ONNX MLIR应用示例(含源码链接)
开放式神经网络交换在MLIR中的实现 (http://onnx.ai/onnx-mlir/)。

Prebuilt Containers
开始使用ONNX-MLIR的一个简单方法是使用预构建的docker映像。这些映像是在主干上成功合并生成的结果。最新的图像代表主干的顶端。目前,Docker Hub中保存的amd64、ppc64le和s390x的发布和调试模式映像分别为onnxmlirczar/onnx-mlir和onnxmlirczar/onnx-mlir-dev。要使用其中一个映像,可以直接从Docker Hub中取出,启动一个容器,运行一个交互式bash shell,或者用作dockerfile中的基础映像。onnx mlir映像只包含构建的编译器,可以立即使用编译模型,无需任何安装。提供了一个python便利脚本,在docker容器中运行ONNX-MLIR,就像直接在主机上运行ONNX-MLIR编译器一样。例如,

docker/onnx-mlir.py --EmitLib mnist/model.onnx

505a5a6fb7d0: Pulling fs layer
505a5a6fb7d0: Verifying Checksum
505a5a6fb7d0: Download complete
505a5a6fb7d0: Pull complete
Shared library model.so has been compiled.
如果onnx mlir映像在本地不可用,脚本将提取该映像,将包含model.onnx的目录load到容器中,在同一目录中编译和生成model.so。
onnx mlir dev映像包含完整的构建树,其中包括先决条件和源代码的克隆。可以在容器中修改源代码,重建onnx-mlir,因此可以用作开发环境。还可以将vscode附加到正在运行的容器。docs文件夹中,可以看到一个对开发和vscode配置文件有用的Dockerfile示例。如果运行Docker build的目录中,不存在工作区目录和vscode文件,应注释掉或删除引用的行。
FROM onnxmlirczar/onnx-mlir-dev
WORKDIR /workdir
ENV HOME=/workdir

1) Install packages.

ENV PATH=$PATH:/workdir/bin
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python-numpy
RUN apt-get install -y python3-pip
RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip
RUN apt-get install -y gdb
RUN apt-get install -y lldb
RUN apt-get install -y emacs
RUN apt-get install -y vim

2) Instal optional packages, uncomment/add as you see fit.

RUN apt-get install -y valgrind

RUN apt-get install -y libeigen3-dev

RUN apt-get install -y clang-format

RUN python -m pip install wheel

RUN python -m pip install numpy

RUN python -m pip install torch1.6.0+cpu torchvision0.7.0+cpu -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

RUN git clone https://github.com/onnx/tutorials.git

Install clang-12.

RUN apt-get install -y lsb-release wget software-properties-common

RUN bash -c “$(wget -O - https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh)”

3) When using vscode, copy your .vscode in the Dockerfile dir and

uncomment the two lines below.

WORKDIR /workdir/.vscode

ADD .vscode /workdir/.vscode

4) When using a personal workspace folder, set your workspace sub-directory

in the Dockerfile dir and uncomment the two lines below.

WORKDIR /workdir/workspace

ADD workspace /workdir/workspace

5) Fix git by reattaching head and making git see other branches than main.

WORKDIR /workdir/onnx-mlir
RUN git checkout main
RUN git fetch --unshallow

6) Set the PATH environment vars for make/debug mode. Replace Debug

with Release in the PATH below when using Release mode.

WORKDIR /workdir
ENV MLIR_DIR=/workdir/llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/mlir
ENV PATH=$PATH:/workdir/onnx-mlir/build/Debug/bin/:/workdir/onnx-mlir/build/Debug/lib:/workdir/llvm-project/build/bin
gcc >= 6.4
libprotoc >= 3.11.0
cmake >= 3.15.4
ninja >= 1.10.2
Installation on UNIX
Firstly, install MLIR (as a part of LLVM-Project):
git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git

Check out a specific branch that is known to work with ONNX MLIR.

