
2009年05月27日 作者: 大头刚





/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u -p test > /tmp/test.sql

mysql> use test;

mysql> select count(*) from test;


| count(*) |


| 1568394 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> drop table test;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

mysql> quit


perl -f /tmp/test.sql -t test > /tmp/test.sql

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u -p -D test < /tmp/test.sql

mysql> use test;

Database changed

mysql> select count(*) from test;


| count(*) |


| 1568394 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)



#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use Getopt::Std;

my %opts;


my $file=$opts{f};

my $tag=$opts{t};

my $pattern1="Table structure for table `$tag`";

my $pattern2="Dumping data for table `$tag`";

my $pattern3="40000 ALTER TABLE `$tag` DISABLE KEYS";

my $pattern4="40000 ALTER TABLE `$tag` ENABLE KEYS";

my $print=0;

open FD,$file;


my $content=$_;

$print=1 if $content =~ $pattern1;

print if $print == 1;

last if($content =~ $pattern2);




my $content=$_;

$print=1 if $content =~ $pattern3;

print if $print == 1;

last if($content =~ $pattern4);


close FD



The second step was to restore the data from the time of the backup

(which was about 10 hours ago) up to the point of the crash. The binary

log was already spread across two files at that time. So I had to

extract all the data manipulating statements for the database holding

the crashed table from those two binlog files to a text file.

mysqlbinlog --database=db_name --start-position=102655866 mysql1-bin.000312 > restore.sql

mysqlbinlog --database=db_name mysql1-bin.000313 >> restore.sql

The start-position is of course the position of the binlog at the

time of the backup. Now I could do a search for all statements affecting

the crashed table and feed them to mysql again.

grep -B3 -w table_name restore.sql egrep -v '^--$' > restore_table.sql

emacs restore_table.sql

mysql db_name < restore_table.sql

As I knew that all those statements didn't contain any newlines I used

a simple approach with grep (the -B3 giving me the lines with the meta

information just before the actual statement), quickly checked the

resulting file in a text editor (where I deleted the ALTER TABLE

statement, too, to not have the crash happen again) and ran the queries.

That's it. The table was now in exactly the same state as it was before the crash.

mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.012001>a.sql

grep -B3 -w tblauction a.sql >re.sql


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