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My note for configuring the Software Development Environment(SDE) for TLL board on Ubuntu 12.04



【Section 0: Working Aim 工作目的】

现在手里有一个嵌入式开发板,搭载的是 AnalogDevices 公司的 Blackfin527 Processor,预装板载Uclinux操作系统。现在要配置上位机Linux/Ubuntu12.04 的开发环境,包括BlackfinToolchain,Eclipse开发环境,和Library.

【Section1: Install Toolchain】

Install Blackfin Toolchain

Refer to the Note after this section if you meet some issueduring this installation.

1.1 Package Installation (recommended)

l  Get the latest Blackfin Toolchain from ADI

l  Current up to date version is: 2011R1-RC4

l  Example download command:

> wget http://blackfin.uclinux.org/gf/download/frsrelease/531/9508/blackfin-toolchain-2011R1-RC4.i386.rpm

> wgethttp://blackfin.uclinux.org/gf/download/frsrelease/531/9512/blackfin-toolchain-elf-gcc-4.3-2011R1-RC4.i386.rpm

· Check if a previous toolchain is already installed

· If so, remove old tool chain using rpm -e ...

> rpm -qa blackfin-toolchain\*

· Install Toolchain using RPM.

· Note: If a previous toolchain is installed, you may need touninstall the previous toolchain see above

rpm-ivh blackfin-toolchain-*

More details on toolchain installation can be found atADI's installation wiki entry.

1.2 Source Installation (advanced)

· Prequisites

yuminstall automake autoconf ncurses-devel zlib-devel texinfo

· set desired version


· Get the latest Version of the GNU toolchain

svncheckout svn://sources.blackfin.uclinux.org/toolchain/tags/$VERSION/

· Compile and Install

>cd bfin_toolchain.$VERSION/buildscript/ > ./BuildToolChain -o<COMPILER_NSTALLATION_DIR>

Note: 这里要注意的是:

1.ADIoffers serious packages of toolchain of one version for different usages. Youshould select which one is needed.  I downloaded the 3 packages:

> blackfin-toolchain-2012R2-RC1.i386.rpm

> blackfin-toolchain-elf-gcc-4.3-2012R2-RC1.i386.rpm

> blackfin-toolchain-uclibc-default-2012R2-RC1.i386.rpm

from the Blackfin Linuxwebsite in the toolchain file release page

2. Ubuntu does not support installing this toolchain by RPMtool.

I used the "How to Install rpm package onUbuntu" approach to go around it. Chinese tutorial:


有时候,我们想要使用的软件并没有被包含到 Ubuntu 的仓库中,而程序本身也没有提供让 Ubuntu可以使用的 deb 包,你又不愿从源代码编译。但假如软件提供有 rpm 包的话,我们也是可以在 Ubuntu中安装的。


1. 先安装 alien  fakeroot 这两个工具,其中前者可以将 rpm 包转换为 deb 包。安装命令为: Intall the "alien"and "fakeroot" tools:

sudo apt-get install alien fakeroot

2. 将需要安装的 rpm 包下载备用,假设为 package.rpm Assume your package is:package.rpm3. 使用 alien  rpm 包转换为 deb 包: use alien to convert rpmpackage into deb package:

$ fakeroot alien package.rpm

4. 一旦转换成功,我们可以即刻使用以下指令来安装: After a while, if succeed, install it using command:

$ sudo dpkg -i package.deb


[Section2. Install Eclipse]

Follow OS independent instructions:Generally, follow instructions at: link

Note: It seems that Blackfin Toolchain only works in HeliosEclipse

Install components:

Blackfin ucLinux

GDB Hardware Debugging

Target Terminal Management


Below is my steps:

Refer to this web page:http://docs.blackfin.uclinux.org/doku.php?id=toolchain:eclipse:install

2.1.Install the JavaRuntime Environment (JRE)

Checking your Java Runtime Environment version:

$java -version

If you do not have Java installed, go through the :Install Java Runtime Env. 1.6.0

After you finished, the lines below should be displayed:

$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_16"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode, sharing)

2.2 Install the IDDE (Eclipse)

There are no executable installers for Eclipse. It isdistributed as a zip archive which you can unpack anywhere you like, and thenjust run the eclipse.exe program in the eclipse sub-directory.

To get the installer, visit the Eclipse download page.

You will be presented with a variety of download choices. Theonly difference between them is the default plug-in set. Since you will mostlikely be compiling/debugging code for the Blackfin processor, you shouldpick Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers.:

Note: It seems that Blackfin Toolchain only works in Helios Version (Downloadthis verion)

Extract: eclipse-cpp-helios-SR2-linux-gtk.tar.gz ,1.Double-Clickon Archive and Extract Eclipse into /tmp

2.Open Terminal Window

3.Install RequiredPackages

$ sudo su
# apt-get install g++

4.Relocate Eclipse

# mv/tmp/eclipse /opt

5.Create a Symlink

# ln-s /opt/eclipse/eclipse /usr/bin/eclipse

6. After, you can Start Eclipse from Terminal simply with:

# eclipse

or: (the way by which we launch Eclipse is under the Super Userpermision)

$ sudo eclipse

If you want toovercome the root permission issue, refer to: here. but it does not work on my Ubuntu.