cd llvm-project && git checkout 0bf230d4220660af8b2667506f8905df2f716bdf && cd …
mkdir llvm-project/build
cd llvm-project/build
cmake -G Ninja …/llvm

cmake --build . – ${MAKEFLAGS}
cmake --build . --target check-mlir
ONNX-MLIR (this project)
The following environment variables can be set before building onnx-mlir (or alternatively, they need to be passed as CMake variables):
• MLIR_DIR should point to the mlir cmake module inside an llvm-project build or install directory (e.g., llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/mlir).
This project uses lit (LLVM’s Integrated Tester) for unit tests. When running CMake, we can also specify the path to the lit tool from LLVM using the LLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT define but it is not required as long as MLIR_DIR points to a build directory of llvm-project. If MLIR_DIR points to an install directory of llvm-project, LLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT is required.
To build ONNX-MLIR, use the following commands:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/onnx/onnx-mlir.git

Export environment variables pointing to LLVM-Projects.

export MLIR_DIR=$(pwd)/llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/mlir

mkdir onnx-mlir/build && cd onnx-mlir/build
cmake -G Ninja …
cmake --build .

Run lit tests:

export LIT_OPTS=-v
cmake --build . --target check-onnx-lit
If you are running on OSX Big Sur, you need to add -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/c++ to the cmake … command due to changes in the compilers. After the above commands succeed, an onnx-mlir executable should appear in the bin directory.
LLVM and ONNX-MLIR CMake variables
The following CMake variables from LLVM and ONNX MLIR can be used when compiling ONNX MLIR.
MLIR_DIR:PATH Path to to the mlir cmake module inside an llvm-project build or install directory (e.g., c:/repos/llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/mlir). This is required if MLIR_DIR is not specified as an environment variable.
LLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT:PATH Path to the lit tool. Defaults to an empty string and LLVM will find the tool based on MLIR_DIR if possible. This is required when MLIR_DIR points to an install directory.
Installation on Windows
Building onnx-mlir on Windows requires building some additional prerequisites that are not available by default.
Note that the instructions in this file assume you are using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition with ninja. It is recommended that you have the Desktop development with C++ and Linux development with C++ workloads installed. This ensures you have all toolchains and libraries needed to compile this project and its dependencies on Windows.
Run all the commands from a shell started from “Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019”.
Build protobuf as a static library.
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf.git
REM Check out a specific branch that is known to work with ONNX MLIR.
REM This corresponds to the v3.11.4 tag
cd protobuf && git checkout d0bfd5221182da1a7cc280f3337b5e41a89539cf && cd …

set root_dir=%cd%
md protobuf_build
cd protobuf_build
call cmake %root_dir%\protobuf\cmake -G “Ninja” ^
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="%root_dir%\protobuf_install" ^
-Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF ^

call cmake --build . --config Release
call cmake --build . --config Release --target install
Before running CMake for onnx-mlir, ensure that the bin directory to this protobuf is before any others in your PATH:
set PATH=%root_dir%\protobuf_install\bin;%PATH%
Install MLIR (as a part of LLVM-Project):
git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git

Check out a specific branch that is known to work with ONNX MLIR.

cd llvm-project && git checkout 0bf230d4220660af8b2667506f8905df2f716bdf && cd …
set root_dir=%cd%
md llvm-project\build
cd llvm-project\build
call cmake %root_dir%\llvm-project\llvm -G “Ninja” ^
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="%root_dir%\llvm-project\build\install" ^

call cmake --build . --config Release
call cmake --build . --config Release --target install
call cmake --build . --config Release --target check-mlir
ONNX-MLIR (this project)
The following environment variables can be set before building onnx-mlir (or alternatively, they need to be passed as CMake variables):
• MLIR_DIR should point to the mlir cmake module inside an llvm-project build or install directory (e.g., c:/repos/llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/mlir).
This project uses lit (LLVM’s Integrated Tester) for unit tests. When running CMake, we can also specify the path to the lit tool from LLVM using the LLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT define but it is not required as long as MLIR_DIR points to a build directory of llvm-project. If MLIR_DIR points to an install directory of llvm-project, LLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT is required.
To build ONNX MLIR, use the following commands:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/onnx/onnx-mlir.git

