
If you have been using the Ribbon in Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 for a while, you can probably find most of the commands that you need. It's those infrequently used commands that cause the problems. You knew where they were on the old menu bar, but where the heck are they on the Ribbon?

如果您在Excel 2007或Excel 2010中使用功能区已有一段时间,则可能会找到所需的大多数命令。 导致问题的是那些不常用的命令。 您知道它们在旧菜单栏中的位置,但是在功能区上它们到底在哪里?

The Office Labs people at Microsoft have taken pity on our poor, fumbling fingers, and come up with a solution – the Search Commands add-in. This free tool lets you type the name of a command, and magically find it. Think of all the time that you'll save!

微软公司的Office Labs员工怜悯我们那些笨拙的手指,并提出了一个解决方案-搜索命令插件。 这个免费的工具可让您键入命令的名称并神奇地找到它。 想想您将节省的所有时间!

For now, at least, the add-in is only available in English, and works in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. It requires Windows XP, or later, operating system.

至少目前,该加载项仅提供英语版本,并且可以在Word,Excel和PowerPoint中使用。 它需要Windows XP或更高版本的操作系统。

下载搜索命令加载项 (Download the Search Commands Add-In)

To install the Search Commands add-in, go to the download page on the  Microsoft site.


Optional - Click on the plus signs, to see


  • Details细节
  • System Requirements系统要求
  • Install Instructions安装说明

Then, click on the Download button, to get the file. Next, run the downloaded file, to install the add-in.

然后,单击“ 下载”按钮以获取文件。 接下来,运行下载的文件以安装外接程序。

搜索命令 (Search for Commands)

After you run the setup program, to install the add-in, a Search Commands tab automatically appears on the Ribbon.


  • In the Search box, at the left end of the Ribbon, type the name of the command that you want to use. For example, if you can't find the command to protect the worksheet, type "Protect" or "Protect Sheet".在功能区左端的“搜索”框中,键入要使用的命令的名称。 例如,如果找不到保护工作表的命令,请键入“保护”或“保护表”。
  • Click the magnifying glass symbol, to start the search单击放大镜符号,开始搜索
  • One or more commands that match your search term will appear in the search results section, to the right of the search box.与您的搜索词匹配的一个或多个命令将显示在搜索框右侧的搜索结果部分。

If there are several commands that match your search words, you might need to use the Previous and Next buttons to scroll through the list of commands.


For example, if you type "Protect", instead of "Protect Sheet", there are 16 commands found, shown on 2 pages.


使用搜索结果 (Use the Search Results)

If the search results include the command that you were looking for, just click on it, to run that command. Quick and easy!

如果搜索结果中包含您要查找的命令,请单击它以运行该命令。 快捷方便!

And to find out where that command lives on the Ribbon, point to the command, before you click it. The popup description shows the location of the command, by listing the Tab, command group, and command name.

要找出该命令在功能区上的位置,请在单击该命令之前将其指向。 弹出描述通过列出选项卡,命令组和命令名称来显示命令的位置。

It's funny – I didn't realize that the Protect Sheet command was also on the Home tab. I expected it to point to the command on the Review tab. It must look for the first instance of the command in the Ribbon tabs.

很好笑–我没有意识到“保护工作表”命令也位于“主页”选项卡上。 我希望它指向“审阅”选项卡上的命令。 它必须在功能区选项卡中查找命令的第一个实例。

Also, the location description doesn't mention that you have to click the Format command, to see the Protect Sheet command, so you might need to do a bit of searching, to find the exact location.


功能区中没有的命令 (Commands Not in the Ribbon)

Another nice feature of the Search Commands add-in is that it even finds some commands that aren't in the Ribbon.


For example, if you type Pivot, it shows the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard command.


改进空间 (Room for Improvement)

The Search Commands add-in is a work in progress, so it's not perfect yet.


  • It should have full descriptions of the location, as mentioned in the Protect Sheet example above.如上面的“保护工作表”示例中所述,它应具有位置的完整说明。
  • The Search Commands tab doesn't shrink, when you make the Excel window narrower, like other tabs do.当您像其他选项卡一样缩小Excel窗口的范围时,“搜索命令”选项卡不会缩小。
  • Include settings that are in the Excel Options window, like hiding zeros on the worksheet, or changing to R1C1 Reference Style.包括“ Excel选项”窗口中的设置,例如在工作表上隐藏零,或更改为R1C1参考样式。

What features would you like to see in the add-in?


自定义Excel功能区选项卡 (Customize Excel Ribbon Tab)

You can also customize the Excel Ribbon, by moving or removing the groups on a default Ribbon tab. In this video, see how to move groups on the Data tab, so the tools that are used most often are in the middle of the tab, and easier to reach.

您还可以通过移动或删除默认功能区选项卡上的组来自定义Excel功能区。 在此视频中,请查看如何在“数据”标签上移动组,以便最常使用的工具位于标签的中间,并且更易于访问。


相关文章 (Related Articles)

Excel Ribbon -- Getting Started


Excel Ribbon - Custom Tab


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2011/06/27/quickly-find-excel-ribbon-commands/




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