Reference: How-to Install Eclipse Juno4.2 C/C++ on UbuntuIfInstalled Eclipse on Linux, but it does not start,read this2.3 Install the Blackfin Plug-ins

The Blackfin plug-ins willrequire Eclipse 4.2, as well as the CDT. Additionally, you will have to installthe GDB Hardware Debugging CDT plug-in (it is usually not installed bydefault).Toinstall the GDB Hardware Debugging plug-in, the CDT update site needsenabled.Toenable the CDT site:

1. Select the Eclipse menu Window→Preferences.

2. Select Install/Update→Available SoftwareSites and select the site, http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/juno.

(HereI used Helios, it's a little different. Keep it Enabled.Maybe we need to add the link in the lastline)

3. Use the Enable button to enable the site.

Install the GDB Hardware Debuggingplug-in via theUpdate Manager:

1. Select the Eclipse menu Help→Install NewSoftware

2. Select the http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indigo sitein the Work With list(Add this, if there isn't.)

3. Enable the GDB HardwareDebugging plugin under CDT Optional Features

TheBlackfin plug-inscan be obtained from thehttp://blackfin.uclinux.org/eclipse/site via theUpdate Manager:

1.Select Help→Install New Softwarefrom the Eclipse menu2.Click the Add button3.Add http://blackfin.uclinux.org/eclipse/ as anew site"Blackfin GNU"

Thenyou can select the plug-ins to install:

TheBlackfin Debug plug-in results in extra selectable entries in the “DebugConfiguration” dialog, while the Tool chain plug-in allows for selecting thedesired tool chain out of a list from within the New Project Wizard dialog.

Install the Zylin CDT

TheEclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) has excellent GDB support.However, there are a few stumbling blocks when trying to debug embeddedapplications, which ZylinAS has made some modifications in Eclipse CDT to improvesupport for GDB embedded debugging.

Pathfor update manager “Add Site”: http://opensource.zylin.com/zylincdt

Install Subclipse (SVN)   (I skipped this)

Whilenot released with Eclipse, there is a Subversion plugin called Subclipse. Visit the Subclipse homepage forsome conciseinstall directions.

Onceyou have Subclipse installed, the interface is the same as usingthe CVS plugin.

Target Management Terminal

AnANSI (vt102) compatible Terminal including plug-ins for SerialSSH and Telnet connections.

To use a serial terminal in Eclipse Juno. (Here we use Helios)

1: Install the software for serial terminals:

Navigate to: Help -> Install New Software...

Dropdown list for Work with: tosay Juno - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno

Select: Mobile and Device Development,especially Target Management Terminal which is "An ANSI(vt102) compatible Terminal including plug-ins for Serial, SSH and Telnetconnections."

Click Next and anything else to finishthe install ...

2: Open the view

Navigate to: Window -> Show View -> Other ... -> Terminal -> Terminal (NOTE:singular Terminal, not plural Terminals)

3: Open a terminal

The rest should be fairly obvious as the view contains icons toConnect, Disconnect, Settings, etc which are related to Serial, SSH and Telnetconnections.

Reference: click here

TargetManagement Terminal Serial Connector requires RXTX

Installationas an Eclipse Plugin via Update Manager:

InEclipse, choose Help > Software Updates…

AddNew Remote Site:

Name = RXTX URL =http://rxtx.qbang.org/eclipse/

·select proper version, InstallAll

Untill Now, we have installed the components:

BlackfinucLinux(Blackfin plug-ins)

GDB Hardware Debugging

Target Terminal Management

ZynxCDT (We installed ZylinCDT instead)

Section3.Library Installation

Checkout of common code

>svn co https://nuforge.coe.neu.edu/svn/pal/tags/v1.1_gnu/0.1/bare-c

Edit Makefile.macros located in bare-c/common

Edit the prefix to the path where you want the library to beinstalled  For ex:

> # --- Installationdirectories prefix = /home/student/agarwal/temp/pal

Edit the COMPILER macros to the path where you have installedthe compiler aboveThe defaultinstall path for all of our toolchains is/opt/uClinux/

#-- Compiler COMPILER =  <COMPILER_NSTALLATION_DIR>/bfin-elf/bin/bfin-elf-gcc

eg. #-- Compiler COMPILER= /opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/bfin-elf-gcc

BackUP:#-- Compiler
COMPILER = /ECEnet/Apps1/sce-ext-pkg/sw/bfin_toolchain.2011R1-BETA1/bfin-elf

For Compiling the library we need to source the blackfincompiler path .