set root_dir=%cd%

md onnx-mlir\build
cd onnx-mlir\build
call cmake %root_dir%\onnx-mlir -G “Ninja” ^
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%root_dir%\protobuf_install ^

call cmake --build . --config Release --target onnx-mlir
To run the lit ONNX MLIR tests, use the following command:
call cmake --build . --config Release --target check-onnx-lit
To run the numerical ONNX MLIR tests, use the following command:
call cmake --build . --config Release --target check-onnx-numerical
To run the doc ONNX MLIR tests, use the following command after installing third_party ONNX:
call cmake --build . --config Release --target check-docs
After the above commands succeed, an onnx-mlir executable should appear in the bin directory.
LLVM and ONNX-MLIR CMake variables
The following CMake variables from LLVM and ONNX MLIR can be used when compiling ONNX MLIR.
MLIR_DIR:PATH Path to to the mlir cmake module inside an llvm-project build or install directory (e.g., c:/repos/llvm-project/build/lib/cmake/mlir). This is required if MLIR_DIR is not specified as an environment variable.
LLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT:PATH Path to the lit tool. Defaults to an empty string and LLVM will find the tool based on MLIR_DIR if possible. This is required when MLIR_DIR points to an install directory.
The usage of onnx-mlir is as such:
OVERVIEW: ONNX MLIR modular optimizer driver

USAGE: onnx-mlir [options]


Generic Options:

–help - Display available options (–help-hidden for more)
–help-list - Display list of available options (–help-list-hidden for more)
–version - Display the version of this program

ONNX MLIR Options:
These are frontend options.

Choose target to emit:
–EmitONNXBasic - Ingest ONNX and emit the basic ONNX operations without inferred shapes.
–EmitONNXIR - Ingest ONNX and emit corresponding ONNX dialect.
–EmitMLIR - Lower model to MLIR built-in transformation dialect.
–EmitLLVMIR - Lower model to LLVM IR (LLVM dialect).
–EmitLib - Lower model to LLVM IR, emit (to file) LLVM bitcode for model, compile and link it to a shared library.
Simple Example
For example, to lower an ONNX model (e.g., add.onnx) to ONNX dialect, use the following command:
./onnx-mlir --EmitONNXIR add.onnx
The output should look like:
module {
func @main_graph(%arg0: tensor<10x10x10xf32>, %arg1: tensor<10x10x10xf32>) -> tensor<10x10x10xf32> {
%0 = “onnx.Add”(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<10x10x10xf32>, tensor<10x10x10xf32>) -> tensor<10x10x10xf32>
return %0 : tensor<10x10x10xf32>
An example based on the add operation is found here, which build an ONNX model using a python script, and then provide a main program to load the model’s value, compute, and print the models output.
End to end example
An end to end example is provided here, which train, compile, and execute a simple MNINST example.
If the latest LLVM project fails to work due to the latest changes to the MLIR subproject please consider using a slightly older version of LLVM. One such version, which we use, can be found here.
Installing third_party ONNX for Backend Tests or Rebuilding ONNX Operations
Backend tests are triggered by make check-onnx-backend in the build directory and require a few preliminary steps to run successfully. Similarily, rebuilding the ONNX operations in ONNX-MLIR from their ONNX descriptions is triggered by make OMONNXOpsIncTranslation.
You will need to install python 3.x if its not default in your environment, and possibly set the cmake PYTHON_EXECUTABLE varialbe in your top cmake file.
You will also need pybind11 which may need to be installed (mac: brew install pybind11 for example) and you may need to indicate where to find the software (Mac, POWER, possibly other platforms: export pybind11_DIR=). Then install the third_party/onnx software (Mac: pip install -e third_party/onnx) typed in the top directory.
On Macs/POWER and possibly other platforms, there is currently an issue that arises when installing ONNX. If you get an error during the build, try a fix where you edit the top CMakefile as reported in this PR: https://github.com/onnx/onnx/pull/2482/files.
Slack channel
We have a slack channel established under the Linux Foundation AI and Data Workspace, named #onnx-mlir-discussion. This channel can be used for asking quick questions related to this project.


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