
When you shut down or sign out, Windows 10 remembers which applications you had open. It automatically launches them the next time you start your PC. You can disable this if you’d like to sign into a clean desktop.

关闭或注销时,Windows 10会记住您打开了哪些应用程序。 下次您启动PC时,它将自动启动它们。 如果您要登录到干净的桌面,可以禁用此功能。

如何阻止Windows 10重新打开应用程序 (How to Stop Windows 10 From Reopening Applications)

To change this setting, head to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Options.


Scroll down to the Privacy section and set the “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting up my device and reopen my apps after an update or restart” option to “Off.”


This feature was added with the Fall Creators Update. At one point, you could only avoid this behavior by shutting down your PC with a shutdown.exe command. The April 2018 Update added the graphical switch to disable this behavior.

秋季创作者更新中添加了此功能。 在某一时刻,您只能通过使用shutdown.exe命令关闭PC来避免此行为。 2018年4月更新添加了图形开关以禁用此行为。

如何阻止Windows重新打开文件夹 (How to Stop Windows From Reopening Folders)

If Windows automatically opens folders like your Documents or Downloads folder in File Explorer when you sign in, that’s controlled by a different setting.


To find it, launch File Explorer, click the “View” tab on the Ribbon and click the “Options” button.


On the View tab, scroll down and locate the “Restore previous folder windows at logon” option. Ensure it’s unchecked or Windows will reopen any folder windows when you sign into your PC.

在“查看”选项卡上,向下滚动并找到“在登录时还原以前的文件夹窗口”选项。 确保未选中它,否则当您登录PC时Windows将重新打开所有文件夹窗口。

This option is also present in Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Windows 7和Windows 8中也存在此选项。

如何禁用启动程序 (How to Disable Startup Programs)

If an application keeps launching at startup even when you disable these options, it’s likely a startup program that’s set automatically to launch every time you sign in. You can disable startup programs right from Windows 10’s Settings app.

如果即使禁用了这些选项,应用程序也始终在启动时启动,则可能是启动程序自动设置为在您每次登录时启动 。您可以直接从Windows 10的“设置”应用程序禁用启动程序 。

Head to Settings > Apps > Startup to manage your startup applications. Set an application to “Off” here and it won’t start when you sign into your PC.

前往“设置”>“应用程序”>“启动”来管理您的启动应用程序。 在此处将应用程序设置为“关”,并且当您登录PC时它不会启动。

Disabling some applications here will have consequences. For example, if you disable Dropbox, it won’t automatically synchronize your files until you launch it. If you disable a hardware utility that normally runs in your notification area or system tray, it can’t do its normal work in the background until you launch it.

在此禁用某些应用程序将导致后果。 例如,如果禁用Dropbox,它将在启动之前不会自动同步文件。 如果禁用了通常在通知区域或系统托盘中运行的硬件实用程序,则只有在启动该实用程序后,它才能在后台正常运行。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396884/how-to-stop-windows-10-from-reopening-your-previous-applications-after-restarting-your-pc/


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