
This week, for our last podcast episode of 2019, I got to chat with freelancer and content creator Jessica Chan - known as CoderCoder on social media - about how she got into tech and started her educational website and YouTube channel.

本周,在我们2019年的最后一个播客节目中,我与自由职业者和内容创建者杰西卡·陈(Jessica Chan)聊天(社交媒体上称为CoderCoder),探讨了她如何进入科技领域并开设了自己的教育网站和YouTube频道。

Jessica grew up around computers, and her mother was a software engineer. But she didn't take a serious interest in coding until a bit later in life.

杰西卡(Jessica)在计算机周围长大,她的母亲是一名软件工程师。 但是她直到后来才对编码产生了浓厚的兴趣。

After studying photography in college, she held a series of odd jobs before taking a contract data entry position. That data entry job happened to be at a small web dev shop, and while she was there she learned the basics of the trade.

在大学学习摄影后,她担任过一系列零工,然后担任合同数据输入职位。 数据输入工作恰好在一家小型Web开发商店中,在她在那里的时候,她学习了交易的基础知识。

Once she'd honed her beginner's skills for a couple years, she got her first proper job as a web developer working for a small ad agency. She jumped in the deep end, learned a ton of new skills on the job (most of which she taught herself and figured out by googling and asking questions on Stack Overflow), and gradually got over her intense feelings of imposter syndrome.

几年来磨练了初学者的技能后,她作为一家小型广告公司的网络开发人员开始了自己的第一份工作。 她跳入了深渊,在工作中学习了很多新技能(其中大部分是她自学并通过谷歌搜索和在Stack Overflow上提问来弄清楚),并逐渐摆脱了对冒名顶替综合症的强烈感觉。

“When you’re going up against these people who have degrees in computer science and engineering, it really creates strong imposter syndrome. And unfortunately I think the only real cure for imposter syndrome is simply time. Just learn one new thing every day and in time you’ll keep progressing in your skills. Just try to make incremental changes and improvements.”

“当您与这些拥有计算机科学和工程学位的人抗衡时,它确实会造成强大的冒名顶替综合症。 不幸的是,我认为治愈假冒综合症的唯一有效方法就是时间。 每天只要学习一件事,随着时间的推移,您就会不断提高自己的技能。 只需尝试进行增量更改和改进即可。”

Jessica realizes that part of her difficulties in learning how to code came from the fact that there weren't as many resources out there online when she was learning. The bootcamp explosion hadn't happened yet, freeCodeCamp didn't exist, and it was a lot harder to figure things out. But she pushed through.

杰西卡意识到,学习编码的部分困难来自于这样一个事实,那就是她在学习时在线上没有那么多资源。 训练营爆炸尚未发生,freeCodeCamp不存在,要弄清楚事情要困难得多。 但是她坚持了下来。

And she gained some important perspective on learning to code - which, she admits, is really, really hard. But after sticking with it for a while, she learned something important:

而且她在学习编码方面获得了一些重要的观点-她承认,这确实非常困难。 但是坚持了一段时间后,她学到了一些重要的知识:

“Over time, I learned that if I just spent time googling, asking people, finding and reading documentation, I knew I’d be able to figure out pretty much anything. So that realization that I could teach myself was a big confidence boost.”

“随着时间的流逝,我了解到,如果我花时间谷歌搜索,询问人们,查找和阅读文档,我知道我将能够发现几乎所有东西。 因此,我可以自学的认识大大增强了信心。”

After about four years with the ad agency, she moved across the country and started working remotely. Which led her to realize she wanted to be her own boss. She also started her educational website and blog, Coder Coder, around that time.

在广告代理商工作了大约四年后,她移居全国各地,开始远程工作。 这使她意识到自己想成为自己的老板。 大约在那个时候,她还开设了自己的教育网站和博客Coder Coder 。

“I felt really passionate about coding – I really love web development. And I think seeing how many other people were struggling learning – I was part of these groups for newbie coders and I saw all these questions I had when I was learning to code. So it stemmed from my desire to help beginners and add my own voice and style to the other resources out there.”

