
When you’re buying a console game, you’ve got two options: you can buy it as a download through the PlayStation Store or Xbox Games Store depending on your platform, or as a physical disc from Amazon or a local retailer.

当您购买主机游戏时,有两种选择:您可以通过PlayStation Store或Xbox Games Store下载该软件,具体取决于您的平台,也可以作为实体光盘从Amazon或当地零售商那里购买。

There are pros and cons to both option, so let’s consider which one is right for you.


只要您的互联网正常,下载就更容易 (Downloading Is Easier…As Long As Your Internet Is Good)

If you’ve got a fast connection, downloading games from the online store is a lot simpler than going to a shop or ordering a copy from Amazon. With my moderately quick 10Mbit/s connection, a 40GB game takes a little under ten hours to download. That may be fine for some, and too slow for others. I just leave my PlayStation to download the game overnight; I’d rather do that than drive anywhere or deal with an Amazon delivery. If you want to play a game right now, though, maybe you’d prefer to head to a store, come home, and start playing.

如果连接速度很快,那么从网上商店下载游戏比去商店或从亚马逊订购副本要容易得多。 通过我的10Mbit / s的快速连接,一个40GB的游戏下载时间不到10个小时。 这对某些人可能很好,而对其他人来说太慢了。 我只是离开PlayStation一夜之间下载游戏; 我宁愿这样做,也不愿在任何地方开车或处理亚马逊送货。 但是,如果您想立即玩游戏,也许您想去商店,回家然后开始玩。

Also, if you have a cap on your data usage, keep an eye on it—those closer to their caps may prefer to buy discs as well.


Furthermore, for brand new games, you may end up playing it sooner if you download it. If you pre-order a game through the Xbox Games Store or PlayStation store, you’re able to “preload” it a few days in advance of the official release. This means the game is downloaded and ready to go as soon as midnight on the release day rolls around. While everyone looking for a disc is standing in line at midnight, you’ll be chilling on your couch playing the game already.

此外,对于全新游戏,如果您下载了它,则可能会更快地玩完它。 如果您通过Xbox游戏商店或PlayStation商店预购了游戏,则可以在正式发行前几天“预加载”游戏。 这意味着游戏将被下载,并在发布日的午夜到来时准备就绪。 当每个想要光盘的人都在午夜排队时,您已经在沙发上放松,开始玩游戏了。

从灾难中下载的游戏更安全 (Downloaded Games Are Safer from Disaster)

Discs can get scratched, lost, cracked, stolen, and any of a dozen other things that read like a list of disasters not covered by your car insurance. They’re fragile and expensive. If you lose a disc, you lose the ability to play that game. To offset this, some games stores have offer “disc insurance” for a few dollars, so if something bad happens to your game, they’ll replace it free of charge.

光盘可能会被划伤,丢失,破裂,被盗,以及其他许多类似的内容,例如汽车保险未涵盖的灾难清单。 它们脆弱且昂贵。 如果丢失了光盘,则会失去玩该游戏的能力。 为了弥补这一点,一些游戏商店提供了几美元的“光盘保险”,因此,如果您的游戏出现问题,他们将免费更换它。

With downloads, however, your games are totally safe, with or without insurance. They’re tied to your PlayStation Network or Xbox Live account. It doesn’t matter what happens to your console’s hard drive, you can always re-download your games.

但是,有了下载,无论有没有保险,您的游戏都是完全安全的。 它们与您的PlayStation网络或Xbox Live帐户绑定。 控制台硬盘驱动器发生什么都没有关系,您始终可以重新下载游戏。

您可以出售,交易和借出光盘 (You Can Sell, Trade and Lend Discs)

The biggest thing that physical discs still have going for them is the secondhand market. You can’t sell, trade in or lend a download; it’s yours forever and ever, whether you like it or not.

物理磁盘仍然具有的最大优势是二手市场。 您不能出售,交易或借出下载内容; 无论您喜不喜欢,它永远属于您。

When I was younger I used to rely a lot on secondhand games. I’d buy games new, then a few weeks later when I’d completed them, trade them in for another game. Sure, I never got quite as much as I’d paid back, but the difference was less than the cost of renting the game for three weeks. If there was nothing new out I’d wanted, I’d pick up a secondhand copy of an older game I’d missed, or wanted to replay. Even now, I’ll still check out the secondhand section whenever I’m in a game store.

在我小的时候,我过去经常依赖二手游戏。 我会购买新游戏,然后在几周后完成游戏,然后将其换成另一款游戏。 当然,我没有得到比付款还多的钱,但差额少于租用游戏三周的费用。 如果没有什么我想要的新东西,我会找一个我错过的旧游戏的二手副本,或者想重玩。 即使是现在,只要我在游戏商店中,我仍然会查看二手部分。

If you buy a downloadable game, you just don’t have the same options. You can’t trade it in a few weeks later and buy a new game with the proceeds, or pick up an old secondhand game for a couple of dollars. Although there are regularly sales through Sony and Microsoft’s online stores, the prices rarely reach the lows of the used market. You’re paying a premium to download.

如果您购买可下载的游戏,则没有相同的选择。 您不能在几周后进行交易,并用收益购买新游戏,也不能花几美元购买旧的二手游戏。 尽管通过索尼和微软的在线商店定期进行销售,但价格很少达到二手市场的低点。 您要付费下载。

Similarly, you can’t lend downloads to your friends. There are some complex workarounds bandied about online, but nothing as simple as just handing your friend a disc. With a physical game, you still get the pleasure of sharing games with other people.

同样,您不能将下载内容借给朋友。 在线上有一些复杂的解决方法,但是没有什么比给您的朋友一张光盘简单的了。 使用实体游戏,您仍然可以与他人共享游戏。

Personally, I download almost every game I buy. I miss the bargains of secondhand games and being able to share things with my friends, but downloads are just so much more convenient than physical discs. For most people, it’ll probably work out the same.

就个人而言,我几乎下载所有我购买的游戏。 我想念二手游戏的便宜货,并且可以与我的朋友分享东西,但是下载比物理光盘方便得多。 对于大多数人来说,它可能会达到相同的效果。

If, however, you really love secondhand bargains or your internet isn’t fast enough to quickly download games, physical discs might be the better choice. They’re on their way out, but they’re not irrelevant just yet.

但是,如果您真的很喜欢二手交易,或者您的互联网速度不足以快速下载游戏,那么物理光盘可能是更好的选择。 他们正要出路,但还不是无关紧要的。

Image Credits: PhotoAtelier/Flickr and Ryuta Ishimoto/Flickr.

图片来源: PhotoAtelier / Flickr和Ryuta Ishimoto / Flickr。




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