


Private Sub SearchSlope()Sub SearchSlope(pLayer As ILayer, strSlopes As String, chkfilterValue As Boolean)
    Dim pFeaturelayer As IFeatureLayer
    Set pFeaturelayer = pLayer
    Dim pFeatureSelection As IFeatureSelection
    Set pFeatureSelection = pFeaturelayer
    Dim pDefFeatLayer As IFeatureLayerDefinition
    Set pDefFeatLayer = pFeaturelayer
    If chkfilterValue = True Then
        pDefFeatLayer.DefinitionExpression = "SLOPENO IN (" & strSlopes & ")"
        pDefFeatLayer.DefinitionExpression = ""
    End If
    Dim pFilter As IQueryFilter
    Set pFilter = New QueryFilter
    pFilter.WhereClause = "SLOPENO IN (" & strSlopes & ")"

    Dim pFillSym As ISimpleFillSymbol
    Set pFillSym = New SimpleFillSymbol

    pFillSym.Style = esriSFSDiagonalCross
    pFeatureSelection.SetSelectionSymbol = True

    Set pFeatureSelection.SelectionSymbol = pFillSym

    pFeatureSelection.SelectFeatures pFilter, esriSelectionResultNew, False

 End Sub


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