For tcsh shell> setenv PATH <COMPILER_NSTALLATION_DIR>/bfin-elf/bin/:$PATHFor bash shell> export PATH;PATH=<COMPILER_NSTALLATION_DIR>/bfin-elf/bin:$PATH

Here we use:

>export PATH; PATH = /opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin:$PATH

Follow these steps to install the libraries

>cd common  
> make clean 
> make 
> sudo make install

Validate your environment

>source <installation path>/bin/setup.sh

eg.> source /usr/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/setup.sh

>cd demo 
> make clean 
> make

This make shouldcomplete without error. (But we meet several errors)


Here, I just referred some other instructions, and:

1.deleted Eclipse,

2.Downloaded the Eclipse(Juno)

3.Set the PATH

1. ReInstall the Eclipse

go to the "eclipse" folder:

>cd /opt

>rm -rf eclipse

2. Download the Eclipse (Juno)

Select the Juno version, Download the eclipsepackage from:Linux 32bit

Extra it into/home/yourname/programfiles/

We have Installed the Java RuntimeEnvironment above, so we don't need to install it here.

3. Configure the environment variable(PATH)

Modify the environment variable of "bfin-linux-uclibc-gcc"

In Terminal, run:

>sudo gedit /etc/profile

Modify the EnvironmentalVariable. Note, this is user environmental variable, After this we can only use

"bfin-linux-uclibc-gcc" but cannot use"sudo bfin-linux-uclibc-gcc". All the command after"sudo" is for using

system environmental variable but not user's environmentalvariable.

In the gedit window add the linebelow at the tail.

>export PATH=$PATH:/opt/uClinux/bfin-linux-uclibc/bin

And for the JRE PATH configure, add the line below:


See the snap below:

4. Building a uClinux Hello World projectGo to the location ofeclipse:"/home/yourname/programfiles/eclipse", Run the eclipse by:

>cd /home/yourname/programfiles/eclipse
> ./eclipse

In Eclipse,New->Project->C/C++ -> C Project -> "Project type:Executable/Empty Project" and

"ToolChains:Cross GCC " -> "Next" ->Set the path of your "bfin-linux-uclibc-gcc"  -> finish.

See the snap:

And build your Hello Worldproject:

This method is only for building theuClinux app. If you want to build Bare-Metal

Refer to:DevelopingBare-Metal C Applications

Setup common bare-c library bareC Release Notes

Update bare-c libraries updateBarec

Doxygen documentation link

Developing and debugging C applications usingEclipse link

TLL's: Bare-C Development/Debugging withEclipselinkMore detailed debug tutorial.

Debug connection through gnICE link

Alternative debug connection: usingkgdb kgdb

Using DSP-specific libraries dsplibs

Launching bare-c apps through U-Boot link

Analog Devices introduction to bare-cdevelopment link

Stop automatically booting linux u-boot

================= Connect with Target Board =================

In this Section, we are going todownload the executable bin file made by Eclipse down to target.

1. Install the minicom

2. Install the USB-UART bridgeconverter driver on Linux

3. Install the USB-Ethernet bridgeconverter driver on Linux, and Configure it.

4. Test the Communication functions.

5. Test the J-TAG connection if Ihave interests.

1. Install the minicom

In the Terminal, input:

>sudo apt-get install minicom

2. Install the USB-UART bridge converter driver on Linux

Install driver for USB-UART bridge converter on Linux Ubuntu12.04


Reference: Fixing the cp210x open - Unable toenable UART Error

When you plugin your USB-UART converter, and run "> ls /dev/tty*", if you don'tsee the
 /dev/ttyUSB0 (or similar), your Linux does not detect your USB-UARTdevice.

We need to install the driverfor your device.

Here we use Ubuntu12.04, andUpdated the source to 3.2.0 version. If there is difference about 
version Number from your OS platform, please try to modify it into yours.

1.Download the Linux Source Code

Open a terminal and executethe following commands. Note that your version of Linux may differ 
slightly -- adjust accordingly.

$cd ~

$sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-source

$cp /usr/src/linux-source-3.2.0.tar.bz2 .

$bunzip2 linux-source-3.2.0.tar.bz2

$tar xf linux-source-3.2.0.tar

$cd ~/linux-source-3.2.0

2.Recompile and Reinstall the cp210x Driver

From within a terminal,execute:

$cd ~/linux-source-3.2.0

$make oldconfig

$make prepare

$make scripts

$cp /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-34-generic-pae/Module.symvers .

Here, I have the"3.2.0-29" version also, I launched the command above, but not thebelow:

"cp /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-29-generic-pae/Module.symvers ."

