
  • 个人感受
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    • 2019年编程题目
    • 2020年
  • 面试提问
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    • 2018年
    • 2019
  • 2020复试经验
  • 英语口语考核
    • 口试内容与结构
    • 口试要求
    • 常用提问+回答
  • 总结









  1. 输出所有小于8的各种数的组合,例如2+2+2+2、4+4等,不能有重复(1+1+6和6+1+1算重复);
  2. 蜘蛛8条腿,蜻蜓6条腿2对翅膀,蝉4条腿1对翅膀,这里共18只昆虫,118条腿和20对翅膀,请输出各种昆虫的数量;
  3. 输入一个数n,输出这个数的分解质数形式,例如输入90,输出90=233*5;
  4. 输入N阶台阶,有一次2阶,一次3阶,一次1阶三种走法,输出N个台阶的所有走法;


  1. 用C语言打印菱形;
  2. 用快速排序法对一组数据进行由小到大排序,(数据略,考快排算法);
  3. 求两个数的最大公约数,分别用递归算法和非递归算法;
  4. 同2018(4);


谈一下个人经验吧,复试代码练习建议刷杭电oj,在线习题中第11页的题目(点击Online Exercise-Problem Archive),做完这一页中文题就差不多啦,考试经常能考到原题,刚开始比较简单,难度递增。






  1. 英语考核(必考):包括自我介绍、为什么选择杭电、未来的安排、翻译英语短文;
  2. 密码学:加密算法、慢启动;
  3. 数据结构:b树;
  4. 计网(必考):TCP、ARP、流量控制、时延;
  5. 操作系统:死锁银行家算法中断
    总结:老师一般根据个人陈述表问问题,问的难不难看心情 (○’ω’○) ,本科学过的科目看到啥问啥,不局限于上述学科。


  1. 英语考核:翻译英文摘要、自我介绍;
  2. 密码学:AES(e.g.AES的圈变换的四个部分:字节代替,行移位,列混合,圈密钥加)
  3. 离散数学;
  4. 数据库;
  5. 操作系统:同2018年;
  6. 数据结构:顺序表和链表的区别;
  7. 计网(必考);
  8. 离散数学:群的定义;








  1. 语言准确性(语法和用词的准确性、语法结构的复杂性、词汇的丰富程度、发音的准确性)
  2. 话语的长短和连贯性(内容的连贯性、寻找合适词语而造成的停顿频率及长短、表达思想的语言长短等)
  3. 语言的灵活性和适合性(语言表达是否灵活、自然,话语是否得体,语言能否与语境、动能和目的相适应)
  4. 评价成绩为:


  • what is your name?
    My name is xx, and my English name is many, just as its Chinese meaning.
  • Does your name have any special meaning?
    It’s hard to say , it is given by my father. But I think it means many expectations and hopes. And I think it is a good name. Because you can find it easily in hundreds of names in a long name list. Furthermore, you can memorize my name ad well as me .
  • Where were you come from?
    My hometown is xx, a small but beautiful city in xx province. I t famous for its rice and river crab.
  • Why do you choose to study in our university?
    I love the feeling in this university. It’s full of youthful spirit. And I am deeply attracted by the academic atmosphere.
  • What’s the climate like in your hometown?
    It’s said that there are tow winds in a year in xx, and each wind lasts for half a year.
  • Would you like to say something about your university?
    I graduated from xx University. It is a young school with a history of 10 years. And it is very beautiful, it nears the sea. You can got to the beach with twenty minutes by foot.
  • How are you benefited at you university?
    It possesses a refreshing and scholarly atmosphere, which could be sensed at your first step in the campus. Four years’ study in there made me an independent and optimistic boy. I appreciate the education my university gave me .
  • What is the most important skill you have acquire at college?
    Besides all the courses taken, I have also acquired another important skill at college which will benefit me all through my life. That is the way to communicate which others. I have learned the way of getting along with people around, be generous, be kind and always be ready to offer help.
  • What kind of personality do you think you have?
    I’d say I am a strong-minded person. Once I set a goal ,I will just persist on no matter what difficulties may be on the way . Of course , I do fail sometimes, but I never regard myself as a loser . I think no one is a loser as long as long as you have tried hard to play the game well.
  • How are you getting along with classmates or colleagues?
    I get along pretty well with my classmates . both in study and life , we offer each other all necessary help. If any of us gets in trouble, the others will try to help her out without a second thought.
  • What are your great strengths?
    High energy and the spirit of teem word . And I have always found myself on good terms with people I work with.
  • What are your great weaknesses?
    I am a bit careless. As a result, I may make a mistake sometimes. So I have to overcome it the future.
  • Could you tell me something about you family?
    There are three members in my family: my parents and me. My father is a expert in Petro China .He obtained a doctor’s degree six years ago, and graduate from China Geology University. My mother is a teacher in a college in my hometown.
  • Where do you prefer o live in, Beijing or you hometown?
    I prefer to live in Beijing for it’s not only the capital but also a cultural center. It has all those modern wonders that are not to be found in my hometown. Another reason is Beijing offers more opportunities for self-development. Life here is more exciting and colorful.
  • What is your biggest problem in learning English ?
    No doubt my biggest problem is speaking. I have the ideas sometimes, I know what to say in Chinese but don’t know how to say in English . Of course , I realize the reason is lack of practice. In the future, I will try to catch any possible chance to practice my oral English .As the old saying goes: Practice makes perfect.
  • Is English important to the study of your major?
    It is very important . Many good books and journals on my major are in English. So it is very important for me to be able to read English effectively.
  • Could you depict your general plans in the postgraduate study ?
    If luckily I got the chance to learn here, I will concentrate on the study and research in this filed. First I will work hard to learn the theoretical knowledge, constructing a solid base for my future work ; Second I would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor. I believe after two years of learning , my dream to be a competent talent will finally come true.
  • How do you like your major?
    I like it very much . I t is very useful. Now I am expecting to study it further to acquire adequate knowledge and hope one day I could become a CPA.
  • Do you enjoy traveling? Why ?.
    Yes , I enjoy it very much. I think traveling can improve your health as well as enrich your knowledge.
  • What are your spare time interests?
    I like playing basketball very much. Besides it , I also like singing , playing with guitar ,and talking to my friends through the internet.




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