
man printf

man 3 printf

man cat

但是为了避免造成操作系统、C语言与C++的混淆,目前安装的C++ man pages与上面的查询命令有一些不同,主要是加了命名空间的限定,也就是说用这样的命令 : man cout , 是查询不到的。


man std::iostream ,之后再通过搜索/cout,找到cout的说明


man namespace::header

man 命名空间::头文件


How many times did you try on the terminal the following command and got frustrated

$ man cout

No manual entry forcout

If you have decided that there is no way you can find more about cout apart from going to web, then read the article on how to install C++ man pages?

Once you have installed the documentation, you must follow the following method to know more about the function

If you are searching about cout, you know it is part of the namespace std and defined in the headeriostream. So to search for cout, you must type

$ man std::iostream

Once the man page is open, you can search for cout.

Similarly for slist related function

$ man __gnu_cxx::slist

Thus the syntax to search any c++ man page is

$ man namespace::header

Note: The man pages are generated using doxygen. You may not much elaborate description like you get for C function.

linux c++ 函数 查看,在C++ man pages中查询C++的函数相关推荐

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