Recompile and Reinstall thecp210x Driver

Here, We can actually installmany kinds of USB-UART converter drivers. We take cp210x as the

From within a terminal,execute:

$make M=drivers/usb/serial

$sudo mv /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/cp210x.ko/lib/modules
  /$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/cp210x.ko.old

$sudo cp drivers/usb/serial/cp210x.ko /lib/modules/$(uname-r)/kernel/drivers/usb

$sudo modprobe -r cp210x

$sudo modprobe cp210x

Reboot Linux system.

Run Terminal:

$ls /dev/tty*

The we can see the device isdetected by Linux Host OS:

Reference: http://pharos.ece.utexas.edu/wiki/index.php/Fixing_the_cp210x_open_-_Unable_to_enable_UART_Error_-_04/17/2011

Then, We can configure the minicom to communicatewith our target board.


Here is an example ofconfigure the parameters of minicom for TLL6527M PAL board:

I just copied it here hardlywithout any font editing. Sorry about that.

Serial Communications from Host-PC to TLL6527M Target Hardware

TheTLL System Design Environment (SDE) running on the host PC comes pre-configuredwith
 the required settings for serial-UART communications between the host PCand the TLL6527M
 base module. Generally, for use with TLL6527M the settings need not to bechanged 
(Note: From the SDE OS version 0.3.2, the serial terminal program Minicom isset to 
open /dev/ttyUSB0 with the needed configuration as mentioned above.).

Tostart serial communication from host to the TLL6527M, open the serialcommunication terminal 
program Minicom. Just open a terminal window on your Linux SDE running on thehost PC  and 
type the command "minicom" at the command prompt on your host PCterminal console.

TheTLL6527M on power-up  is set by default to the following serial-UARTcommunication settings:

Bitsper second = 115200

Databits = 8

Parity= None

StopBits = 1

Flowcontrol = None

Makesure that the TLL6527M's USB-UART port has been mapped to a ttyUSBx device nodein the /dev 
folder on the host PC SDE. See following example:

Nowmake sure that this "ttyUSBx" is set as the destination port, baudrate is 115200,
 and 8N1 mode for minicom, by running the command 'minicom -s'. Note thatrunning the 
"minicom -s" command as a normal user will only apply the settingsfor the current 
session. In order to make the settings permanent, these commands need to be runwith 
root privileges.See example below:

Thefollowing window will appear on your host PC terminal window:

Goto ‘Serial port setup’, following screen will appear, make sure that serialdevice is set to ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’ 
and bps/par/bits is set to 115200 8N1:

Nowgo back to the main menu and choose ‘save setup as dfl’. This will save theconfiguration settings and from next time 
onwards user can directly run ‘minicom’ command without the option ‘–s’ and itwill load settings from the saved file.

RESETthe target by using the SDE's TLL6527M reset utility or by pressing the RESETbutton on the target.

Followingmessages will be displayed on the terminal. By default, U-Boot is setupto 
automatically start booting the OS after waiting for a few seconds for the userto 
interrupt the automatic launch by pressing any key. So to stop U-Boot fromloading 
uClinux and provide U-Boot command prompt, just hit any key. (This is assumingTLL6527M 
is flashed with u-boot and uClinux. TLL6527Ms are pre-flashed with firmwarebefore shipping)

Go to the website of yourconverter applier, for me: Here, Download

I halted here. :( But I nevergive up, solved it next:)

Here is another simpler way to install thedriver: 

3. Minicom configuration:

See: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_55a4cddc0101afs8.html

To here, we canuse Eclipse to develop our own Blackfin-uClinux app and send it down to ourtarget

board (TLL6527M PAL Board), But there is still no our desiredToolChain outof a list from within the New Project Wizard dialog

==========Add theBlackfin Linux FDPIC GNU Toolchain(bfin-linux-uclibc) ==========

Then I installed the Blackfin Plug-ins againfor Juno

Reference :Installing Eclipse 4.2 (Juno)

There contains:

`. A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version1.6 or newer

`. Eclipse IDDE (version 4.2 recommended)

`. C/C++ Development Tools (CDT)

`. Blackfin toolchain

`. Blackfin Plug-ins

Here we only installed thePlug-ins:

The Blackfin plug-ins willrequire Eclipse 4.2, as well as the CDT.

Additionally, you will have toinstall the GDB Hardware Debugging

CDT plug-in (it is usually notinstalled by default). To install

the GDB Hardware Debuggingplug-in the CDT update site needs enabled.


