
How far back can you trace your family tree? Prof. Lee Townsend, from University of Hartford, has found an interesting new way to draw her family tree -- in Excel, using Smart Art and some VBA. Here's how she created her Excel Smart Art Family Tree.

您可以追溯到多久以前的家谱? 来自哈特福德大学的Lee Townsend教授发现了一种有趣的新方法来绘制她的家谱-使用Excel和Smart Art和一些VBA。 这是她创建Excel智能艺术家谱的方法。

Here is a screen shot of the Excel Smart Art Family Tree.

这是Excel Smart Art家族树的屏幕截图。

The details are below, and I’m also happy to announce the winners in the Peltier Tech Chart Utility Giveaway.

详细信息在下面,我也很高兴在Peltier Tech Chart Utility Giveaway中宣布获奖者

智能艺术家谱 (Smart Art Family Tree)

You might remember the code that Prof. Townsend shared a couple of years ago, for documenting your VBA procedures.

您可能还记得Townsend教授几年前共享的用于记录VBA过程的代码 。

In the second phase of that project, she developed a mind map, and now she has created the third phase – a Smart Art family tree. Her sample workbook has a list with family member names, and buttons to create a family tree, and clear the tree.

在该项目的第二阶段,她制定了思维导图,现在,她创建了第三阶段-Smart Art家谱。 她的示例工作簿包含一个带有家庭成员名称的列表,以及用于创建家庭树和清除树的按钮。

Mac与PC布局 (Mac Vs PC Layouts)

The code will run on either a Mac or PC, but they use different numbers for the layouts. For example, the Family Tree uses a horizontal Organization Chart layout, which is layout #88 on a Macintosh, but it’s layout #104 on a PC.

该代码可以在Mac或PC上运行,但是它们对布局使用不同的数字。 例如,“家谱”使用水平的组织结构图布局,在Macintosh上是88号布局,在PC上是104号布局。

  • You can see the layout number differences in this pdf file: Smart Art Layout Numbers Mac and PC

    您可以在以下pdf文件中看到版式编号差异: Smart Art版式编号Mac和PC

  • There are paste special as picture differences too, described in this pdf file: Paste Special Picture Mac and PC也有特殊粘贴作为图片差异,在此pdf文件中进行了描述:粘贴特殊图片Mac和PC

Fortunately, in the code, Prof. Townsend checks to see which type of computer you’re using, and selects a layout number and picture setting that will work on your machine.


sep = Application.PathSeparator
Select Case sep
Case "\"    'it's a PC
Case ":"    'it's a Mac
End Select

思维导图家谱 (Mind Map Family Tree)

There is also a Mind Map version of the family tree creator. In addition to the Smart Art family tree, it creates the mind map code for the family tree. You can find this in Part 4 of the project description.

也有家谱创建者的思维导图版本。 除了Smart Art家谱之外,它还为家谱创建思维导图代码。 您可以在项目描述的第4部分中找到它。

下载样本文件 (Download the Sample Files)

You can download the sample files from Prof. Townsend’s web page, on the University of Hartford site.


  • Scroll down to the section, “Creating a mind map and a SmartArt organization chart of procedure calls in VBA”.向下滚动到“在VBA中创建过程调用的思维图和SmartArt组织结构图”部分。
  • There are download links in Part 3 and Part 4 of that section.该部分的第3部分和第4部分中有下载链接。

Peltier技术图表实用程序赠品获奖者 (Peltier Tech Chart Utility Giveaway Winners)

Jon Peltier is releasing his Advanced Excel Charting Utility today, and he donated a copy for a giveaway, that I announced on Tuesday. The deadline was yesterday, at 5 PM, and I have selected the winners.

我周二宣布,乔恩·Perl捷(Jon Peltier)今天发布了他的Advanced Excel Charting Utility ,并捐赠了一份赠品。 截止日期是昨天下午5点,我选出了获奖者。

It was tough to choose the 3 comments that I liked best – thanks for leaving such amazing and thoughtful reasons why you need the utility! I copied the comments and ID numbers into Excel, and read them without the names, to help me make unbiased choices.

很难选择我最喜欢的3条评论-感谢您留下了为什么需要该实用程序的惊人且深思熟虑的原因! 我将注释和ID号复制到Excel中,并在不带名称的情况下阅读它们,以帮助我做出公正的选择。

Then, from my 3 top picks, I used the RAND function to sort the ID numbers, and the results are listed below. Prize #4 was a random draw from all the other entries.

然后,从我的3个最佳选择中,我使用RAND函数对ID号进行排序,结果在下面列出。 第四名是从所有其他参赛作品中随机抽出的。

  1. Grand Prize Winner – 1 copy of Peltier Tech’s new Advanced Excel Chart Utility -- JoAnn Paules, with comment 4

    特等奖获得者– Peltier Tech新的高级Excel Chart Utility的一本副本– JoAnn Paules ,带注释4

  2. Runner-Up Prize Winner – 1 copy of any Contextures product – Trouttrap2, with comment 13

    季军获得者–任何Contextures产品的一份副本– Trouttrap2 ,带评论13

  3. Runner-Up Prize Winner – 1 copy of any Contextures product – CR, with comment 12

    亚军奖获得者–任何Contextures产品的一份副本– CR ,带评论12

  4. Random Draw Prize Winner – 1 copy of any Contextures product – Eric, with comment 17

    随机抽奖得主–任何Contextures产品的一份副本– Eric ,带注释17

Congratulations to all the winners! You will be contacted at the email address you provided, and will have 24 hours to claim your prize.

祝贺所有的获胜者们! 我们将通过您提供的电子邮件地址与您联系,并将有24小时领取您的奖金。

And happy birthday to Jon – thanks for donating a copy of your new charting utility!


获得免费升级 (Get Your Free Upgrade)

Remember, if you previously bought a copy of the standard Excel Charting Utility from PeltierTech, you can get a free upgrade to the new version – if you act fast! To get the upgrade, send an email to Jon Peltier, by Friday, June 13th (there is a contact link on the utility page).

请记住,如果您以前从PeltierTech购买了标准Excel Charting Utility的副本,则可以快速行动免费升级到新版本! 要进行升级,请在6月13日 ( 星期五)之前向Jon Peltier发送电子邮件(实用程序页面上有联系链接)。

If you haven't bought this time-saving tool yet, the new Advanced Excel Charting Utility will be on sale today and tomorrow -- June 12-13 -- for the same price as the Standard utility. After that, the price goes up by $20.

如果您尚未购买此省时工具,那么新的Advanced Excel Charting Utility将今天和明天(6月12日至13日)以与Standard实用工具相同的价格销售。 之后,价格上涨了20美元。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2014/06/12/excel-smart-art-family-tree/




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