户向您发送图像附件时,您无需担心会打开应用程序。 您可以如上所述在通知中直接查看它。

安全 (Security)

Android P further improves app security by not allowing applications to access other applications(such as camera, mic or third-party app) when they are inactive. This would further put a complete rest to all claims of social network apps tracking you through your mic etc!
For Android developers, Android P adds support for APK Signature Scheme v3. In v3 you can sign your application with a new key by linking the past signed keys certificates to the current one.

Android P通过禁止非活动状态的应用程序访问其他应用程序(例如相机,麦克风或第三方应用程序)来进一步提高应用程序的安全性。 这将进一步完善社交网络应用程序通过麦克风等跟踪您的所有声明!
对于Android开发人员,Android P添加了对APK签名方案v3的支持。 在v3中,您可以通过将过去的已签名密钥证书链接到当前证书来使用新密钥对应用程序进行签名。

最近的标签用户界面 (Recent Tabs UI)

Android P recent tabs UI is must similar to the iOS UI.

Android P最近选项卡的UI必须类似于iOS UI。

改进的音量/媒体控制 (Improved Volume/Media Controls)

Android P provides a volume/media UI on your home screen making it easy to change it.

Android P在您的主屏幕上提供了一个音量/媒体UI,可以轻松对其进行更改。

指纹认证 (Fingerprint Authentication)

Android P has bumped up the security by providing built-in fingerprint security at lock screen as well as for applications.
You can setup the fingerprints from the Settings | Security.

Android P通过在锁屏以及应用程序中提供内置的指纹安全性来提高安全性。
您可以从“ 设置” |设置”中设置指纹 安全性

Wach out for the FingerPrintDialog, Android Developers!

快来体验FingerPrintDialog ,Android开发者!

显示切口 (Display Cutouts)

Android P supports multiple display cutouts just like iPhone X. Display Cutouts is also known as Notch Support.

就像iPhone X一样,Android P支持多个显示切口。显示切口也称为Notch支持

You can set them by enabling Developer Options. Goto Settings | System Update | About Phone. Click the Build number multiple times to enable Developer Options.

您可以通过启用“开发人员选项”进行设置。 转到设置| 系统更新| 关于手机。 多次单击内部版本号以启用开发人员选项。

Now Developer Options is visible in the Settings tab. Inside the Developer Options you can change the display cut out as shown below:

现在,开发人员选项在“设置”选项卡中可见。 在开发人员选项中,您可以更改显示的裁剪,如下所示:

更好的屏幕旋转 (Better Screen Rotation)

Android P brings manual screen rotation. So if you rotate your screen, you’ll be shown with a button to manually change the rotation. This enhances the user experience and prevents accidental screen rotations to an extent.

Android P带来了手动屏幕旋转。 因此,如果旋转屏幕,将显示一个按钮来手动更改旋转角度。 这样可以增强用户体验,并在一定程度上防止屏幕意外旋转。

多个相机API (Multiple Camera APIs)

Android P gives a lot of attention to the dual camera support. It provides multi-camera API in order to leverage dual cameras. Plus the camera APIs have improved upon the older APIs by providing fast captures.

Android P对双摄像头的支持给予了很多关注。 它提供了多摄像机API,以利用双摄像机。 另外,相机API通过提供快速捕获功能,在旧版API的基础上进行了改进。

改进了截图编辑 (Improved Screenshot Editing)

Android P has improved screenshots. Now you can edit screenshots as soon as its taken. Something that’s been there since long in iOS. You can crop, annotate, do anything with the screenshots you’ve just taken.

Android P改进了屏幕截图。 现在,您可以立即编辑屏幕截图。 在iOS平台上已经存在了很长时间。 您可以使用刚拍摄的屏幕截图进行裁剪,注释或执行任何操作。

室内地图定位 (Indoor Map Positioning)

Android P has come up with improved location services. This makes tracking indoor locations a lot more accurate. Android P adds platform support for the IEEE 802.11mc WiFi protocol — also known as WiFi Round-Trip-Time (RTT) for indoor positioning.

Android P提供了改进的位置服务。 这使得跟踪室内位置更加准确。 Android P增加了对IEEE 802.11mc WiFi协议(也称为WiFi往返时间(RTT),用于室内定位)的平台支持。

改进的分屏 (Improved Split Screen)

Multi Window support came up in Android Nougat. In Android P, recent tabs, you can choose the apps to split screen with.

Android Nougat中提供了多窗口支持。 在Android P的“最近使用的标签”中,您可以选择用于拆分屏幕的应用。

切片和动作 (Slices and Actions)

Android P introduces a Slices API. Now you can search your apps along with their contents from other apps. Example: You can Google Search for stuff inside your app.

Android P引入了Slices API。 现在,您可以从其他应用程序中搜索您的应用程序及其内容。 示例:您可以在Google搜索中搜索应用内的内容。

工作资料 (Work Profiles)

You can set different work profiles from Settings -> Account. Doing so you can categorize applications into the profiles. Go to the launcher screen and you’ll see the different work profiles that are created.

您可以从设置->帐户设置不同的工作资料。 这样,您可以将应用程序分类到配置文件中。 转到启动器屏幕,您将看到创建的不同工作资料。

This brings an end to this tutorial on Android P features. We’ll add more when they’re released. Stay tuned!

这结束了有关Android P功能的本教程。 当它们发布时,我们将添加更多。 敬请关注!

Reference: Android Developer Docs

参考: Android开发人员文档


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