pc 长截屏

Windows 10 has 2 built-in ways to take screenshots. These are fast, convenient, and easy to remember.

Windows 10具有2种内置的截图方法。 这些都是快速,方便且易于记忆的。

The first method is incredibly simple, and accessible at any time – right from the keyboard.


方法1:按键盘上的Print Screen Key将获取整个PC屏幕的屏幕截图。 (Method 1: Pressing the Print Screen Key on your keyboard will take a screenshot of your entire PC screen.)

If you press the Print Screen Key, Windows will take a screenshot and, by default, save this to your Microsoft OneDrive account.

如果您按“打印屏幕键”,则Windows将截取屏幕截图,默认情况下,将其保存到您的Microsoft OneDrive帐户。

You can then open up any screenshots you've taken with the Print Screen Key by navigating to the Screenshots Folder inside the Pictures folder inside your OneDrive, using Windows File Explorer.

然后,您可以使用Windows File Explorer导航到OneDrive内Pictures文件夹内的Screenshots文件夹,以打开使用Print Screen Key拍摄的所有屏幕截图。

Again, these are stored in OneDrive > Pictures > Screenshots.


But using the Print Screen Key is a bit of a blunt instrument. It captures your entire screen. And for privacy reasons, you may not want to do this.

但是使用“打印屏幕键”是一种比较钝的工具。 它会捕获您的整个屏幕。 并且出于隐私原因,您可能不想这样做。

Also, some laptops don't even have a Print Screen Key on their keyboard.


Fortunately, Windows also has a more powerful built-in screen-shot tool called Snip & Sketch. And it will give you a ton of flexibility.

幸运的是,Windows还具有一个功能更强大的内置屏幕截图工具,名为Snip&Sketch。 它将为您提供大量的灵活性。

方法2:如何使用Windows Snipping Tool(又名Snip&Sketch)获取PC屏幕的部分屏幕截图。 (Method 2: How to Use Windows Snipping Tool (AKA Snip & Sketch) to take a partial screenshot of your PC's screen.)

The Snipping Tool is quite powerful, considering that it's a free built-in screenshot tool.


You can open it from the search bar by pressing the Windows key and then typing "snipping tool".


But Windows is trying to get users to get into the habit of using their new hotkey.


By pressing three keys at the same time, you can put Windows into a special Screenshot Mode where you can select whatever parts of the screen you'd like to snap.


Here are the 3 keys you press to initiate this mode: Windows + Shift + S

这是您按下以启动此模式的3个键: Windows + Shift + S

If you press and hold those buttons, here is what you'll see:


When you hold down  Windows + Shift + S at the same time, your entire screen will darken. You can then left-click your mouse and drag your cursor – which will now be shaped like a little crosshair.

同时按住Windows + Shift + S时,整个屏幕将变暗。 然后,您可以左键单击鼠标并拖动光标-现在将其形状像一个十字准线。

The portion of the screen that you've selected will be brighter than the rest of the screen.


Then, whenever you've selected everything you want to screenshot, just release these keys. Presto – you have taken a screenshot. Convenient, right?

然后,每当您选择要截图的所有内容时,只需松开这些键即可。 Presto –您已截屏。 方便吧?

And using Microsoft's new Snip & Sketch tool, you can even draw on your screenshots to further mark them up.


OK – Windows会将这些屏幕快照存储在哪里? (OK – so where does Windows store these screenshots?)

Unlike with the Print Screen Key method, by default Windows will store these screenshots in your Pictures folder: This PC > Pictures.


You can access these using the Windows File Explorer.

您可以使用Windows File Explorer访问它们。

Windows Snip&Sketch使拍摄PC截图非常容易。 (Windows Snip & Sketch Makes Taking a Screenshot of your PC Pretty Easy.)

I personally applaud Microsoft for making this process so convenient. Coming from the Mac and Linux world, there is no equivalent tool that works this well for those operating systems.

我个人赞扬Microsoft简化了此过程。 来自Mac和Linux的世界,没有等效的工具可以很好地适用于那些操作系统。

Thanks for reading this guide. I for one take dozens of screenshots per day. And I hope you are able to also embrace this convenient way of capturing information and quickly sharing it with people. Screenshots are a great way to quickly communicate.

感谢您阅读本指南。 我每天要拍摄几十张屏幕截图。 我希望您也能够采用这种便捷的方式来捕获信息并与他人快速共享信息。 屏幕截图是快速交流的好方法。

Have a fun day, and happy snipping.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-screenshot-on-windows/

pc 长截屏

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