
Windows 10 lets you use handwriting input in any application, and many applications include full support for inking. Windows automatically attempts to learn your unique handwriting style when you write with a pen, but you can also train it manually to improve the system’s handwriting recognition.

Windows 10允许您在任何应用程序中使用手写输入 ,并且许多应用程序都包括对墨迹的完全支持 。 当您用笔书写时,Windows会自动尝试学习您独特的笔迹样式,但是您也可以手动对其进行培训,以提高系统的笔迹识别度。

打开或关闭自动学习 (Turn Automatic Learning On or Off)

Automatic learning is enabled by default. To check whether it’s still enabled, , click the “Advanced settings” link at the left pane of the Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region > Language window. Under Personalization data, ensure the option is set to “Use automatic learning (recommended)” so the system automatically attempts to learn your handwriting.

默认情况下会启用自动学习。 要检查它是否仍处于启用状态,请单击“控制面板”>“时钟,语言和区域”>“语言”窗口左窗格中的“高级设置”链接。 在“个性化数据”下,确保将选项设置为“使用自动学习(推荐)”,以便系统自动尝试学习您的笔迹。

As this interface notes, all this data is stored on your PC and no information is sent to Microsoft when you use automatic learning. Windows won’t do as good a job of recognizing your handwriting if you select “Don’t use automatic learning and delete all previously collected data”.

如该界面所示,所有这些数据都存储在您的PC上,并且在您使用自动学习时不会将任何信息发送给Microsoft。 如果您选择“不要使用自动学习并删除所有以前收集的数据”,则Windows不能很好地识别您的笔迹。

训练Windows 10的手写识别 (Train Windows 10’s Handwriting Recognition)

This option is still available in the old Control Panel interface. To find it, head to Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region > Language. Click the “Options” button to the right of the language you use.

在旧的“控制面板”界面中,该选项仍然可用。 要找到它,请转到控制面板>时钟,语言和地区>语言。 单击您使用的语言右侧的“选项”按钮。

Click “Personalize handwriting recognition” under Handwriting to get started.


The Handwriting Personalization wizard will appear. You can select one of two options to improve your handwriting recognition here.

出现手写个性化向导。 您可以在此处选择两个选项之一来改善手写识别。

To fix issues with specific characters or words Windows isn’t recognizing properly, click “Target specific recognition errors”. For example, if Windows is having trouble telling the difference between the lowercase letter “l”, the uppercase letter “I”, and the number “1”, this tool can help. You’ll be able to provide samples of the specific characters and words to fix the problem. Select this option if you have a specific problem you want to fix.

要解决Windows无法正确识别的特定字符或单词的问题,请单击“定位特定的识别错误”。 例如,如果Windows无法分辨小写字母“ l”,大写字母“ I”和数字“ 1”之间的差异,则此工具可以提供帮助。 您将能够提供特定字符和单词的示例来解决此问题。 如果您要解决特定的问题,请选择此选项。

To improve handwriting recognition in general, click “Teach the recognizer your handwriting style”. Windows will show you with some sentences or sequences of characters and ask you to write them by hand to get samples of your writing. Select this option if you want to improve handwriting recognition in general.

要总体上提高手写识别能力,请单击“教识别器您的手写风格”。 Windows将为您显示一些句子或字符序列,并要求您手工书写以获取写作样本。 如果您想总体上改善手写识别,请选择此选项。

If you’re not sure which to start with, select “Teach the recognizer your handwriting style” and go through the various options. Select “Sentences” and Windows will ask you to write 50 different sentences.

如果不确定从哪开始,请选择“教识别器您的笔迹样式”,然后进行各种选择。 选择“句子”,Windows将要求您编写50个不同的句子。

You can also select “Numbers, symbols, and letters” to write numbers, symbols, and letters by hand so Windows understands what the various characters look like in your handwriting.


You don’t actually have to provide all the samples the tool requests. At any point, you can click “Save for later” and then click “Update and exit” to save your handwriting samples. But, the more samples you provide, the better Windows will be able to understand your handwriting.

实际上,您不必提供工具要求的所有样本。 您随时可以单击“保存以供以后使用”,然后单击“更新并退出”以保存您的笔迹样本。 但是,您提供的样本越多,Windows就能更好地理解您的笔迹。

If you experience problems later, come back to this tool and click “Target specific recognition errors”. Enter the character or word that Windows isn’t properly understanding and you can provide samples to help fix problems with recognizing specific problem words and characters.

如果以后遇到问题,请返回此工具并单击“目标特定的识别错误”。 输入Windows不能正确理解的字符或单词,您可以提供示例来帮助解决识别特定问题单词和字符的问题。

If you’re experiencing poor recognition even after going through this wizard, you may want to delete the samples you’ve provided and start from scratch. Click the “Delete handwriting samples that you provided for the current language” link at the bottom of the Handwriting Personalization window to erase all the samples you’ve provided.

如果即使通过此向导后仍无法识别,则可能要删除提供的示例并从头开始。 单击“手写个性化”窗口底部的“删除为当前语言提供的手写样本”链接,以擦除您提供的所有样本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/304962/how-to-improve-handwriting-recognition-on-your-windows-10-pc/


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