
import torch
bbb=torch.tensor(pick, dtype=torch.long)


import cv2
import torch
import timeimg = cv2.imread('d:/nv.jpg')
# tensor = torch.Tensor(img)
tensor= torch.from_numpy(img)print("cost time",time.time()-start,tensor.shape)


import cv2
import torch
import timestart=time.time()data_a=[[1,2,3],[2,3,4],[1]]data_b=torch.Tensor(data_a)print("cost time",time.time()-start,data_b.shape)


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "E:/github/YOLOv3_PyTorch/common/", line 4, in     b=torch.Tensor(a) ValueError: expected sequence of length 3 at dim 1 (got 1)


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