To enable the CDT site:

1. Select the Eclipse menuWindow→Preferences.

2. Select Install/Update→Available SoftwareSites and select the site,


4. Use the Enable button to enable the site.


Install the GDB Hardware Debugging plug-invia the Update Manager:

1. Select the Eclipse menu Help→Install NewSoftware

2. Select thehttp://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indigo site in the Work Withlist

3. Enable the GDB Hardware Debugging pluginunder CDT Optional Features


The Blackfin plug-ins can be obtained fromthe

http://blackfin.uclinux.org/eclipse/    site via theUpdate Manager:

1. Select Help→Install New Software from theEclipse menu

2. Click the Add button

3. Add http://blackfin.uclinux.org/eclipse/as a new site "Blackfin GNU"


Then you can select the plug-ins to install:

The Blackfin Debug plug-in resultsin extra selectable entries in the “Debug Configuration” dialog,

The Tool chain plug-in allows for selecting the desired tool chain out of alist from within the

New Project Wizard dialog.

As the dialoge box said, restart Eclipse.


Then when we creat a C Project, "Projecttype":Empty Project, in the "ToolChains" box,

there appears:"Blackfin Linux FDPIC GNUToolchain(bfin-linux-uclibc)"

See the Snap pic below:


=========== Ethernet Connection ==========

Here, I'm going to configure the Ethernet manually.

I tried to run palTelnet.sh, butfailed by some errors.:


./palTelnet.sh: 44: read: arg count

WARNING: TRENDnet TU2-ET100 not found.

1) Validate USB connection from TU2-ET100 to host.

2) Validate TU2-ET100 is connected to virtual machineinstead of host).

check: Virtual Machine -> RemovableDevices -> asix ax88772

Press <ENTER> to continue, <CTRL>-C to stop

./palTelnet.sh: 44: read: arg count


Itsays the TRENDnet TU2-ET100, I thought it was because of the driver ofTU2-ET100 was not configured.

(The gray part does not work, youcan just skip it)

Download the driver from:


Extract it into:


open readme, it says:"This driver is only for Kernel 2.6.9to 2.6.13"

It seems like I need to download the Kernel2.6.9. get it

from:get"linux-2.6.9.tar.bz2" from: www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/

Open a terminal and execute thefollowing commands.

> $ cd ~

> $ sudo mv~/Downloads/linux-2.6.9.tar.bz2 /usr/src/

> $ cp/usr/src/linux-2.6.9.tar.bz2 .

> $ bunzip2 linux-2.6.9.tar.bz2

> $ tar xf linux-2.6.9.tar

> $ cd ~/linux-2.6.9

Recompile and Reinstall the cp210xDriver,From within a terminal, execute:

> $ cd ~/linux-2.6.9

> $ make oldconfig

I pressed all Return Key.

> $ make prepare

> $ make scripts

> $ cp/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-34-generic-pae/Module.symvers .

To here I get halted. I searched online for a while, and Did thefollowing:


Retry Install the ASIX AX88772Driver for Linux

Download the driver for Kernel3.xmy kernel is 3.2.0, you can update your kernel by

> sudoapt-get install build-essential linux-source

unzip the Package_YouDownloaded.zip

go into the folder, and open the readme file in gedit

$sudo su


If the compilation is well, theasix.kowill be created under the current


If you want to use modprobecommand to mount the driver, executing the

following command to install the driver into your Linux:

# [root@localhosttemplate]# make install




1.If you want to load the drivermanually, go to the driver directory and

execute the following commands:( this does not work, skip )

[root@localhosttemplate]# insmod asix.ko

2.If you had installed the driverduring driver compilation, then you can use

the following command to loadthe driver automatically. (I used this one)

[root@localhostanywhere]# modprobe asix

Ifyou want to unload the driver, just executing the followingcommand:

[root@localhostanywhere]# rmmod asix


Test if the driver is loaded:

But How?


So, Ibegan to configure the Host Manually.

First, check the USB devices connected on Ubuntu Linux:


we get:


$ lsusb

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 roothub

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 80ee:0021 VirtualBox USB Tablet

Bus 001 Device 006: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal IntegratedProducts, Inc. CP210x Composite Device

Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0b95:7720 ASIX Electronics Corp.AX88772

Manually Setting IP Address

Thissection shows what happens inside the script described in section 2 and allowyou to follow the

setup manually.

1. Identify the Ethernet Interface Name inside the VirtualMachine

Each timethe Ethernet adapter is connected a different name may be associated with it.To list

the currentlyknown Ethernet interfaces, open a new terminal, and execute


Ifconfig will list two connections.A) Interface with IP address (this is the connection to theinternet), Example output:

eth0Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:51:9B:E6 
inet addr: Bcast: Mask: 
inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe51:9be6/64 Scope:Link 

B) Interface without IP address (connection to PAL)

The device #: 00:50:B6:xx:xx:xx is your Ethernet Adapter #

eth1Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:B6:0A:2A:1A 
inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:fe51:9be7/64Scope:Link

The PAL interface can berecognized by

(1) a different second line: the line startingwith "inet addr" is missing (even though the "inet6addr" may be listed)

(2)the HWaddr starts with 00:50:B6.

