{1}选项}1) Use -title “Window name” switch to explicitly set window title of new ConEmu instance. The example below starts new ConEmu window with title My server and ssh to your.server.com inside. Does not matter if you run another tab, or several tabs from task, the ConEmu window title remains My server. So you may rely on the title for selecting the window with class name VirtualConsoleClass.

选项2也有效。我必须(1)创建一个配置,(2)在ahk/pywinauto中硬编码哈希id。在我的例子中,仅仅使用窗口标题名称似乎是正确的做法,app id设置似乎有点过头了2) Windows 7 introduced AppUserModelID. ConEmu uses executable path name and some switches (like -config, -loadcfgfile, -quake) to create a hash to form AppID, which you may see in the About / SysInfo. Current version shows 1d5372066082f23b41ba6aa278e56e9d::163. The trailing ::163 depicts ConEmu internal protocol version which may (and most probably would) be changed in the future. The hash itself is expected to be unchanged. You may query the ID from running ConEmu process using Windows API function GetApplicationUserModelId.


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