
Windows 10’s Anniversary Update offers new “game hubs” for PC games in the Xbox app. Your friends on Xbox Live will now be able to see when you’re playing a PC game, and what PC games you recently played.

Windows 10的周年更新为Xbox应用程序中的PC游戏提供了新的“游戏中心”。 现在,您在Xbox Live上的朋友可以看到您正在玩PC游戏的时间以及最近玩过的PC游戏。

If you’d like to keep your PC gaming activity separate, so your Xbox friends can’t see what you’ve been playing, you can disable this feature.


选项一:注销Xbox应用程序 (Option One: Sign Out of the Xbox App)

This feature is part of the Xbox app in Windows 10. The Xbox app has a lot of useful features, like streaming games from your Xbox One to your PC, streaming live TV from your Xbox One to your PC, or interacting with Xbox Live and your Xbox friends from your PC. But if you don’t use it for any of those things, the easiest way to stop this behavior is to simply sign out of the Xbox app.

此功能是Windows 10中Xbox应用程序的一部分。Xbox应用程序具有许多有用的功能,例如从Xbox One到PC的流媒体游戏,从Xbox One到PC的流媒体电视直播,或与Xbox Live和您的Xbox朋友从您的PC。 但是,如果您不将其用于任何这些事情,则停止此行为的最简单方法是直接退出Xbox应用程序。

To do so, open the Xbox app from your Start menu.


Click the Settings icon at the bottom of the left sidebar. Click the “Sign Out” button and you’ll be signed out of the Xbox app. Any PC gaming you do will no longer be linked with your Xbox account–unless you go back to the Xbox app and sign in again.

单击左侧边栏底部的“设置”图标。 单击“退出”按钮,您将退出Xbox应用程序。 您所做的任何PC游戏都将不再与Xbox帐户关联-除非您返回Xbox应用并再次登录。

Repeat this process on all the Windows 10 PCs you play games on.

在您玩游戏的所有Windows 10 PC上重复此过程。

选项二:在线更改Xbox隐私设置 (Option Two: Change Your Xbox Privacy Settings Online)

While the Xbox app on Windows 10 does have some privacy and sharing settings, it doesn’t have a setting to stop it from reporting game activity.

虽然Windows 10上的Xbox应用程序确实具有一些隐私和共享设置,但它没有阻止其报告游戏活动的设置。

There is another way to prevent your Xbox friends from seeing your games. However, this setting will apply to both your Windows 10 PCs and any Xbox One and Xbox 360 consoles.

还有另一种方法可以防止Xbox朋友看到您的游戏。 但是,此设置将同时应用于Windows 10 PC和任何Xbox One和Xbox 360控制台。

To access this setting, open the Xbox app, click the Settings icon on the left, scroll down, and click the “” link under Privacy. You can also head to the Xbox Account settings site in your web browser.

要访问此设置,请打开Xbox应用程序,单击左侧的“设置”图标,向下滚动,然后单击“隐私”下的“”链接。 您也可以在Web浏览器中访问Xbox帐户设置站点。

Scroll down on the “Privacy & online safety” page to the “Others can:” section.


Locate the “See if you’re online (Xbox 360: Online Status)” setting and set it to “Block” to prevent people from seeing when you’re online and what specific game you’re playing. You can also set this option to “Friends”, and only your friends will be able to see when you’re online and what you’re playing.

找到“查看您是否在线(Xbox 360:在线状态)”设置并将其设置为“阻止”,以防止人们看到您何时在线以及正在玩什么特定游戏。 您也可以将此选项设置为“ Friends”,只有您的朋友才能看到您何时在线以及正在玩什么。

Find the “See your game and app history (Xbox 360: Game History)” option and set it to “Block” to prevent people from seeing a list of games you’ve recently played. Set this option to “Friends” instead and only friends will be able to see the list of games.

找到“查看您的游戏和应用程序历史记录(Xbox 360:游戏历史记录)”选项,并将其设置为“阻止”,以防止他人看到您最近玩过的游戏列表。 而是将此选项设置为“ Friends”,只有朋友才能看到游戏列表。

Bear in mind that this will prevent your Xbox friends from seeing when you’re online on an Xbox One or Xbox 360 console and what Xbox console games you were recently playing, too.

请记住,这将阻止您的Xbox朋友看到您何时在Xbox One或Xbox 360控制台上在线以及最近玩过哪些Xbox控制台游戏。

Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page when you’re done to save your settings.


While Microsoft could add more sharing options to the Xbox app in a future update, we’re not holding our breath. Microsoft is trying to turn Xbox into gaming platform that encompasses Windows PCs as well as the Xbox One and Xbox 360, making it all part of Xbox.

尽管微软可以在未来的更新中向Xbox应用程序添加更多共享选项,但我们并没有屏息。 微软正试图将Xbox变成包含Windows PC以及Xbox One和Xbox 360的游戏平台,使其成为Xbox的一部分。



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