2. Set IP address for interface connected to PAL

Assign IP address by using the following command(weassume eth1 is the Ethernet connection without specified IPaddress)

>sudo ifconfig eth1

"sudo" allows executing a command as root(administrator).  For VM pal user, PW:real happy

3. Validate that the interface has accepted the IP setting

Use "ifconfig" again

4. Establish a Telnet connection to the board.

Each PAL is set by default to the IP (you can use"ifconfig" through minicom to get it)

Open a telnet session by


For my target PAL board, Username: root, PW:uClinux

I Set it succesfully, So the Ethernet connection is configuredcorrectly. That means our driver installation is Done!

==========  Configure your telnet connection with thetarget board   =======

Sometimes, when our automatically network connection is notstable, i.e. the DHCP can not work proplerly,we need the mannually conifigure the ip for our telnet.

Manually Configuring Ethernet

This section describes how to manually configure the Ethernet connectionon SDE 5.3.x. This is an 
alternative to running the automated setup script add-trendnet-adapter.py.

1. Connect TU2-ET100and make sure it is connected to the Virtual Machine (see instructions here)

2. Open context menu toto configure connections through NetworkManager.

Click right mouse button on NetworkManager icon

Select "Edit Connections ..."

3. In the dialog box"Network Connections", select the Wired Connection that correspondsto your USBEthernet adapter.

Note which connection has appeared after plugging in the USBEthernet adapter. The image below, 
assumes  "eth0" is the connection for the TU2-ET100.

Then, select "Edit ..."

4. Validate that theTU2-ET100 was correctly selected

The Device MAC address should start with 00:50:b6.

5. Select Tab"IPV4 Settings", and configure the interface.

Under Method, select "Manual"

Select: Add

Enter the following values into line under Addresses




Close "Editing eth0" dialog box by selecting"Save"

Save button is grayed out unless valid values are entered forAddress.

6. Close dialog boxNetwork Connections.

The Ethernet connection is now configured. The sameconfiguration will be recovered next time

the same USB Ethernet adapter is connected.


If you want to use the library "libasound.a/out",
you may need the "libasound2" package.

* For My Nuggets:
* I need library "TLL6527M_C_API_uClinux_TLL2012R1DevTEST" from /prerelease20120823/libary/elfStatic/
* I need include /prerelease2012xxxx/inclue/common/
* For Audio:
* I need library  "asound" from /opt/ALSA_LIB
* I need include .../prerelease2012xxxx/inclue/audio/
* I need include  /opt/ALSA_INCLUDE/alsa/sound

I found there is no /opt/ALSA_LIB folder in my Ubuntu12.04 system disk.

=======Note: The brown text below is my hand note for my failed trying. You can just skip it.=======
----so, go to Ubuntu website and download the alsa package:


Download the alsa-lib_1.0.25.orig.tar.bz2, extract it into Download folder.
run the command in Terminal:
    $ cd ~/Download/alsa-lib-1.0.25
    $ sudo ./configure
    $ sudo make
    $ sudo make install

There are some errors existed.
    I searched the library "asound", and I find it is in the "libasound2" package.
----Install "libasound2" package: ----
    Download the file "libasound2_1.0.22-0ubuntu7_i386.deb" package from:

Install the .deb package:
    > $ sudo dpkg -i libasound2_1.0.22-0ubuntu7_i386.deb

An error happend:Package libpython2.6 is not installed. 
    It depends on libpython2.6.

----Install the "libpython2.6" package: ----
    Download the package at:http://packages.ubuntu.com/zh-cn/lucid/libpython2.6

Install it:
    > $ sudo dpkg -i libpython2.6_2.6.5-1ubuntu6.1_i386.deb

    libpython2.6 depends on python2.6

libpython2.6 depends on libssl0.9.8

----Install the "python2.6" and "libssl0.9.8" 
    ----Install Python 2.6 in Ubuntu 12.04:
        Ubuntu 12.04 includes Python 2.7.3 and  Python 2.6 is no longer available for install.If you need

to run  legacy software which only support Python 2.6.Below steps will show you how to install Python 2.6

from PPA,alternatively you also can build it yourself.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get install python2.6 python2.6-dev

some error happens, about dependency.

----Install libssl0.9.8 ----
        Download it from:https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/i386/libssl0.9.8/0.9.8o-7ubuntu3.1
        Install it by dpkg -i libssl...deb

It seems like succeeded.

----Install Python 2.6 again----
        sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get install python2.6 python2.6-dev

I got:"E: Unmet dependencies."