“我真的对编码充满热情–我真的很喜欢Web开发。 而且我想看到有多少其他人在努力学习—我是新手编码人员的一部分,我看到了我在学习编码时遇到的所有这些问题。 因此,这源于我希望帮助初学者并将自己的声音和风格添加到其他资源中的愿望。”

To give herself more time to work on the site and her side projects, she decided to strike out on her own and get into freelancing.


Now, Jessica writes articles for her blog and other sites (including Developer News), posts tutorials and info on Instagram and Twitter, and has lately started live streaming on YouTube. She focuses on CSS, responsive web design, and other web dev topics.

现在,杰西卡(Jessica)为她的博客和其他网站(包括Developer News )撰写文章,在Instagram和Twitter上发布教程和信息,并且最近开始在YouTube上进行实时流式传输。 她专注于CSS,响应式Web设计和其他Web开发主题。

One of her goals for the coming year is to grow the YouTube channel and work on creating super high quality videos with her video editor/animator husband. And she's working on another huge project: a course on responsive web design for beginners. She has all sorts of fun ideas about how to make it engaging, so be on the lookout.

她来年的目标之一是发展YouTube频道,并与她的视频编辑者/动画师丈夫一起制作超高质量的视频。 她正在从事另一个巨大的项目:面向初学者的响应式Web设计课程。 她对如何使它引人入胜有各种各样有趣的想法,因此请保持警惕。

In this episode, Jessica discusses so many valuable skills developers should have, like


  • how to teach yourself to code 如何教自己编码
  • how to beat imposter syndrome如何打败冒名顶替综合症
  • how to be your own mentor如何成为自己的导师
  • how to work with clients as a freelancer如何与自由职业者一起与客户合作
  • how to get the most out of online tutorials 如何充分利用在线教程
  • and how to tackle the job hunt以及如何解决求职问题

among many other beginner-friendly topics.


Regarding the job hunt, and building your portfolio, Jessica offered this perspective:


“First of all, focus on learning the basic skills. Then once you have the skills to create portfolio projects, that’s a huge thing that can help you even if you don’t have actual clients. You don’t have to have an actual working website - but you need to be able to demonstrate to a potential employer what your skills are. Because if they can’t see what skills you have, why would they hire you?”

“首先,专注于学习基本技能。 然后,一旦您具备创建投资组合项目的技能,那么即使您没有真正的客户,这也可以为您带来巨大的帮助。 您不必拥有一个实际的工作网站-但您需要能够向潜在的雇主证明您的技能是什么。 因为如果他们看不到您拥有什么技能,他们为什么会雇用您?”

And she's all about encouraging new developers to keep going and not give up. She knows how hard it is to learn to code - again, it's really hard - and she offered a treasure trove of helpful advice (like setting sustainable pace for your learning, having realistic expectations of yourself, and finding an online community).

她的工作就是鼓励新的开发人员继续前进,而不是放弃。 她知道学习编码有多么困难-再次,这确实很困难-并且她提供了许多有用的建议(例如为学习设定可持续的步伐,对自己抱有现实的期望并找到在线社区)。

Check out the episode to hear all of it first-hand. It's a one-hour listen in your favorite podcast player app - just search for "freecodecamp" and you should find it.

查看该剧集以直接了解所有内容。 在您喜欢的播客播放器应用程序中,这是一个小时的聆听-只需搜索“ freecodecamp”,您就应该找到它。

If you have an Amazon Echo, you can just say "Alexa - play the freeCodeCamp podcast."

如果您有Amazon Echo,则可以说“ Alexa-播放freeCodeCamp播客”。

Or you can listen to it right here in your browser.


You can find Jessica on Twitter here.

你可以在Twitter上找到杰西卡这里 。

Check out her website here.





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