Comprehensive evaluation of error correction methods for high-throughput sequencing data


4.2.1 Illumina Tools
The input read sets were corrected using the 17 error correction tools that had shown good
accuracy in the previous evaluations or had been newly published at the time of running the
evaluations. Among these, the standalone error correction tools are BFC [5], BLESS [6], Blue [7], Coral
[8], ECHO [9], HiTEC [11], Fiona, Lighter [12], Musket [13], Quake [14], QuorUM [15], RACER [16], Reptile
[17], and Trowel [18]. The remaining three tools are parts of DNA assemblers, ALLPATHS-LG [21], SGA
[22], and SOAPdenovo [23].
For each error correction method, successive numbers were applied to the key parameters of the
tools, and multiple corrected output read sets were generated corresponding to each parameter. The
output read sets were assessed using SPECTACLE and the one that had the highest gain for substitutions,
insertions, and deletions was chosen. The maximum k-mer length for Quake was limited to 18 beyond
which the memory capacity of our server was exhausted.
ALLPATHS-LG, BFC, BLESS, Blue, Musket, Quake, QuorUM, RACER, Reptile, SGA, and SOAPec
succeeded in generating outputs for all the input read sets. Coral, HiTEC, Fiona, and Trowel failed to
correct errors in large genomes because of insufficient memory. ECHO had not finished after 70 hours
for the I4 and I5 read sets. Lighter finished correcting all the read sets but it made no correction for the
read sets with 10 X coverage.

4.2.1 Illumina公司工具


其中,独立纠错工具有BFC [5], BLESS [6], Blue [18]0, Coral [18]2, ECHO [18]1, HiTEC [11], Fiona, Lighter [12], Musket [13], Quake [14], QuorUM [15], RACER [16], Reptile[17],和Trowel[18]。







4.2.2 TGS (PacBio and ONT) Tools
Widely used PacBio read error correction tools LoRDEC [29], LSC [30], PBcR [31], and Proovread[32] were evaluated using P1 and P2. No parameter tuning was needed for LSC, PBcR, and Proovread.
For LoRDEC, multiple output sets were generated by applying successive values for k-mer length and solid k-mer occurrence threshold, and result that gave the highest percentage similarity was chosen.

LSC could not be assessed using P2 because it had not finished after 70 hours.
Since ONT is a relatively newer technology, ONT read error correction technologies are just being explored and studied in detail.

Two of the most recent ONT read error correction technologies NaS [33] and NanoCorr [34] were evaluated using O1 and O2.

4.2.2 TGS (PacBio和ONT)工具



由于ONT是一项相对较新的技术,ONT读纠错技术还处于探索和研究阶段。两种最新的ONT read错误校正技术NaS[33]和NanoCorr[34]使用O1和O2进行了评估。

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