1. 本文主要记录学习 Matlab - Robotics System Toolbox[1]的过程,就其中的一些重要知识点做相关记录。方便后期供自己与他人进行学习。
2. 由于 Matlab 官方只提供了该工具箱的部分示例,本系列文章将会在记录完所有的官方示例代码后,添加自己的一些机器人仿真代码,进行更多的开发尝试。


1 机械臂算法

1.1 逆向运动学实现轨迹控制

本部分教程主要讲解了如何来构建一个机械臂逆向运动学控制的 Matlab-Simulink 系统。



Robot Control System

- 说实话,看了 Matlab 官方搭建的示例机器人控制系统模型文件,真的觉得代码写的规范且漂亮。自己写 Simulink 代码还是有很多需要提升的地方。


  • 目标位置生成模块
  • 逆运动学计算模块
  • 操作臂动力学模型模块
  • 位置测量(或正运动学)模型模块









1.1.1 模型参数初始化

% Import the manipulator as a rigidBodyTree Object
sawyer = importrobot('sawyer.urdf');
sawyer.DataFormat = 'column';% Define end-effector body name
eeName = 'right_hand';% Define the number of joints in the manipulator
numJoints = 8;% Visualize the manipulator
xlim([-1.00 1.00])
ylim([-1.00 1.00]);
zlim([-1.02 0.98]);
view([128.88 10.45]);

Sawyer Robot Model
% Initialize size of q0, the robot joint configuration at t=0. This will
% later be replaced by the first waypoint.
q0 = zeros(numJoints,1);% Define a sampling rate for the simulation.
Ts = .01;% Define a [1x6] vector of relative weights on the orientation and
% position error for the inverse kinematics solver.
weights = ones(1,6);% Transform the first waypoint to a Homogenous Transform Matrix for initialization
initTargetPose = eul2tform(wayPoints(1,4:6));
initTargetPose(1:3,end) = wayPoints(1,1:3)';% Solve for q0 such that the manipulator begins at the first waypoint
ik = inverseKinematics('RigidBodyTree',sawyer);
[q0,solInfo] = ik(eeName,initTargetPose,weights,q0);

1.2 碰撞检测

目标:生成一个 collision-free 轨迹。

1.2.1 创建虚拟环境

可以创建一个简单的带有碰撞物的环境。例如,假设机器人在一个工作空间中,目标是将被操作对象从一个桌子移动到另一个桌子,同时避免悬挂在空中的一个球体。这些对象可以建模为两个长方体和一个球体。可以使用 collisionMesh 对象创建更复杂的环境。

% Create two platforms
platform1 = collisionBox(0.5,0.5,0.25);
platform1.Pose = trvec2tform([-0.5 0.4 0.2]);platform2 = collisionBox(0.5,0.5,0.25);
platform2.Pose = trvec2tform([0.5 0.2 0.2]);% Add a light fixture, modeled as a sphere
lightFixture = collisionSphere(0.1);
lightFixture.Pose = trvec2tform([.2 0 1]);% Store in a cell array for collision-checking
worldCollisionArray = {platform1 platform2 lightFixture};% Visualize the environment using a helper function that iterates through the collision array.

1.2.2 添加机器人模型

robot = loadrobot("kinovaGen3","DataFormat","column","Gravity",[0 0 -9.81]);
ax = exampleHelperVisualizeCollisionEnvironment(worldCollisionArray);

1.2.3 设置机器人为一系列的碰撞体

% Generate an array of collision objects from the visuals of the associated tree
collisionArray = exampleHelperManipCollisionsFromVisuals(robot);

1.2.4 生成轨迹并检查碰撞

startPose = trvec2tform([-0.5,0.5,0.4])*axang2tform([1 0 0 pi]);
endPose = trvec2tform([0.5,0.2,0.4])*axang2tform([1 0 0 pi]);% Use a fixed random seed to ensure repeatable results
ik = inverseKinematics("RigidBodyTree",robot);
weights = ones(1,6);
startConfig = ik("EndEffector_Link",startPose,weights,robot.homeConfiguration);
endConfig = ik("EndEffector_Link",endPose,weights,robot.homeConfiguration);% Show initial and final positions

% Use a trapezoidal velocity profile to generate a smooth trajectory from the home position to the start position, and then to the end position. Use collision checking to see whether this results in any collisions.
q = trapveltraj([homeConfiguration(robot),startConfig,endConfig],200,"EndTime",2);%Initialize outputs
isCollision = false(length(q),1); % Check whether each pose is in collision
selfCollisionPairIdx = cell(length(q),1); % Provide the bodies that are in collision
worldCollisionPairIdx = cell(length(q),1); % Provide the bodies that are in collisionfor i = 1:length(q)[isCollision(i),selfCollisionPairIdx{i},worldCollisionPairIdx{i}] = exampleHelperManipCheckCollisions(robot,collisionArray,worldCollisionArray,q(:,i),false);
isTrajectoryInCollision = any(isCollision)

1.2.5 查看问题(碰撞)构型

problemIdx1 = find(isCollision,1);
problemIdx2 = find(isCollision,1,"last");% Identify the problem rigid bodies
problemBodies1 = [selfCollisionPairIdx{problemIdx1} worldCollisionPairIdx{problemIdx1}*[1 0]'];
problemBodies2 = [selfCollisionPairIdx{problemIdx2} worldCollisionPairIdx{problemIdx2}*[1 0]'];% Visualize the environment
ax = exampleHelperVisualizeCollisionEnvironment(worldCollisionArray);% Add the robots & highlight the problem bodies

