


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Point cloud library
import pcl
import pcl.pcl_visualization# Opencv
# import opencv
import cv2def main():a = 22b = 12c = 10# PCL Visualizer to view the pointcloud# pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer ("Simple visualizing window");viewer = pcl.pcl_visualization.PCLVisualizering()# int main (int argc, char** argv)# {#   pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);#   pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>::Ptr cloud_filtered (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>);#   if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> (argv[1], *cloud) == -1) //* load the ply file from command line#   {#       PCL_ERROR ("Couldn't load the file\n");#       return (-1);#   }# cloud = pcl.load("lamppost.pcd")# cloud = pcl.load("Tile_173078_LD_010_017_L22.obj")cloud = pcl.load("official/Surface/bun0.pcd")# pcl::copyPointCloud( *cloud,*cloud_filtered);# cloud_filtered = cloud.copyPointCloud()cloud_filtered = cloud# float i# float j# float k# cv::namedWindow("picture");# // Creating trackbars uisng opencv to control the pcl filter limits# cvCreateTrackbar("X_limit", "picture", &a, 30, NULL);# cvCreateTrackbar("Y_limit", "picture", &b, 30, NULL);# cvCreateTrackbar("Z_limit", "picture", &c, 30, NULL);# cv2.CreateTrackbar("X_limit", "picture", a, 30)# cv2.CreateTrackbar("Y_limit", "picture", b, 30)# cv2.CreateTrackbar("Z_limit", "picture", c, 30)# // Starting the while loop where we continually filter with limits using trackbars and display pointcloud# char last_c = 0;last_c = 0# while(true && (last_c != 27))while last_c != 27:# pcl::copyPointCloud(*cloud_filtered, *cloud);# // i,j,k Need to be adjusted depending on the pointcloud and its xyz limits if used with new pointclouds.i = 0.1 * aj = 0.1 * bk = 0.1 * c# Printing to ensure that the passthrough filter values are changing if we move trackbars.# cout << "i = " << i << " j = " << j << " k = " << k << endl;print("i = " + str(i) + " j = " + str(j) + " k = " + str(k))# Applying passthrough filters with XYZ limits# pcl::PassThrough<pcl::PointXYZRGBA> pass;# pass.setInputCloud (cloud);# pass.setFilterFieldName ("y");# //  pass.setFilterLimits (-0.1, 0.1);# pass.setFilterLimits (-k, k);# pass.filter (*cloud);pass_th = cloud.make_passthrough_filter()pass_th.set_filter_field_name("y")pass_th.set_filter_limits(-k, k)cloud = pass_th.filter()# pass.setInputCloud (cloud);# pass.setFilterFieldName ("x");# // pass.setFilterLimits (-0.1, 0.1);# pass.setFilterLimits (-j, j);# pass.filter (*cloud);# pass_th.setInputCloud(cloud)pass_th.set_filter_field_name("x")pass_th.set_filter_limits(-j, j)cloud = pass_th.filter()# pass.setInputCloud (cloud);# pass.setFilterFieldName ("z");# //  pass.setFilterLimits (-10, 10);# pass.setFilterLimits (-i, i);# pass.filter (*cloud);# pass_th.setInputCloud(cloud)pass_th.set_filter_field_name("z")pass_th.set_filter_limits(-10, 10)cloud = pass_th.filter()# // Visualizing pointcloud# viewer.addPointCloud (cloud, "scene_cloud");# viewer.spinOnce();# viewer.removePointCloud("scene_cloud");viewer.AddPointCloud(cloud, b'scene_cloud', 0)viewer.SpinOnce()# viewer.Spin()viewer.RemovePointCloud(b'scene_cloud', 0)if __name__ == "__main__":# import cProfile# cProfile.run('main()', sort='time')main()

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