
When you have to send someone a large image file through email, it’s a good idea to resize the image file to make it smaller before sending it. Outlook makes this easy and allows you to resize the image file as it’s sent.

当您必须通过电子邮件向某人发送大图像文件时,最好在发送前调整图像文件的大小以使其更小。 Outlook使此操作变得简单,并允许您在发送图像文件时调整其大小。

Some companies and email services still have small attachment limits. So, resizing images can avoid having your message bounced back to you. It’s also an easy way of resizing images for yourself. Simply email the image file to yourself and have Outlook resize it automatically.

一些公司和电子邮件服务的附件限制仍然很小。 因此,调整图像大小可以避免您的邮件退回给您。 这也是为自己调整图像大小的简便方法。 只需通过电子邮件将图像文件发送给自己,然后让Outlook自动调整其大小。

NOTE: We used Outlook 2013 to illustrate this feature.

注意:我们使用Outlook 2013来说明此功能。

To have Outlook resize an image file as it’s sent, create a new email message and enter the recipient’s email address, a subject line and any text message you want to send. Then, click the “Insert” tab.

若要让Outlook在发送图像文件时调整其大小,请创建新的电子邮件,然后输入收件人的电子邮件地址,主题行和要发送的任何文本消息。 然后,单击“插入”选项卡。

In the “Include” section of the “Insert” tab, click “Attach File.”


The “Insert File” dialog box displays. Navigate to the folder containing the image you want to send. Select the file and click “Insert.”

显示“插入文件”对话框。 导航到包含要发送图像的文件夹。 选择文件,然后单击“插入”。

The file is attached to the message and the size is noted. In our example, we didn’t send a particularly large image file, but it still got noticeably smaller when it was sent.

该文件将附加到消息中,并注明大小。 在我们的示例中,我们没有发送特别大的图像文件,但是在发送时仍然变得明显较小。

Before clicking “Send,” there is a setting we must turn on to resize the image as it’s sent. To access this setting, click the “File” tab.

在单击“发送”之前,必须先进行一项设置,以在发送图像时调整其大小。 要访问此设置,请单击“文件”选项卡。

On the “Info” screen, select the “Resize large images when I send this message” radio button. Then, click the left arrow button in the upper-left corner of the “Info” screen to return to your email message.

在“信息”屏幕上,选择“我发送此消息时调整大图像的大小”单选按钮。 然后,单击“信息”屏幕左上角的左箭头按钮以返回到您的电子邮件。

Now, click send to send the message.


The image file will be resized and your recipient will receive a smaller file. In our example, the image file went from 345 KB down to 131 KB, as shown in the image at the beginning of this article.

图像文件将被调整大小,您的收件人将收到一个较小的文件。 在我们的示例中,图像文件从345 KB减小到131 KB,如本文开头的图像所示。

If you must send the original large file to someone, you can use a cloud service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive, or other services for sending and sharing large files. We’ve also previously other options for sending large files over email.

如果必须将原始大文件发送给某人,则可以使用Dropbox,Google Drive或OneDrive之类的云服务,或其他用于发送和共享大文件的服务。 之前,我们还有其他用于通过电子邮件发送大文件的选项。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/216037/how-to-resize-large-image-attachments-in-outlook/



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