GN_1_在Ubuntu22.04安装GN 中已经介绍过GN的安装。下面我们使用GN来编译自己写的helloworld程序。
复制例子simple_build中的 .gnbuild到你自己新建的目录假设为test。

cp -rvf .gn buld  /path/to/test


#include <iostream>
int main(void)
{std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;return 0;


executable("hello") {sources = ["",]


gn gen out
ninja -C out



gn gen out 命令会去找当前目录下的.gn文件。

# The location of the build configuration file.
buildconfig = "//build/"
  • // 表示.gn所在路径,这里因为.gn和build目录在同一路径下, 所以在build前面加//


# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.if (target_os == "") {target_os = host_os
if (target_cpu == "") {target_cpu = host_cpu
if (current_cpu == "") {current_cpu = target_cpu
if (current_os == "") {current_os = target_os
}is_linux = host_os == "linux" && current_os == "linux" && target_os == "linux"
is_mac = host_os == "mac" && current_os == "mac" && target_os == "mac"# All binary targets will get this list of configs by default.
_shared_binary_target_configs = [ "//build:compiler_defaults" ]# Apply that default list to the binary target types.
set_defaults("executable") {configs = _shared_binary_target_configs# Executables get this additional configuration.configs += [ "//build:executable_ldconfig" ]
set_defaults("static_library") {configs = _shared_binary_target_configs
set_defaults("shared_library") {configs = _shared_binary_target_configs
set_defaults("source_set") {configs = _shared_binary_target_configs

可以看到里面指定编译时的系统,CPU,编译默认选项,源文件,可执行文件,静态库和动态库 的配置;当然还有吧编译工具//build/toolchain:gcc


# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.config("compiler_defaults") {if (current_os == "linux") {cflags = ["-fPIC","-pthread",]}
}config("executable_ldconfig") {if (!is_mac) {ldflags = ["-Wl,-rpath=\$ORIGIN/","-Wl,-rpath-link=",]}

那再看一下 //build/toolchain:gcc,看了toolchain里面只有一个BUILD.gn文件,内容如下:

# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.toolchain("gcc") {tool("cc") {depfile = "{{output}}.d"command = "gcc -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_c}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"depsformat = "gcc"description = "CC {{output}}"outputs =[ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o" ]}tool("cxx") {depfile = "{{output}}.d"command = "g++ -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_cc}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"depsformat = "gcc"description = "CXX {{output}}"outputs =[ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o" ]}tool("alink") {command = "rm -f {{output}} && ar rcs {{output}} {{inputs}}"description = "AR {{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"outputs =[ "{{target_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}" ]default_output_extension = ".a"output_prefix = "lib"}tool("solink") {soname = "{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"  # e.g. "".sofile = "{{output_dir}}/$soname"rspfile = soname + ".rsp"if (is_mac) {os_specific_option = "-install_name @executable_path/$sofile"rspfile_content = "{{inputs}} {{solibs}} {{libs}}"} else {os_specific_option = "-Wl,-soname=$soname"rspfile_content = "-Wl,--whole-archive {{inputs}} {{solibs}} -Wl,--no-whole-archive {{libs}}"}command = "g++ -shared {{ldflags}} -o $sofile $os_specific_option @$rspfile"description = "SOLINK $soname"# Use this for {{output_extension}} expansions unless a target manually# overrides it (in which case {{output_extension}} will be what the target# specifies).default_output_extension = ".so"# Use this for {{output_dir}} expansions unless a target manually overrides# it (in which case {{output_dir}} will be what the target specifies).default_output_dir = "{{root_out_dir}}"outputs = [ sofile ]link_output = sofiledepend_output = sofileoutput_prefix = "lib"}tool("link") {outfile = "{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"rspfile = "$outfile.rsp"if (is_mac) {command = "g++ {{ldflags}} -o $outfile @$rspfile {{solibs}} {{libs}}"} else {command = "g++ {{ldflags}} -o $outfile -Wl,--start-group @$rspfile {{solibs}} -Wl,--end-group {{libs}}"}description = "LINK $outfile"default_output_dir = "{{root_out_dir}}"rspfile_content = "{{inputs}}"outputs = [ outfile ]}tool("stamp") {command = "touch {{output}}"description = "STAMP {{output}}"}tool("copy") {command = "cp -af {{source}} {{output}}"description = "COPY {{source}} {{output}}"}



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