Your prospective client asks you to provide them with a quote. So you just send them the quote, right?

您的潜在客户要求您提供报价。 所以您只给他们发送报价吧?



If you did, you would be missing out on a massive opportunity here.


In this article, I’m going to walk you through the pre-proposal phase, how to create a proposal, sending the proposal, and what to do after you’ve sent it.


提案前阶段 (The Pre-Proposal Phase)

Before you send the proposal, you need to know a few things.


Here are 10 questions to ask your prospective client:


  1. What does your business do?您的业​​务是做什么的?
  2. Who is your ideal target market?谁是您理想的目标市场?
  3. What is the desired action you would like a website visitor to do?您希望网站访问者采取什么措施?
  4. What makes you unique from your competitors?是什么让您与竞争对手区分开来?
  5. What is an average client/customer worth to your business?对您的业务而言,平均客户/客户价值是多少?
  6. How do you currently get new clients/customers?您目前如何获得新客户/客户?
  7. How many clients/sales do you get on an average month?您平均每个月能获得多少客户/销售量?
  8. Do you have professional images and a brand identity?您有专业形象和品牌形象吗?
  9. When would you like the project completed by?您希望什么时候完成项目?
  10. Is there anything else you would like me to know about?您还有什么想让我知道的吗?

A quick side note: if you feel like the client has a very limited budget, and it won’t be profitable for you, you can ask them: “Do you have a budget set aside for this project and is it at least over $xxx (insert your absolute minimum desired amount)?” This will then justify further questioning, and help you decide whether you should bother sending a proposal through.

一个简短的旁注:如果您觉得客户的预算非常有限,并且对您没有好处,您可以问他们:“您是否为此项目预留了预算,并且预算至少超过$ xxx(输入您的绝对最低期望数量)?” 然后,这将证明进一步的质疑是合理的,并帮助您决定是否应该烦恼发送提案。

Once you have all this information, you’ll be able to create the perfect proposal.


什么是投标模板? (What is a Proposal Template?)

Think of it as a document you present to a prospective client after your meeting which includes the following:


• Intro/Cover Page• Project Overview (what they would like)• Quote Options (always provide 3 options)• Terms of Agreement (payment and delivery terms)


This document showcases that you understand the project, the business needs, and that you can provide the solution for them.


简介/封面页面 (The Intro/Cover Page)

分解项目概述 (Breaking Down the Project Overview)

This is the MOST important aspect of the Proposal.


You need to focus on 2 key areas here:


  1. Highlighting the Problem突出问题
  2. Showcasing the Solution展示解决方案

突出问题 (Highlighting the Problem)

The first point to mention is the company’s goal, so it’s relatable:


“…to improve your existing website to focus on generating more free consultations which will result in more paying clients.”


This shows that you and your client are on the same page. Now, we highlight current problem which is:

这表明您和您的客户在同一页面上。 现在,我们重点介绍当前的问题:

“According to your data, only 2% of website visitors result in free consultations and 10% of free consultations result in paying clients.”


What you are doing here is showing that there is a major problem that needs to be solved, which leads us on to the solution.


展示解决方案: (Showcasing the Solution:)

Now it’s time to provide a solution – how you can help the business achieve their goal.


您如何知道解决方案是什么? (How do you know what the solution is?)

This is where you need to equip yourself better to either speak from a position of knowledge or experience.


The best way to do this is to read case studies. You need to know examples or companies with bad websites and marketing and also examples of companies with good websites and marketing.

最好的方法是阅读案例研究。 您需要了解网站或市场营销不佳的示例或公司,以及网站和市场营销良好的公司的示例。

Let’s say an insurance company comes to you and asks you to increase their leads through their website.


What you need to do is find out what they’re doing right and what they’re doing wrong which can be improved on.


For example, you might find in your research that adding a video to a “faceless” company creates trust and can increase form completions by an extra 5%.


Or maybe you find out that their information can be presented better, they need customer testimonials, their web page takes too long to load, or their marketing needs improvement.


Whatever it is, you need to know about it and the only way to do that is to read CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) content.


A few recommended resources are CrazyEgg, Kissmetrics, DigitalMarketer, Moz, CXL and Nielson Norman.

一些推荐资源包括CrazyEgg,Kissmetrics,DigitalMarketer,Moz,CXL和Nielson Norman。

With that said, and based on knowledge you gain or from experience, you tailor the solution accordingly.


In this case, a solution to the problem above may be:


“The goal would be to double the number of free consultations to at least 4%, which I believe is a low estimate based on the results I’ve seen in similar industries focused around effective call-to-actions (free consultations).


“The goal would be to double the number of free consultations to at least 4%, which I believe is a low estimate based on the results I’ve seen in similar industries focused around effective call-to-actions (free consultations).


Realistically, I do believe we could achieve a 6 – 8% conversion rate of free consultations once the site has been completed and improved on, but I am 100% confident that 4% is a low estimate.


Realistically, I do believe we could achieve a 6 – 8% conversion rate of free consultations once the site has been completed and improved on, but I am 100% confident that 4% is a low estimate.


