









  1. 会议时间:2021年5月26日14:00-17:00

  2. 活动形式:腾讯会议(ID :620 505 900)






报告主题:Learning overparametrized neural networks and statistical models


个人简介:Pengkun Yang is an assistant professor at the Center for Statistical Science at Tsinghua University. Prior to joining Tsinghua, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University. He received a Ph.D. degree (2018) and a master degree (2016) from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a B.E. degree (2013) from the Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University. His research interests include statistical inference, learning, optimization and systems. He is a recipient of Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award in 2020, and a recipient of Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (semi-plenary talk).

报告摘要:Modern machine learning has constantly presented puzzling empirical properties and surprised the classical statistical theory. Learning with overparametrized models is becoming a norm in data-analytic applications, and the tension of memorization rarely bothers practitioners. In this talk, I will discuss the training of overparametrized neural networks from both the neural tangent kernel and the mean-field perspectives, which guarantees the global convergence property despite the non-convexity of the optimization landscape. I will also discuss more interesting phenomena in a series of overparametrized statistical questions.


报告主题:Variational Bayes approaches to the selection of linear models



报告摘要:In applied statistics model selection is one of the most fundamental tasks. The selection of models in the linear regression context has been well-studied. However, the efficiency and effectiveness of these methods in high-dimensional settings is limited. We present a model selection method to addresses this.

Variational Bayes (VB) is known as a fast alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo for performing approximate Bayesian inference. However, VB is often criticised, typically based on empirical grounds, for being unable to produce valid statistical inferences. We proved VB based estimators share asymptotic properties in Bayesian linear models, partially contradicting this criticism.

We further extend the VB approach to the more complicated spike and slab priors. We show under mild regularity conditions, that: (i) VB based estimators for the coefficients are consistent estimators of the true parameters; and (ii) the VB estimators of the model indicator variables shrink towards zero rapidly if the corresponding true value of the coefficient is zero and one otherwise. This property allows us to use VB estimates of indicator variables to select models.


报告主题:Computation with Tensor Networks


个人简介:Pan Zhang is working as a professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ITP, CAS). He got his Ph.D. from Lanzhou University in 2009 and did post-docs at Europe and the Santa Fe Institute in USA before joining ITP, CAS in 2015. Pan Zhang’s research is in the interdisciplinary field of statistical physics, machine learning, quantum many-body, and quantum computation.

报告摘要:Pan Zhang will present methods and algorithms for solving statistical mechanics problems, combinatorial optimization problems, and quantum circuit simulations, in an integrated framework based on tensor networks.

In statistical mechanics problems, the partition function at a finite temperature can be obtained by contracting a tensor network that is converted from the statistical mechanics problem. When equipped with the “Tropical” algebra, the tensor network contraction can be used to obtain ground state energy and entropy of the model directly at zero temperature. When the interactions in the statistical mechanics model are complex, computing the partition function acts as estimating the amplitude of a basis vector of the final state of a quantum circuit, thus tensor network contractions can be used to simulate quantum computers. Pan Zhang will introduce approximate and exact algorithms for contracting tensor networks, and their wide applications, particularly in simulating Google’s Sycamore quantum circuits.

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