Finally, Android Q Beta 1 has been released and we are very eager to share what it has in store for everyone. Let’s look at the different features and some APIs as well.

最后,Android Q Beta 1已发布,我们非常渴望为所有人共享它的存储内容。 让我们看看不同的功能以及一些API。

Android Q功能 (Android Q Features)

1.安全性增强–生物识别 (1. Security Enhancements – Biometrics)

Android Q further enhances biometric prompts. You can now provide a hint that tells the system not to require user confirmation after the user has authenticated using an implicit biometric modal.
This way the user need not confirm low-risk actions every time once you’ve passed setRequireConfirmation() as false.
If your biometric authentication doesn’t work you can provide the user with a fallback using setAllowDeviceCredential() which enables access to use device PIN/Password/Screen Lock to unlock.

Android Q进一步增强了生物识别提示。 现在,您可以提供一个提示,告诉用户在使用隐式生物识别模式进行身份验证后,无需用户确认。
这样,一旦您将setRequireConfirmation()传递为false ,用户就不必每次都确认低风险操作。
如果您的生物特征认证不起作用,则可以使用setAllowDeviceCredential()向用户提供一个后备setAllowDeviceCredential() ,该功能允许访问使用设备PIN /密码/屏幕锁定进行解锁。

2.隐私保护–对位置权限的更多用户控制 (2. Privacy Protections – More user control to location permissions)

Earlier the user had only two choices. To allow or deny permissions.
But with Android Q they can be given a third option to allow only when the application is visible.

之前,用户只有两个选择。 允许或拒绝权限。
但是,使用Android Q,可以为它们提供第三个选项,使其仅在应用程序可见时才允许。

Android Q Location Permission

Android Q位置权限

Prevention of applications from launching activities automatically from the background is also underway.

3.暗模式 (3. Dark Mode)

Android Q allows us to enable Dark Mode across the device. In Beta 1, in order to do this, you need to enable Battery Saver Mode.

Android Q允许我们在设备上启用暗模式。 在Beta 1中,要执行此操作,您需要启用省电模式。

4.更快的共享选项 (4. Faster Sharing Options)

Android Q gets rid of the lag and the large list of applications to share your content with. Android Q introduces sharing shortcuts that lets us share our contents quickly by jumping into the destination app content.
Developers can publish share targets that launch a specific activity in their apps with content attached.
Since these are not dynamically loaded sharing would become faster.

Android Q摆脱了滞后和大量与您共享内容的应用程序列表。 Android Q引入了共享快捷方式,通过进入目标应用程序内容,我们可以快速共享内容。

Android Q Sharing Shortcuts – From Android Docs

Android Q共享快捷方式–来自Android文档

5.新电池指示灯 (5. New Battery Indicator)

Android Q brings a new way to display the battery. It shows like “Until 12:00 PM“.

Android Q带来了一种显示电池的新方法。 它显示为“ 直到12:00 PM ”。

6. App的设置面板 (6. Settings Panel for App)

Android Q brings an in-app Settings Panel in the context of your App. This way you can change settings related to your current app.

Android Q在您的应用程序上下文中带来一个应用程序内设置面板。 这样,您可以更改与当前应用程序相关的设置。

Android Q Settings Panel

Android Q设置面板

7.支持可折叠屏幕 (7. Support for Foldable Screens)

Android Q would be supporting foldable screen devices. Hence multiple applications that are opened side by side would have their onResume triggered simultaneously.

Android Q将支持可折叠的屏幕设备。 因此,并排打开的多个应用程序将同时触发其onResume

Android Q Foldable Screens

Android Q可折叠屏幕

8.连接功能 (8. Connectivity Features)

Android Q adds support for peer-to-peer connections.

Android Q添加了对等连接的支持。

Improved Wifi Performance – In Android Q, you can now request adaptive Wi-Fi in Android Q by enabling high performance and low latency modes.
To use the new performance modes, call WifiManager.WifiLock.createWifiLock() with WIFI_MODE_FULL_LOW_LATENCY or WIFI_MODE_FULL_HIGH_PERF.

改进的Wifi性能 –在Android Q中,您现在可以通过启用高性能和低延迟模式来在Android Q中请求自适应Wi-Fi。

Wifi Easy Connect – Android Q makes wifi sharing with peers easier using QR codes or Bluetooth or NFC.

Wifi轻松连接 – Android Q使用QR码或蓝牙或NFC可以更轻松地与对等方共享wifi。

9.新的色彩主题 (9. New Color Themes)

You can now set consistent colors throughout the application from the Developer Options in the Settings Application.


10.改进的摄像头功能,音频和视频 (10. Improved Camera Features, Audio And Video)

Android Q further enhances the Monochrome Camera Support that was introduced in Android Pie with:

Android Q通过以下功能进一步增强了Android Pie中引入的对单色相机的支持:

  • Y8 stream format support for improving memory efficiency.支持Y8流格式以提高内存效率。
  • Support for monochrome raw DNG capture.支持单色原始DNG捕获。
  • Introduction of MONO and NIR CFA enumerations to distinguish between a regular monochrome camera and near-infrared cameras.引入MONO和NIR CFA枚举以区分常规的单色相机和近红外相机。

Dynamic Depth Fields
You can now simulate depth effect in your camera photos using the DDF format.
This format applies a narrow depth effect in the photo. You can store the original image separately from this post-processing DDF format pics.

此格式会在照片中应用较窄的深度效果。 您可以将原始图像与此后处理DDF格式的图片分开存储。

Introducing New Audio and Video Codecs – Android Q introduces a new Codec – AV1.
This allows media providers to stream high-quality video content to Android devices using less bandwidth.

引入新的音频和视频编解码器 – Android Q引入了新的编解码器– AV1。

11.改进的ART性能 (11. Improved ART Performance)

Android Q improves the ART runtime which makes the application launch and runs faster.

Android Q改进了ART运行时,从而使应用程序启动并运行得更快。

12.应用程序角色 (12. Application Roles)

Roles is something new that’s introduced with Android Q. Once you define a role for your application, the Android OS grants elevated access to system functions.

角色是Android Q引入的新功能。为应用程序定义角色后,Android OS会授予对系统功能的提升访问权限。

Following are some of the Roles that you need to define in your application:


  • ROLE_SMS角色_短信

We’ll discuss Roles at length in a separate tutorial.


13.神经网络API 1.2 (13. Neural Networks API 1.2)

The NNAPI1.2 would roll out with Android Q and it has a lot of performance optimizations over the previous API. Thus, you can use and accelerate more models for Object Detection etc using Tensor Flow.

NNAPI1.2将在Android Q上推出,并且在以前的API上进行了很多性能优化。 因此,您可以使用Tensor Flow使用并加速用于对象检测等的更多模型。

摘要 (Summary)

Android Q has brought a lot of cool features. Dark mode is my favorite one and it will save a lot of battery life too. Settings panel for App is really nice and we won’t have to go to Settings app just to change some app settings. Finally, Android is starting to support foldable screens. Please let me know your favorite Android Q feature or if I missed any important feature.

Android Q带来了很多很棒的功能。 暗模式是我最喜欢的模式,它也可以节省很多电池寿命。 App的“设置”面板非常好,我们不必去设置应用程序即可更改某些应用程序设置。 最后,Android开始支持可折叠屏幕。 请让我知道您最喜欢的Android Q功能,或者如果我错过任何重要功能。


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