
V1.0.0 – by Holden

Date : 2021-10-12


  • .速腾聚创16线激光雷达ros驱动安装与rviz点云展示说明
    • 1. 激光雷达硬件连接
      • 1.1 工具准备
      • 1.2 硬件连接
    • 2. 激光雷达参数配置
    • 3. ROS驱动安装&&参数配置
    • 4. rviz点云展示

1. 激光雷达硬件连接

1.1 工具准备

  • 准备一套速腾聚创16线激光雷达
  • 本文使用的PC系统是Ubuntu 1804系统,也使用Ubuntu 1604,Ubuntu 20.04;
  • 准备AC 220V电源或DC 12V;

1.2 硬件连接

[1] 如下图所示,将雷达一端的航插头接口与雷达电源盒子的航插头接口两个,对准红点接好;

[2] 接上电源,接上网线,一端接入到PC,一端接入到电源盒子,如下图;

[3] 设置PC Ubuntu1804静态IP,速腾聚创16线激光雷达出厂默认发送到192.168.1.102,在连接前可以通过wireshark抓包工具进行检测;


2. 激光雷达参数配置

​ 从以上数据流可以看出,雷达的IP是192.168.1.200,PC的静态IP是192.168.1.102,端口分别是6699、7788



3. ROS驱动安装&&参数配置

[1] 使用Git下载驱动:https://github.com/RoboSense-LiDAR/rslidar_sdk

git clone https://github.com/RoboSense-LiDAR/rslidar_sdk.git
cd rslidar_sdk
git submodule init
git submodule update

[2] 安装Pcap

sudo apt-get install -y  libpcap-dev

[3] 参数配置,打开config.yaml,安装提示配置;

common:msg_source: 1                                         #0: not use Lidar#1: packet message comes from online Lidar#2: packet message comes from ROS or ROS2#3: packet message comes from Pcap file#4: packet message comes from Protobuf-UDP#5: point cloud comes from Protobuf-UDPsend_packet_ros: true                                #true: Send packets through ROS or ROS2(Used to record packet)send_point_cloud_ros: true                            #true: Send point cloud through ROS or ROS2send_packet_proto: false                              #true: Send packets through Protobuf-UDPsend_point_cloud_proto: false                         #true: Send point cloud through Protobuf-UDPpcap_path: /media/holden/JIANQIN2/RS-Bpearl_v2_RoadTest_update-20200312/RS-Bpearl_TunnelTest_Data.pcap                 #The path of pcap filelidar:- driver:lidar_type: RS16            #LiDAR type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RS128, RS80, RSM1, RSHELIOSframe_id: /rslidar           #Frame id of messagemsop_port: 6699              #Msop port of lidardifop_port: 7788             #Difop port of lidarstart_angle: 0               #Start angle of point cloudend_angle: 360               #End angle of point cloud min_distance: 0.2            #Minimum distance of point cloudmax_distance: 200            #Maximum distance of point clouduse_lidar_clock: false       #True--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp#False-- Use the system clock as the timestamp  ros:ros_recv_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROSros_send_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROSros_send_point_cloud_topic: /rslidar_points      #Topic used to send point cloud through ROSproto:point_cloud_recv_port: 60021                     #Port number used for receiving point cloud point_cloud_send_port: 60021                     #Port number which the point cloud will be send tomsop_recv_port: 60022                            #Port number used for receiving lidar msop packetsmsop_send_port: 60022                            #Port number which the msop packets will be send to difop_recv_port: 60023                           #Port number used for receiving lidar difop packetsdifop_send_port: 60023                           #Port number which the difop packets will be send to point_cloud_send_ip:                   #Ip address which the point cloud will be send to packet_send_ip:                        #Ip address which the lidar packets will be send to

[4] 驱动直接编译

​ 按照如下指令即可编译运行程序。 直接编译也可以使用ROS相关功能(不包括ROS2),但需要在程序启动前手动启动roscore,启动后手动打开rviz才能看到可视化点云结果。

cd rslidar_sdk
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j4

4. rviz点云展示

​ 显示点云如下


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