









1. Overparametrization and the Bias-Variance Dilemma

议题简介:For several machine learning methods such as neural networks, good generalisation performance has been reported in the overparametrized regime. In view of the classical bias-variance trade-off, this behaviour is highly counterintuitive. The talk summaries recent theoretical results on overparametrization and the bias-variance trade-off. This is joint work with Alexis Derumigny.

演讲嘉宾:Johannes Schmidt-Hieber

Professor of statistics at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. His current research focusses on the theoretical foundation of machine learning. He is an associate editor of the Annals of Statistics and Bernoulli.

2. Optimality Conditions for Constrained Minimax Optimization

议题简介:Minimax optimization problems arises from both modern machine learning including generative adversarial networks, adversarial training and multi-agent reinforcement learning, as well as from tradition research areas such as saddle point problems, numerical partial differential equations and optimality conditions of equality constrained optimization. For the unconstrained continuous nonconvex-nonconcave situation, Jin, Netrapalli and Jordan (2019) carefully considered the very basic question: what is a proper definition of local optima of a minimax optimization problem, and proposed a proper definition of local optimality called local minimax. We shall extend the definition of local minimax point to constrained nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization problems. By analyzing Jacobian uniqueness conditions for the lowerlevel maximization problem and the strong regularity of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of the maximization problem, we provide both necessary optimality conditions and sufficient optimality conditions for the local minimax points of constrained minimax optimization problems.


BAAI PI., Feng Kang distinguished professor (and also Assistant President) of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS) of CAS.  His research interests mainly lie in nonlinear optimization, integer programming and Optimization problems in AI and various applications. Specifically, he is quite interested in proposing simple but efficient optimization methods and in providing theoretical properties for existing elegant optimization methods. He has published many papers in various journals. He received the Fifth ZhongJiaQing Mathematics Award , Second Prize of the National Natural Science of China in 2006, the Tenth Science and Technology Award for Chinese Youth Best Paper Award of International Conference on Communication, the China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists, Feng Kang Prize of Scientific Computing, Shiing-Shen Chern Mathematics Award and the first Xiao Shutie Applied Mathematics Prize.

3. Instrumental Variables for Multiple Causal Inference: Old and New

议题简介:Instrumental variable (IV) methods have a rich history and offer arguably the most viable way to control for unobserved confounding in causal inference. Classical IV methods require restrictive validity assumptions that are unlikely to hold in modern machine learning applications. We review recently proposed identification and inference strategies to relax these assumptions, focusing on the cases of multiple causes and high-dimensional instruments. Building on the IV framework, we suggest possible ways to improve the interpretability and explainability of AI algorithms.


BAAI PI., Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences and the Center for Statistical Science at Peking University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Southern California in 2011 and was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania before joining PKU. His research interests include high-dimensional statistics, statistical machine learning, and causal inference. He has published papers in top journals such as Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrika, Biometrics, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, and Operations Research.

4. Towards Better Global Landscape of GAN: How Two Lines of Code Change Makes a Difference

议题简介:GANs (generative adversarial networks) have been very popular in data generation and unsupervised learning, but our understanding of GAN training is still very limited. One major reason is that GANs are often formulated as non-convex-concave min-max optimization. As a result, most recent studies focused on the analysis in the local region around the equilibrium. In this talk, we discuss how to perform a global analysis of GANs and analyze mode collapse from an optimization perspective. We find that the original GAN has exponentially many bad strict local minima which are perceived as mode-collapse. We show that a simple modification to the original GAN enjoys better global landscape: it has no bad basins, and its training dynamics (with linear discriminators) has a Lyapunov function that leads to global convergence. Our experiments on standard datasets such as CIFAR10 and CELEBA show that this simple loss outperforms the original GAN and WGAN-GP.


Assistant professor in the Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering (ISE) and affiliated with Coordinated Science Lab (CSL) and Departement of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Before joining UIUC, he was a visiting research scientist at Facebook AI Research, and was a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University. He obtained PhD in electrical engineering from University of Minnesota, and B.S. in mathematics from Peking University. He has won the second place of INFORMS George Nicholson student paper competition, and honorable mention of INFORMS optimization society student paper competition. His current research interests lie on optimization and machine learning, especially deep learning and large-scale optimization.

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