


# Angr doesn't currently support reading multiple things with scanf (Ex:
# scanf("%u %u).) You will have to tell the simulation engine to begin the
# program after scanf is called and manually inject the symbols into registers.import angr
import claripy
import sysdef main(argv):path_to_binary = argv[1]project = angr.Project(path_to_binary)# Sometimes, you want to specify where the program should start. The variable# start_address will specify where the symbolic execution engine should begin.# Note that we are using blank_state, not entry_state.# (!)start_address = 0x08048980  # :integer (probably hexadecimal)initial_state = project.factory.blank_state(addr=start_address)# Create a symbolic bitvector (the datatype Angr uses to inject symbolic# values into the binary.) The first parameter is just a name Angr uses# to reference it. # You will have to construct multiple bitvectors. Copy the two lines below# and change the variable names. To figure out how many (and of what size)# you need, dissassemble the binary and determine the format parameter passed# to scanf.# (!)password0_size_in_bits = 32  # :integerpassword0 = claripy.BVS('password0', password0_size_in_bits)password1_size_in_bits = 32  # :integerpassword1 = claripy.BVS('password1', password1_size_in_bits)password2_size_in_bits = 32  # :integerpassword2 = claripy.BVS('password2', password2_size_in_bits)# Set a register to a symbolic value. This is one way to inject symbols into# the program.# initial_state.regs stores a number of convenient attributes that reference# registers by name. For example, to set eax to password0, use:## initial_state.regs.eax = password0## You will have to set multiple registers to distinct bitvectors. Copy and# paste the line below and change the register. To determine which registers# to inject which symbol, dissassemble the binary and look at the instructions# immediately following the call to scanf.# (!)initial_state.regs.eax = password0initial_state.regs.ebx = password1initial_state.regs.edx = password2simulation = project.factory.simgr(initial_state)def is_successful(state):stdout_output = state.posix.dumps(sys.stdout.fileno())return 'Good Job.' in stdout_outputdef should_abort(state):stdout_output = state.posix.dumps(sys.stdout.fileno())return 'Try again.' in stdout_outputsimulation.explore(find=is_successful, avoid=should_abort)if simulation.found:solution_state = simulation.found[0]# Solve for the symbolic values. If there are multiple solutions, we only# care about one, so we can use eval, which returns any (but only one)# solution. Pass eval the bitvector you want to solve for.# (!)solution0 = solution_state.se.eval(password0)solution1 = solution_state.se.eval(password1) solution2 = solution_state.se.eval(password2)# Aggregate and format the solutions you computed above, and then print# the full string. Pay attention to the order of the integers, and the# expected base (decimal, octal, hexadecimal, etc).solution = ' '.join(map('{:x}'.format, [ solution0, solution1, solution2 ]))  # :stringprint solutionelse:raise Exception('Could not find the solution')if __name__ == '__main__':main(sys.argv)

此时的,start_address取 0x08048980,为输入的下一个指令地址,如下所示。


再执行03_angr_symbolic_registers,然后需要我们输入angr刚刚求解出的密码,结果为Good Job。



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