non-member function cannot have cv-qualifier


  • 在C++中CV指const和volatile—
  • 1、非成员函数不能有CV限定,友元函数不是类的成员函数声明友元函数不能用const限定。
  • 2、静态成员函数不能有CV限定
Q: non-member function unsigned int abs(const T&) cannot have cv-qualifier.template<typename T>
inline unsigned int abs(const T& t) const
{return t>0?t:-t;
}ans: The ending const specifies that you will not modify any member variables of a class belongs to.
Free functions (and class static functions) don't have a this pointer.



friend voin fun(classname &ref)const;//编译器会给错误error: non-member function ‘xxxxxxxxx’ cannot have cv-qualifier



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

double getArea() const
    return 0.0;
double getVolume() const
    return 0.0;

int main(int arg,char *argv[])
    cout << getArea() << endl;
    cout << getVolume() << endl;
    return 0;

编译产生错误: non-member function cannot have cv-qualifier


非成员函数不能有cv 限定符,cv 限定符 c++有两个:const 和 volatile,这儿指const  。



#ifndef __STATIC_H
#define __STATIC_H

class CStatic 
        static int static_value;
        static int get_static_value() const;          //当不是static方法时,可以用const进行限定。



#include "static_cpp.h"

int CStatic::get_static_value() const 
        return static_value;


#include "static_cpp.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int CStatic::static_value = 1;

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    cout << CStatic::get_static_value()<<endl;
    return 0;

编译出现的错误:non-member function cannot have cv-qualifier






using namespace std;
   class Animal{
    friend void showRes(Animal &ref)const;//这行编译器会给错误non-member function ‘void showRes(Animal&)’ cannot have cv-qualifier 
   friend void showRes(Animal &ref)const;
     int age;
     string name;

void showRes(Animal &ref){
    cout << ref.age << << endl;


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