
Phishing and other email scams are on the rise. One of the best ways to identify scam emails is to examine the email header for detailed information about the sender. Here’s how to do that in Outlook.

网络钓鱼和其他电子邮件骗局正在上升。 识别欺诈电子邮件的最佳方法之一是检查电子邮件标题,以获取有关发件人的详细信息。 这是在Outlook中执行此操作的方法。

Outlook itself provides a basic view of email headers. If that’s not enough, there’s a free add-in that breaks down the headers to give you a more human-friendly view. We’ll cover that as well.

Outlook本身提供了电子邮件标题的基本视图。 如果这还不够的话,有一个免费的加载项可以分解标题,从而为您提供更人性化的视图。 我们也会对此进行介绍。

Outlook的基本标题视图 (Outlook’s Basic Header View)

To get a basic view of the headers for an email, open the email in Outlook and click File > Properties.


In the Properties window that opens, the header is displayed in the “Internet Headers” text box at the bottom.

在打开的“属性”窗口中,标题显示在底部的“ Internet标题”文本框中。

This text box isn’t very large, so we suggest you select all of the text and copy it into your text editor of choice to make it more visible.


However, the header information is one large block of text, which isn’t that easy to read, especially if you don’t read headers very often. To get a more useful view, there’s a free add-in you can use.

但是,标题信息是一大段文本,阅读起来并不容易,尤其是如果您不经常阅读标题时。 要获得更有用的视图,可以使用免费的加载项。

使用邮件头分析器加载项 (Using the Message Header Analyzer Add-in)

If you’ve never installed an add-in to Outlook, we’ve written about the process before. The install process is a pretty simple one plus the add-ins are validated by Microsoft, so they’re safe to use.

如果您从未安装过Outlook加载项,那么我们之前已经写过有关该过程的文章 。 安装过程非常简单,并且加载项已由Microsoft验证,因此可以安全使用。

And if you install the add-in to the desktop client, as we’re going to show you, the add-in will also automatically be added into the Outlook web app. This enables you to use it when you’re logged into Outlook in a browser, too.

而且,如果您将加载项安装到桌面客户端上(如我们将向您展示的那样),该加载项也将自动添加到Outlook Web App中。 这也使您也可以在浏览器中登录Outlook时使用它。

To get started, open Outlook and click on Home > Get Add-Ins.


In the search box in the top right, start typing “message header” and select the “Message Header Analyzer” add-in.


Click the Add button to install the add-in.


Once the add-in is installed, the Add button will change to say “Added.” Click the “X” in the top right to close the window.

加载项安装完成后,“添加”按钮将变为“已添加”。 单击右上角的“ X”关闭窗口。

When you have an email selected in Outlook, a “View Headers” button will now be visible in the menu bar.


Click this button to see the email headers for the selected email. The add-in has the following tabs:

单击此按钮以查看所选电子邮件的电子邮件标题。 加载项具有以下选项卡:

  • Summary: Information (this is the default tab when you open the add-in).


  • Received: Information about where the message was received from, and when.


  • Antispam: Information from Microsoft’s Exchange Online Protection anti-spam scan of the email.

    反垃圾邮件:来自Microsoft的Exchange Online Protection反垃圾邮件扫描的信息。

  • Other: All of the other header elements broken down into individual blocks.


Best of all, where there are suitable web pages that relate to an element, the Message Header Analyzer includes a link to that page. This includes links to the exact section in the email specification—such as Authentication-Results—and Microsoft’s information on the anti-spam elements they add to emails that go through Exchange.

最重要的是,在存在与元素相关的合适网页的情况下,Message Header Analyzer包含指向该页面的链接。 这包括指向电子邮件规范中确切部分的链接,例如“ 身份验证结果” ,以及Microsoft添加到通过Exchange的电子邮件中的反垃圾邮件元素的信息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/442317/how-to-read-message-headers-in-outlook/



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