----Install libpython2.6 :
        > sudo dpkg -i libpython2.6_2.6.5-1ubuntu6.1_i386.deb 
        it still need for python 2.6

----Install Python2.6:
        1. Download "Python-2.6.tar.bz2" from:
        2. Extract it
           $ tar jxvf Python-2.6.tar.bz2
        3. $ cd Python-2.6
           $ sudo ./configure
           $ sudo make
  $ sudo make install

----Install libpython2.6 :
        > cd ~/Downloads
        > sudo dpkg -i libpython2.6_2.6.5-1ubuntu6.1_i386.deb
        Error: libpython2.6 depends on python2.6 (= 2.6.5-1ubuntu6.1); 
        however: Version of python2.6 on system is 2.6.8-2+precise1.

----Install python2.6.5-1ubuntu6.1
        Download it from:

Extract: $ tar zxvf python2.6_2.6.5.orig.tar.gz
        > $ cd ~/Downloads/python2.6-2.6.5
        > $ ./configure
        > $ sudo make
        > $ sudo make install
    ----Install libpython2.6 :
        > cd ~/Downloads
        > sudo dpkg -i libpython2.6_2.6.5-1ubuntu6.1_i386.deb
        Error: libpython2.6 depends on python2.6 (= 2.6.5-1ubuntu6.1); 
        however: Version of python2.6 on system is 2.6.8-2+precise1.

----Install libpython2.6_2.6.8-2+precise1_i386.deb  
        Download it from:


Install it:
        $ sudo dpkg -i libpython2.6_2.6.8-2+precise1_i386.deb
It seems like succeeded.

----Install "libasound2" package again:

Install the "libasound2" package:
        > $ sudo dpkg -i libasound2_1.0.22-0ubuntu7_i386.deb
        It seems like succeeded.

----Check the /opt/ALSA_LIB and /opt/ALSA_INCLUDE
        No! :(

There is no folder about alsa in /opt, but check if my uClinux programe compiling can be correct. addthe "asound" library directly as -lasound, but no assigning the path of it because I have installed thelibasound2 package above.Go back to Eclipse, and configure the library: 
        "TLL6527M_C_API_uClinux_TLL2012R1DevTEST" from /prerelease20120823/libary/elfStatic/

configure the include: 

When compiling in Eclipse, Get the error: cannot find the lib: -lasound

----Install the libasound2-dev
    > $ sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
    Get error:
    E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
----Install the alsa-lib-1.0.13:
    Go to the webpage:
    Download the .tar.bz2 package:
    Extract it:
    > $ tar jxvf alsa-lib-1.0.13.tar.bz2
    > $ cd ~/Downloads/alsa-lib-1.0.13/
    Install the library:
    > $ ./configure --enable-static && make
    > $ sudo make install

It seems that installing the alsa-lib-1.0.13 succeeded, 
    the library file "libasound.a/out" at:  /usr/lib
    I just included in Eclipse the header files at:  /usr/include/alsa/sound

But the Eclipse still report error:
        skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libasound.so when searching for -lasoundaudio_example

C/C++ Problem
        skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libasound.a when searching for -lasoundaudio_example

C/C++ Problem
        cannot find -lasoundaudio_exampleC/C++ Problem
        make: *** [audio_example] Error 1audio_exampleC/C++ Problem

================ End of Brown Text ===================

----Copy the /opt/ALSA_INCLUDE/alsa/sound & /opt/ALSA_LIB from the Fedora Host System that released by TheLearning Labs company. Put them into my U-disk.

Now plug in the u-disk, and we need to mount the devices.

Run the command to see which devices do you have:
> $ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
And I got:
Disk /dev/sda: 8589 MB, 8589934592 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1044 cylinders, total 16777216 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00029a1e

Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *        2048    14680063     7339008   83  Linux
/dev/sda2        14682110    16775167     1046529    5  Extended
/dev/sda5        14682112    16775167     1046528   82  Linux swap / Solaris

There should be a FAT32 System disk, but there is no.

If you only plugged in one U-disk, and your disk is not scsi interface, its hardware name is: sda1

Build an usb folder at your mnt: $ sudo mkdir /mnt/usb

Mount your u-disk:  $ mount -t vfat /dev/sda1  /mnt/usb

I copied it to the /opt folder from my ~/Downloads which is containing the /ALSA_INCLUDE and /ALSA_LIB

which is copied from U-disk:
~/Downloads/opt> $ sudo cp -r ALSA_INCLUDE /opt/
~/Downloads/opt> $ sudo cp -r ALSA_LIB /opt/

Now we have the libraries and head files needed for audio programming.
Test in Eclipse: I don't have the permission to access the foler I copied just now.
[Here, you can try command: "sudo chmod 777 foldername"]


----Log out linux and log in as the root user:
Open Terminal, input: sudo passwd
update the UNIX password: xxx

By default, Ubuntu doesn't allow root log on the graphic interface.
Modify the "/etc/gdm/gdm.conf" file to allow root log on.
In this file, modify the "AllowRoot = false" into "AllowRoot = true".

