本文包含代码示例说明如何jQuery插件开发者可以集成到ASP.NET MVC应用程序。

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The jQuery DataTables plug-in is an excellent client-side component that can be used to create rich-functional tables in the web browser. This plug-in adds lot of functionalities to the plain HTML tables that are placed in web pages such as filtering, paging, sorting, changing page length, etc.

This article shows how the jQuery DataTables plug-in can be integrated into an ASP.NET MVC application. It contains step by step examples that show how the DataTables plug-in interacts with server-side components.

This article do not cover all possible integration scenarios of JQuery DataTables plugin in ASP.NET MVC application. For other integation scenarios, you might also take a look at the other articles in this serie:

  • Part 2 - Implementation of CRUD functionalities (add, inline edit, delete) using DataTable in ASP.NET MVCwhere I have described how you can add data management (CRUD) functionalities such as adding, deleting and editing rows,
  • Part 3 - Reloading content of data tables in ASP.NET MVC where I have shown how you can reload DataTable content using Ajax,
  • Part 4 - Creating an expandable master-details table where I have shown how you can implement opening details row when regular row is selected,
  • Part 5 - jQuery DataTables Advanced Filtering in ASP.NET MVC - in this article is shown how you can implement advanced filtering,
  • Part 6 - Table Row Drag and Drop in ASP.NET MVC - in this article is descibed how you can use drag'n'drop row reordering.

Also, if you want to see all possible configurations of the JQuery DataTables plugin you might take a look at theEnhancing HTML tables using the jQuery DataTables plug-in article where are described many usefull configuration options.


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