1.2.6 使用中间点避免碰撞出现

intermediatePose1 = trvec2tform([-.3 -.2 .6])*axang2tform([0 1 0 -pi/4]); % Out and around the sphere
intermediatePose2 = trvec2tform([0.2,0.2,0.6])*axang2tform([1 0 0 pi]); % Come in from aboveintermediateConfig1 = ik("EndEffector_Link",intermediatePose1,weights,q(:,problemIdx1));
intermediateConfig2 = ik("EndEffector_Link",intermediatePose2,weights,q(:,problemIdx2));% Show the new intermediate poses
ax = exampleHelperVisualizeCollisionEnvironment(worldCollisionArray);
show(robot,intermediateConfig2,"Parent",ax);% Generate a new trajectory.
[q,qd,qdd,t] = trapveltraj([homeConfiguration(robot),intermediateConfig1,startConfig,intermediateConfig2,endConfig],200,"EndTime",2);% Verify that it is collision-free.
% Initialize outputs
isCollision = false(length(q),1); % Check whether each pose is in collision
collisionPairIdx = cell(length(q),1); % Provide the bodies that are in collision
for i = 1:length(q)[isCollision(i),collisionPairIdx{i}] = exampleHelperManipCheckCollisions(robot,collisionArray,worldCollisionArray,q(:,i),false);
isTrajectoryInCollision = any(isCollision)

1.2.7 查看生成的轨迹

% Plot the environment
ax2 = exampleHelperVisualizeCollisionEnvironment(worldCollisionArray);% Visualize the robot in its home configuration
show(robot,startConfig,"Parent",ax2);% Update the axis size
axis equal% Loop through the other positions
for i = 1:length(q)show(robot,q(:,i),"Parent",ax2,"PreservePlot",false);% Update the figure    drawnow

1.3 安全轨迹跟踪控制


在机器人前面放置一个平面物体。在执行轨迹跟踪运动控制时,机器人手臂的末端执行器与之会发生碰撞。在没有任何附加设置的情况下,由于与物体碰撞而增加的扭矩可能会对机器人或物体造成损坏。为了实现安全的轨迹跟踪,在给控制器分配所需运动时,建立轨迹缩放块(trajectory scaling block)来调整时间戳。您可以在模型运行时调整一些参数并与机器人交互,观察对模拟机器人的影响。

Robot Model

1.3.1 设置机器人模型

% This example uses a model of the Rethink Sawyer, a 7 degree-of-freedom robot manipulator. Call importrobot to generate a rigidBodyTree model from a description stored in a Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) file. Set the DataFormat and Gravity properties to be consistent with Simscape.
sawyer = importrobot('sawyer.urdf');
sawyer.DataFormat = 'column';
sawyer.Gravity = [0, 0, -9.80665];

1.3.2 轨迹生成与配置

% First, assign the start time and duration for the trajectory.
tStart = 0.5;
tDuration = 3;% Next, assign the initial and target configuration. q0 is the initial configuration and q1 is the target configuration.
q0 = [0; -1.18; 0; 2.18; 0; -1.0008; 3.3161];
q1 = zeros(7,1);


Robot Start and End Position
% Use exampleHelperPolynomialTrajectory to generate the desired motion trajectory for each joint. exampleHelperPolynomialTrajectory generates the polynomial coefficients of a trajectory that satisfies the desired joint position, zero velocity and zero acceleration based on the initial and target configurations and the trajectory duration.
p = exampleHelperPolynomialTrajectory(q0,q1,tDuration);

1.3.3 Simulink 控制模型


System Overview
Trajectory Scaling
External Torque Observer
Desired Motion
Contact Force and Planar Object Motion and Visualization


Control without Protection


Control with Protection

1.4 结合ROS逆向运动学和Action进行轨迹规划(略)

2 移动机器人算法(略)

3. UAV 算法(略)

- 从 Matlab Robotics System Toolbox 的学习中了解到的最重要的一点就是 Matlab Simulink 搭建动力学模型的快速性。因为 Toolbox 中提供了一系列的工具模块用于计算机器人的构型和机器人的动力学模型。这样,我们可以利用 Matlab 飞快地验证我们的实验样机的算法是否正确。
- 同时,了解到的还有 Matlab Robotics System Toolbox 支持 Simscape 导入模型。而 Simscape 支持 urdf 导入模型。这样,我们创建机器人的仿真模型可以有如下流程。
1. 使用 solidworks 进行机器人建模。
2. 使用 solidworks urdf 插件得到机器人模型文件。
3. 使用 simscape 导入模型文件,建立模型,查看模型是否有错误。
4. 使用 simulink robotics system toolbox 进行机器人的正逆运动学,正逆动力学解算。
5. 搭建控制系统,仿真机器人控制。
6. 如果需要做控制,则插上外设,控制真实的机器人。
(Matlab 真的是实现了从仿真到实际机器的整个环节,厉害厉害,佩服佩服,大佬大佬,学习学习 :P)
- 唯一可能在实际工作场景中需要注意的就是实际机器的动力学模型可能需要我们来自己推导,当然,也可以进一步查询 Matlab 源码,看是用哪种算法来做的(非常有必要,接下来会考虑实践)。


  1. ^Matlab - Robotics System Toolbox https://www.mathworks.com/products/robotics.html

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