Ubuntu 12.04下允许Root用户直接登录图形界面方法:

Now, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04, I have to enable it in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Enter the sudo mode:
> $ su root
Change the file permission of "lightdm.conf"
> # chmod 777 /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

> # vi lightdm.conf

Add the following line:
greeter-show-manual-login = true
Save and exit: ":wq"
Reboot the system.  Select the user, input "root" and password.

Change the permission of /opt/alsa* folders.
Logout and login as former user.

Test the access to the /opt/alsa* folders in Eclipse.
There are 5 new errors occured.
undefined reference to `_dlsym'audio_exampleline 121, external location: /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/dlmisc.cC/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `_dlclose'audio_exampleline 91, external location: /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/dlmisc.cC/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `_dlsym'audio_exampleline 167, external location: /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/dlmisc.cC/C++ Problem
make: *** [audio_example] Error 1audio_exampleC/C++ Problem
undefined reference to `_dlopen'audio_exampleline 70, external location: /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/dlmisc.cC/C++ Problem

And I received the notes form the TLL board provider:
At this moment we're only supporting our Fedora based TLL SDE as Design / Development host OS for TLL platforms, this enables us to ensure all the tools/settings/dependencies work seamlessly with each other and thus requires us to concentrate efforts on a single platform avoiding a proliferation of different OS flavors. Hence we've tested the nuggets and build tools ONLY on TLL SDE(Fedora).

I would guess that ALSA libs would not be OS flavor dependent and might be usable just by coping library binaries and include header files over to your Ubuntu machine. However we'll not be able to support any issues you might face there.

Why don't you consider building a personal TLL SDE bootable pen drive which you can plug into your own machine while working with TLL platforms and then just reboot your system into your ubuntu when you need to use other things you are using. You can install it on a 4GB (or greater) pen drive.

Here is a link to SDE installation notes:

Please feel free to let us know any issues you face with this use mode of SDE.

Hello ,

let me echo his words.

I would not recommend any use on a custom installation. There are too many variables that can not be sufficiently controlled. As such it is practically infeasible to support such an installation.

Alternatively, you can install/run the SDE directly as outlined by Ashish, however at a loss of company-specific customizations.




But when I compile the accelerometer, there is no errors happened. This makes me burn a new fire in my mind.

    I began to test the other nuggets except audio.


    I fixed this problem by: add the libarary -ldl into my objects.mk file which is created by Eclipse.


   /* For My Nuggets On Ubuntu12.04:* You need library  "TLL6527M_C_API_uClinux_TLL2012R1DevTEST" at /prerelease20120823/libary/elfStatic/* You need include  /prerelease2012xxxx/inclue/common/** For Audio:* You need library  "dl" (No need to assign its path, system default.)* You need library  "asound" from /opt/ALSA_LIB* You need include  .../prerelease2012xxxx/inclue/audio/* You need include  /opt/ALSA_INCLUDE/alsa/sound*/

遇到 Eclipse 编译时出现:
undefined reference to '_dlclose'
undefined reference to '_dlopen'
undefined reference to '_dlsym'
undefined reference to '_dlsym'
    我是修改了.mk 文件,实际上是增加了一个库, dl (dynamic link) 

LIBS := -lTLL6527M_C_API_uClinux_TLL2012R1DevTEST -lasound


LIBS := -lTLL6527M_C_API_uClinux_TLL2012R1DevTEST -lasound -ldl



But I still met the errors sent from board when I was launching the audio app on the board:

But I met the errors when I launch the app bin file on my target board! :(

See the log below:

root:/home> ls
audio_example  matlab-serial
root:/home> ./audio_example
Switching to default type SSM2603, for stereo capture
through Line In, at 16 bits per sample and 48000 Hz
sampling rate
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/dlmisc.c:246:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) symbol _snd_ctl_hw_open is not defined inside [builtin]
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/confmisc.c:674:(snd_determine_driver) could not open control for card 0
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/conf.c:3326:(snd_config_hooks_call) function snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards returned error: No such device or address
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/dlmisc.c:246:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) symbol _snd_ctl_hw_open is not defined inside [builtin]
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/confmisc.c:674:(snd_determine_driver) could not open control for card 0
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such device or address
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such device or address
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/conf.c:4184:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such device or address
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/conf.c:4663:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such device or address
ALSA lib /home/Lavanya/2011R1_Release/blackfin-linux-dist_RC3/lib/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.0.24/src/pcm/pcm.c:2212:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.default
Cannot open device::No such device or address
Cannot Init

I really do not know how to fix the alsa-lib problem....



posted on 2013-01-03 05:37 sonictl 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏



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