The last paragraph of this is crucial. What we are doing here is price-anchoring based on value.

最后一段至关重要。 我们在这里所做的是基于价值的价格固定。

You can read more about pricing here, but the point is using the Potential Return and offsetting than against the Price of the Project, which we’ll cover in the point below.


解释报价选项 (Explaining the Quote Options)

Always give 3 options to choose from.


W. Poundstone's book, Priceless, covers an interesting experiment selling beer.

庞德斯通(W. Poundstone)的书《 无价 》涵盖了一个有趣的啤酒销售实验。

A group of people were offered 2 kinds of beer: premium beer for $2.50 and cheaper beer for $1.80.


Almost 80% chose the premium beer.


After this test, a third super bargain beer was added as an option for $1.60 in addition to the previous two. Now 80% bought the $1.80 beer and the rest bought the $2.50 beer. Nobody bought the cheapest option.

在此测试之后,除了前两个啤酒外,还增加了第三个超级低价啤酒,价格为$ 1.60。 现在,有80%的人买了$ 1.80的啤酒,其余的人则买了$ 2.50的啤酒。 没有人购买最便宜的选择。

On the third test, they removed the $1.60 beer and replaced it with a a more expensive $3.40 beer. Most people chose the $2.50 beer, a small number $1.80 beer and around 10% opted for the most expensive $3.40 beer.

在第三个测试中,他们移除了1.60美元的啤酒,并换成了更贵的3.40美元的啤酒。 大多数人选择了$ 2.50的啤酒,少数选择了$ 1.80的啤酒,大约10%的人选择了最昂贵的$ 3.40的啤酒。

Takeaway: Most clients never choose the cheapest option. They choose option 2 or 3.

要点:大多数客户永远不会选择最便宜的选择。 他们选择选项2或3。

协议条款: (Terms of Agreement:)

The main point in the Terms is where you mention your Pricing.


You’ll notice that it’s a once-off cost and there is not hourly billing. I’m against billing by the hour and I prefer once-off pricing for various reasons.

您会注意到,这是一次性费用,没有按小时计费。 我反对按小时计费,出于各种原因 ,我更喜欢一次性定价。

Let’s remember that we would like the client to go ahead with Option 2 or Option 3.


Option 2 should only be around 30% more than Option 1 as it makes this option look more appealing.


Option 3 should be 20-40% higher than Option 2, which also makes Option 2 (the middle choice) seem more reasonable.


发送提案: (Sending the Proposal:)

Don’t overcomplicate this part of the process.


Let your Proposal Template do the “talking” here. All you need to do is write a straight-forward email and attach the Proposal Template (PDF Version).

让您的投标模板在这里进行“交谈”。 您所要做的就是写一封简单明了的电子邮件,并附上投标模板(PDF版本)。

I like to mention exactly the same intro on the Proposal Template Cover Page.


Here is an example email:


Hi [Client’s Name],


Hi [Client’s Name],


Thanks for discussing your business with me yesterday. I’ve compiled 3 options I believe will help achieve the business goals we’ve discussed.

感谢您昨天与我讨论您的业务。 我已经整理了3个选项,我相信这些选项将有助于实现我们所讨论的业务目标。

Thanks for discussing your business with me yesterday. I’ve compiled 3 options I believe will help achieve the business goals we’ve discussed.

感谢您昨天与我讨论您的业务。 我已经整理了3个选项,我相信这些选项将有助于实现我们所讨论的业务目标。

Please review my proposal and let me know if you have any questions or comments. I will contact you next week Tuesday if I haven’t heard from you by then.

请查看我的建议,如果您有任何疑问或意见,请告诉我。 如果那时还没有收到您的回音,我将在下周二与您联系。

Please review my proposal and let me know if you have any questions or comments. I will contact you next week Tuesday if I haven’t heard from you by then.

请查看我的建议,如果您有任何疑问或意见,请告诉我。 如果那时还没有收到您的回音,我将在下周二与您联系。



提案后阶段 (Post-Proposal Phase)

I’m surprised to see most developers don’t do take full advantage of this phase.


You need to follow up after a week if you haven’t heard back from them, and keep following up until you either get a YES or NO.


If the business says they’re not interested (or no), then find out why?


Is your pricing too high? Are they not understanding your value? What is the reason they said no?

您的定价太高了吗? 他们不了解您的价值吗? 他们拒绝的原因是什么?

Find this out and adapt your proposals and communication accordingly.


That’s it :)

而已 :)

I hope you all found this article helpful.


免费下载投标模板。 (Download the Proposal Template for free.)

Here's the the full proposal template, which you can instantly download for free.

这是完整的投标模板 ,您可以立即免费下载该模板 。

If you found this article helpful, you can read more about how to get clients as a freelance developer on my blog. And if you’re more serious, I have a popular freelancing bundle as well.

如果您认为这篇文章对您有帮助,可以在我的博客上阅读有关如何使客户成为自由开发人员的更多信息。 而且,如果您更认真,我也有一个受欢迎的自由职业捆绑包 。

Thanks for reading and cheers for now,






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